Eye Scanning Ophthalmology PowerPoint Template
Eye Scanning Ophthalmology PowerPoint Template
Eye Scanning Ophthalmology PowerPoint Template
▪ Pear shaped bony cavity
• Zygomatic Bone
• Greater wing of the sphenoid
• Zygomatic Bone
• Maxillary Bone
• Palatine Bone
Orbital Apex
• Entry portal for nerves and vessels to the eye
• Site of Origin of EOMS (except IO)
• Optic Foramen
• Opening of the optic canal to the orbit
• Transmits the optic nerve, ophthalmic artery and
sympathetic nerves
Arterial Supply: Ophthalmic Artery
▪ Central retinal artery (2/3 Inner Retina)
▪ Lacrimal artery (Lacrimal gland, upper eyelid)
▪ Muscular branches (EOMS)
▪ Long Post. Ciliary arteries (Ciliary body)
▪ Short Post. Ciliary arteries (Choroid & ON)
▪ Medial palpebral artery (Eyelids)
▪ Palpebral: lines the posterior surface of the
eyelid adherent to tarsus
▪ Bulbar: covers the eyeball
• Opaque, porcelain white
• Hydration contributes to its opaque nature
• Ensheathes eye from corneal limbus to the
dural sheath of the optic nerve
• Thinnest (0.3mm) just behind insertions of
rectus muscles, thickest (1.0mm) at
posterior pole around optic nerve head
• Provides strong structural framework to
support the inner eye; can withstand
expansive force of IOP
• Highly specialized avascular tissue to refract and transmit light
• Unique architecture and deturgescence accounts for corneal transparency
• Mechanical barrier and biologic defense system
• Adult size: horizontal 11-12 mm vertical 9-11 mm
• Thickness increases with age
• Optical properties:
– Transparency
– Smoothness of surface
– Contour
– Refractive index
• Air-tear interface at the surface of the
cornea forms a positive lens approx 43 diopters (D)
A – Anterior Epithelium
B – Bowman’s membrane
C – Corneal stroma
D – Descemet’s membrane
E – Endothelium
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