Chapter - 7: Diffraction
Chapter - 7: Diffraction
Chapter - 7: Diffraction
Chapter - 7
If the position of the screen is such that n full number of half period
zones can be constructed on the aperture, then the path difference,
Substituting the value of 2δ in equation (1), we get,
The point P will be of maximum or minimum intensity depending on
whether n is odd or even. If the source is at infinite distance (for an
incident plane wave front), then and
If n is odd, P will be bright point. The idea of focus at P does not mean
that it is always a bright point.
Fraunhofer diffraction at a circular aperture
In fig. AB is a circular aperture diameter d. C is the center of the
aperture and P is a point on the screen. CP is perpendicular to the screen.
The screen is perpendicular to the plane of the paper. A plane wave front
is incident on the circular aperture. The secondary wave travelling in the
direction CO comes to the focus at P. therefore, P corresponds to the
position of the central maximum. Here, all the secondary waves
emanating from points equidistant from O travel the same distance
before reaching P and hence they all reinforce one another. Now, let us
consider the secondary waves travelling in a direction inclined at an
angle θ with the direction CP. All these secondary waves meet at on the
screen. Let the distance be x .
The path difference between the secondary waves emanating from
points B and A is AD
From the ΔABD,
Now point will be of minimum intensity if this path difference is
equal to integral multiples of λ, i. e.,
Where x is the radius of the Airy’s disc. But actually, the radius of the
first dark ring is slightly more than that given by equation (5). According
to Airy, it is given by
The discussion on the intensity distribution of the bright and dark ring is
similar to the one given for a rectangular slit. With increase in diameter
of the aperture, the radius of the central bright ring decrease.
Plane diffraction grating
A diffraction grating is an extremely useful device and in one of its
forms it consists of a very large number of narrow slits side by side. The
slits are separated by opaque spaces. When a wave front is incident on a
grating surface, light is transmitted through the slits and obstructed by
the opaque portions. Such a grating is called a transmission grating. The
secondary waves from the positions of the slits interfere with one
another, similar to the interference of waves in Young’s experiment.
Joseph Fraunhofer used the first grating which consisted of a large
number of parallel fine wires stretched on a frame. Now grating are
prepared by ruling equidistant parallel lines on a glass surface. The lines
are drawn with a fine diamond point. The space in between any two lines
is transparent to light and the lined portion is opaque to light. Such
surfaces act as transmission gratings. If on the other hand the lines are
drawn with on a silvered surface ( plane or concave) then light is
reflected from the positions of the mirror in between any two lines and
such surfaces act as reflection grating.
If the spacing between the lines is of the order of the wavelength of
light, then an appreciable deviation of the light is produced. Gratings
used for the study of the visible region of spectrum contain 10000 lines
per cm. Gratings with originally ruled surfaces are only few. For
practical purposes, replicas of the original grating are prepared. On the
original grating surface a thin layer of collodion is removed from the
grating surface and then fixed between two glass plates.
This serve as a plane transmission grating. A large number of replicas
are prepared in this way from a single original ruled surface.
Theory of Plane Transmission Grating
In fig. XY is the grating surface and MN is the screen both
perpendicular to the plane of the paper. The slits are parallel to one
another and perpendicular to the plane of the paper.
Here AB is the slit and BC is an opaque portion. The width of each
slit is a and the opaque spacing between any two consecutive slit is b.
Let a plane wave front be incident on the grating surface. Then all the
secondary waves travelling in the same directions as that of the incident
light will come to focus at the point P on the screen. The screen is placed
at the focal plane of the collecting lens. The point P where all the
secondary wave reinforce one another corresponds to the position of the
central bright maximum.
Dividing (2) by (1)
Expanding this equation ,we get
For small values of d ;Cos d =1 and Sin d = d
In equation (4) d refers to half the angular width of the principle
maxima. The half width d is (i) inversely proportional to N , the total
numbers of lines and (ii) inversely proportional to . The value of is more
for higher orders because the increase in the value of is less than the
increase of the order. Thus the half width of the principle maximum is
for higher order. Also the larger the number of lines of grating surface,
the smaller is less the value d. Further the value is higher for longer
wavelengths and hence the spectral lines are sharper towards the violet
than the red end of the spectrum.
Dispersive power of grating
Dispersive of a grating is defined as the ratio of the difference in the
angle of diffraction of any two neighbouring spectral lines to the
difference in wavelength between the two spectral lines. It can also be
defined as the difference in the angle of diffraction per unit change in
wavelength. The diffraction of the order principle maximum for a
wavelength λ ,is given by the equation
Differentiating this equation with respect to and , we get
From equation (1) it is clear that the dispersive power of the grating (i)
directly proportional to the order of the spectrum, n (ii) directly
proportional to the number of lines per cm, and (iii) inversely
proportional to . Thus the angular spacing of any two spectral lines is
double in the second order spectrum than that is the 1st order. Secondly,
the angular dispersion of the line is more with a grating having a large
number of lines per cm. Thirdly, the angular dispersion is a minimum
when If the value of is not large, the value of can be taken as unity and
the influence of this factor can be neglected.
Then it is clear that the angular dispersion of any two spectral lines is
directly proportional to the difference in wavelength of the spectral lines.
A spectrum of this type is called normal dispersion.
If the linear spacing of two spectral lines of wavelength λ and is in
the focal plane of the telescope objective or photographic plate, then
Phy-2111(ZTN) Topics: 1.
Diffraction by a circular aperture.
2. Fraunhofer diffraction at a
circular aperture. 3. Plane
diffraction grating. 4. Theory of
plane transmission grating. 5.
Dispersive power of grating. 6.
Resolving power.