Strength Training and Endurance
Strength Training and Endurance
Strength Training and Endurance
Endurance:staying healthy
and fit during this pandemic
For 3rd of ESO
▪ Muscle mass. As we age, we lose muscle mass. Strength training can help you
maintain and fight against the loss of muscle mass.
▪ Osteoporosis. Strength training can help prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone
mass and bone strength.
▪ Arthritis. Strength training can reduce pain and disability associated with arthritis
and slow or reverse bone mass loss in arthritis.
▪ Heart disease. Strength training can decrease the risk of heart disease by
improving cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. It also decreases the stress
placed on the heart when lifting or moving objects.
▪ Overweight/obesity. Strength training can help to lower body fat levels or improve
body composition. It can also help us maintain muscle mass during weight-loss
Benefits from Strength Training &
▪ Since you will be training for your muscle strength and endurance, a
meal plan along with your training will be a great balance; being fit
with the calories that your body needs and being healthy with the
nutritional value that you feed to your body
▪ These are suggested choices for meals that you may eat during a day.
The good are your best choices, the sad are those you should limit
but may indulge in from time to time, and the ugly are those you
should refrain from eating or pay the price!
Sample meal plan
▪ The Good – pasta, breads, fresh fruits ▪ The Good – raw vegetables,
and vegetables, non-creamy sauces and fresh fruit, dried fruits, low fat
soups, potatoes, rice, salads, waffles,
pancakes, juices, water, Powerade crackers, low fat muffins, toast,
juices, low fat cottage cheese
▪ The Sad – creamy sauces and soups,
chicken, fish, red meats, non-meat, ▪ The Sad – popcorn (no butter),
pizzas, cheeses, coffee or caffeinated
drinks, ice cream pretzels, yogurt dip
▪ The Ugly – deep-fried or pan fried ▪ The Ugly – potato chips
foods, oils, butter preserved meats, peanuts, nachos, dips
hard liquor
Proper Hygiene pre & post training