L5 Organizational and Personal Values
L5 Organizational and Personal Values
L5 Organizational and Personal Values
a) Literal meaning of value
a)Importance/ significance
c)Individuals attitude
d)Individuals driving force
• Q2. What actually decides the value
3) Ancestors /parents/upbringing (environment ) are the major source
of value formation
4) Dishonesty is a value
• 5) Values changes with time
• 6) Values and Moral Principles are same
Alignment of personal and organizational values
Impact in case of :
a)Personal values align with organizational values
b)Personal values does not align with organizational values
Your turn to be a manager
Q. Being a manager of a company , what values would you develop ?
Common organizational values
Values of TATA group
• Core values:
• Tata has always been a values-driven organisation. These values continue to direct the growth and business of Tata companies.
• The five core Tata values underpinning the way we do business are:
• Integrity
• We will be fair, honest, transparent and ethical in our conduct; everything we do must stand the test of public scrutiny.
• Responsibility
• We will integrate environmental and social principles in our businesses, ensuring that what comes from the people goes back to
the people many times over.
• Excellence
• We will be passionate about achieving the highest standards of quality, always promoting meritocracy.
• Pioneering
• We will be bold and agile, courageously taking on challenges, using deep customer insight to develop innovative solutions.
• Unity
• We will invest in our people and partners, enable continuous learning, and build caring and collaborative relationships based on
trust and mutual respect.
System demands you to accept bribe, you being an honest person is
not comfortable with such practice. What would be your behavior in
this situation ?
Attitudinal Trends
Interest and capability of employees for learning new skills to face
challenges of change, flexibility to adjust to changed environment have
significant impact on organizational work environment. Do you think
the attitude of employees has changed in past few years in context of
the above mentioned factors. ?
Discussion through questions
• How attitude has been affected due to following
a) Positive b) Negative c) Both
• 2. Change in compensation structure
a) Positive b) Negative c) Both
• 3. Out sourcing
a) Positive b) Negative c) Both
• Globalization
a) Positive b) Negative c) Both
• Flexi time policy
a) Positive b) Negative c) Both
• Work from home
a) Positive b) Negative c) Both