Intercultural Communication Icc (SLIDE F - KOH3361) : Universiti Putra Malaysia

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(SLIDE F – KOH3361)

Universiti Putra Malaysia


“A person who involves with ICC

is a member to a vast number
of groups. Understand them well,
and you will get almost anything
that what you want”.
Fundamental Aspects
in Any ICC Group

Group is functioning when each member…

 …knows another by name/ role
 …have a considerable amount of interactions
 …have some degree of influence
 …share some common goal, interest, etc.
 …recognized a leadership of a leader
Factors That Are
Influencing Any ICC Group

A. Cohesiveness(the degree to which a group

hangs together in a challenging environ’mt)
B. Norms (respects, formalities, routines)
C. Roles
(Isolate/ Facilitator/ Dominator/
Harmonizer/ Free-rider)
D. Conformity & Groupthink
Fundamental Aspects: Norms
Consider the following norms:
 Negative criticism of another person is unacceptable.
 Meetings are “strictly business.”
 First names are not to be used during meetings.
 The discussion of a single topic cannot exceed ten
Fundamental Aspects: Roles
Roles often played by members:
 Isolate: Sits & fails to participate
 Facilitator: Makes sure that everyone talks
 Dominator: Speaks too often & too long
 Harmoniser: Keeps tensions low
 Free-rider: Doesn’t do the share of the work
Meeting is
a Forums for Problem Solving
(not a place to chat, speech therapy, etc.)
 Options for Decision Making in ICC Meeting:
 Veto / Authoritative
 Consensus / Consultation
 Vote / Democracy
 Meditate (Japanese culture)
 (The Table of Aristotle – from 40 manuscripts)
Types of Group Conflicts in
any ICC Group Meetings
 False Conflicts (due to…)
 Comm problems – technological / language wise
 Inadequate infos. & Misunderstandings

 Easy Conflict
 Everyone is clear about the matter of the conflict

 Ego Conflict (egocentric being)

 The most difficult to resolve
 Argumentation is upon personal matters
Negotiation & Conflict in ICC


1.AUTHORITATIVE approaches
2.NEGOTIATIVE approaches
3.DIVERTIVE approaches
4.SPIRITUAL approaches
(1) Authoritative approaches

 A leader must sit or stand higher than the

rest – then only he speaks.
 If the leader also panic, someone must take
charge (with permission).
 Strict directive / order (Disobedience is fatal!)
 Informing the higher authority (polis, etc.)
 Get an assistance from the third party
(2) Negotiative approaches

Whom to Negotiate with?

 Group Leader (The Patron / Director)

 Group of Leaders (Board of Directors)

 Group Committees (Follow the ranks)

 Group members (Consensus)

 Only for non-emergency matters.
(3) Divertive approaches
Change the members’ thinking orientation:
 By injecting humors… (jika berbakat)

 By exercising… (sekadar perlu)

 By asking… (jgn keterlaluan)

 By gossiping… (elakkan yg sensitif)

 By telling a relevant story… (short only!)

(4) Spiritual approaches
 Reciting…
 Religious texts
 Singing…
 Patriotic songs
 Any motivational songs

 Shouting..
 Group motto
 Encouraging words: We can! Malaysia Boleh!
(and throughout your entire lives)
[1] Making Good Decisions in ICC
 Consider All Factors (CAF):
 Considering every single factors before

making any move.

 First Things First (FTF) :

 Acting in accordance and systematically.

(Eg: The ritual of dressing up... Bathing,

drying up, wearing under wears, then the
pants and shirt.
[2] Making Good Decisions in ICC
 Feit-Accompli:
 Making a personal move before discussing
with the superior. (Normally applied only
when deciding on small issues - e.g. buy
first and claim later).
 Steam-releaser:
 Letting a person releasing his tension.
(as long as he doesn’t bring any harm).
Normally, the person’s anger will cool off.
Other Approaches of
Making Good Decisions in ICC
 See-saw
 Tug-of-War
 Salami slicing
 Dateline pusher
 Silent treatment
 Win-Lose / Lose-Lose / Win-Win
 Golden hat – Religious, Culture, Customs, Rituals
 Six Thinking Hats (Edward de Bono):
 Red; Yellow; Blue; Green; Black; White
& Thank You

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