Demo 3
Demo 3
Demo 3
Grade 9- WANGFU
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature
and other text types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a
changing world; also, how to use the features of a full-length play, tense
consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect
speech to enable him/her competently performs in a full-length play.
B. Performance Standards
The learner competently performs in a full-length play through applying
effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the
following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Identify and use the active and passive voices of the verb in a sentence
correctly; (EN9G-IVa-22)
A. Topic: Active and Passive Voice of Verb
B. Reference/s: Module 4 – Holding on to a dream in a changing world
Pages 439-441 in the Book A journey through Anglo-
American Literature, English 9.
C. Materials: Printed Materials, chalk, illustration board and worksheets.
A. Preliminaries
Class Monitoring
B. Review
The teacher will ask the learners the following question and allow them
to create simple sentence:
1. What is a sentence?
2. What are the three basic parts of a sentence?
3. What is verb?
4. What do you call the verb with direct object?
5. How about the verb with no direct object?
Voice – is the quality of the verb that shows whether the subject is the doer or the
recipient of the action.
In the following sentences, note the form of the verb when the subject is the
doer of the action.
PASSIVE VOICE – is created when the subject is acted upon the verb.
- tells what is done to someone or something.
1. Activity
• The teacher will divide the class into four (4). Each group will choose five (5)
representative to do the work of their group in the activity.
• The representatives will form a vertical line.
• The teacher will give each group, five (5) sentences and they will identify if it is
active or passive voice.
• The last person at the back will be the one who will read the sentence and
whispery pass it to the next person up to the first person in the front and that
student will write their answer in the illustration board in the front. And if the
person who reads the sentence already know the answer, he/she could just tell
the answer directly to the next person up to the first person and directly write
the answer in the illustration board and raise their illustration as a sign that they
are done.
• Every correct answer is equivalent to three (3) points.
• The first group that could raise their illustration board with a correct answer will
earn extra two (2) points, a total of five (5) points.
• Wrong answer will earn one (1) point.
• Each group will be given extra five (5) points for cooperation.
• Every time the teacher will give new sentences, each group will change the one’s
who passed the sentence into another group member.
2. Analysis
1. What do you call the voice when the subject is the doer of the action?
2. What do you call the voice when the subject is the thing or the ones
who receives the action?
3. What is the importance of knowing the difference between the two
voices of verb on our daily communication?
The teacher will instruct the students to identify the voice of each
sentence, the subject the verb, the form of verb the doer and the thing or
person who receives the action.
Subject = team
Verb = block
Doer = team
Receiver = punt
Subject = handler
Verb = gave
Doer = handler
Receiver = commands
Subject = prize
Verb = given
Doer = not mentioned
Receiver = prize
Subject = house
Verb = built
Doer = father
Receiver = house
IV – Evaluation
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the answer.
1. 4.
The computer lab was used by the The plants were watered by the
Psychology class. housekeeper.
A. Active B. Passive A. Active B. Passive
2. 5.
Test 2 – Write at least two (2) sentences of active voice and two (2) sentences of
passive voice.
V. Assignment
Study in advance transforming active to passive voice and vice versa.