Inside The Complex Are: Srividhya S
Inside The Complex Are: Srividhya S
Inside The Complex Are: Srividhya S
By stacking concrete “boxes” in
STRUCTURE variant geometrical
Habitat 67 was constructed configurations, Safdie was able
from 354 identical and to break the traditional form of
completely prefabricated orthogonal high rises, locating
modules (referred to as each box a step back from its
The Apartment complex is
“boxes”) stacked in various immediate neighbor.
made of prefabricated blocks
combinations and connected assembled around three
by steel cables. building service cores.An
apartment can be constitutes of
one or two prefabricated
The prefabrication process of blocks ,depending on their
the 90-ton boxes took place on- size. Structure Material
site. The basic modular shape :Precast concrete, Foundation
was molded in a reinforced System :Pile foundation,
steel cage, which measured 38 This ingenious method provided Façade Material :Aggregate,
x 17 feet. Once cured, the each apartment with a roof
Façade System :Exposed
concrete box was transferred to garden, a constant flow of fresh Structure .
an assembly line for the air and a maximum of natural
insertion of electrical and light: qualities which were
mechanical systems, as well as unprecedented for a twelve story
insulation and windows. To apartment complex. Habitat 67
finalize the production, thus pioneered the integration of
modular kitchens and two housing typologies—the
bathrooms were installed, and suburban garden home and the
finally a crane lifted each unit economical high-rise apartment
its designated position building.
CONSTRUCTION The weight of the boxes
SYSTEM varies from 70 to 90 tons at
The construction system
the time of lifting. Pre
consists of large precast
casting and plant con-ditions
concrete, three-dimensional
provide for a good surface
modular units. These box-
finish for exterior exposure.
like elements measure 17 ft.
The interior of the units is
6 in. x 38 ft. 6 in. x 10 ft.
lined with insulation and
high. They are precast in
wall finish. The majority of In grouping the units, gardens are
steel molds, using 5000-
the components ( bathrooms, formed on the roofs of the units
psiconcrete, and steam
kitchens, etc.) are pre-made below, with the large ones
cured. Following the casting, measuring 17 x 36 ft. All houses
and installed as complete
these modular units are taken
units into the box before the have atleast one garden, and the
to a finishing area where all larger houses have two gardens.
roof is connected.
components, fixtures and
finishes are installed in an
assembly-line method.
The modular units are load
Kitchens, bathrooms,
bearing. They are erected one on
window frames, insulation,
top of the other, carrying the
etc. are all installed into the
major part of the load through
box unit, which is then ready
walls and piers. Further structural
for erection. The finished
support is given by the horizontal
unit is brought to the crane
streets . These streets are 10 ft.
site at which time it is lifted
high and contain mechanical
into position.
services within them and
pedestrian circulation on top of
A portion of the loads is transmitted them.
from the boxes to these streets, then
horizontally to the vertical elevators
and stair cores which transmit them to
the ground.
Concrete was used for the modular unit because it could act as
a structure to enclose space, furnish exterior surface, and it is
fireproof. Steel structures would require fireproofing. The
alternative of constructing a large frame and inserting non-
structural modular units was rejected on the grounds that it
resulted in a redundant structure.