Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
18th Edition
Motivation Concepts
Chapter Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
– Describe the three elements of motivation.
– Compare the early theories of motivation.
– Contrast the elements of self-determination theory and goal-setting
– Understand the differences among self-efficacy theory,
reinforcement theory, and expectancy theory.
– Describe the forms of organizational justice, including distributive
justice, procedural justice, informational justice, and interactional
– Identify the implications of employee job engagement for
– Describe how the contemporary theories of motivation complement
one another.
Defining Motivation
The processes that account for an individual’s
intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward
attaining a goal – specifically, an organizational goal.
Early Theories of Motivation
These early theories may not be valid, but they do form
the basis for contemporary theories and are still used by
practicing managers.
1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
There is a hierarchy of five needs. As each need is substantially
satisfied, the next need becomes dominant.
Assumptions Self-Actualization
Higher Order Esteem
– Individuals cannot
move to the next
Internal higher level until
Social all needs at the
current (lower)
Lower Order Safety level are satisfied
External Physiological
– Must move in
hierarchical order
See E X H I B I T 7-1
2. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Two distinct views of human beings: Theory X
(basically negative) and Theory Y (positive).
– Managers used a set of assumptions based on their
– The assumptions molded their behavior toward
Theory X
employees Theory Y
• Workers have little • Workers are self-
ambition directed
• Dislike work • Enjoy work
• Avoid • Accept
responsibility responsibility
No empirical evidence to support this theory.
3. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
A theory that relates intrinsic factors to job satisfaction and associates
extrinsic factors with dissatisfaction. Also called motivation-hygiene theory.
See E X H I B I T 7-2
Two-Factor Theory
Two-Factor Theory
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
1. Goal-Setting Theory
– Management by Objectives (MBO)
Self-Efficacy Theory
– Also known as Social Cognitive Theory or Social Learning
1. Reinforcement Theory
2. Equity Theory
3. Expectancy Theory
Implementation of Goal-Setting: Management by Objectives
MBO is a systematic way to utilize goal-setting.
Goals must be:
– Tangible
– Verifiable
– Measurable
Corporate goals are broken down into smaller,
more specific goals at each level of organization.
Four common ingredients to MBO programs:
– Goal specificity
– Participative decision making
– Explicit time period
– Performance feedback
See E X H I B I T 7-3
Adams’ Equity Theory
Employees compare their ratios of outcomes-to-inputs
of relevant others.
– When ratios are equal: state of equity exists – there is no
tension as the situation is considered fair
– When ratios are unequal: tension exists due to
• Underrewarded states cause anger
• Overrewarded states cause guilt
– Tension motivates people to act to bring their situation into
See E X H I B I T 7-5
Equity Theory
Reactions to Inequity
Employee behaviors to create equity:
– Change inputs (slack off)
– Change outcomes (increase output)
– Distort/change perceptions of self
– Distort/change perceptions of others
– Choose a different referent person
– Leave the field (quit the job)
Propositions relating to inequitable pay:
– Paid by time:
• Overrewarded employees produce more
• Underrewarded employees produce less with low quality
– Paid by quality:
• Overrewarded employees give higher quality
• Underrewarded employees make more of low quality
Justice and Equity Theory
Organizational justice
An overall perception of what is fair in the
workplace, composed of distributive,
procedural, informational, and interpersonal
Justice and Equity Theory
Justice and Equity Theory
Interactional justice
• Informational justice
• Interpersonal Justice
Informational justice
The degree to which employees are provided
truthful explanations for decisions.
Interpersonal Justice
The degree to which employees are treated with dignity
and respect.
Integrating Contemporary Motivation Theories
Based on Expectancy Theory
See E X H I B I T 7-9
Global Implications
Motivation theories are often culture-bound.
– Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
• Order of needs is not universal
– McClelland’s three needs theory
• nAch presupposes a willingness to accept risk and
concerns – not universal traits
– Adams’ equity theory
• A desire for equity is not universal
• “Each according to his need” – socialist/former communists
Desire for interesting work seems to be universal.
– There is some evidence that the intrinsic factors of
Herzberg’s two-factor theory may be universal