Chromatography Pharmacy
Chromatography Pharmacy
Chromatography Pharmacy
• In their original paper, Martin and Synge also pointed out that a gas
stream could replace the flowing liquid. In 1947,
• Glueckauf mentioned the possibility of determining adsorption isotherms
from the breakthrough curves of gas-solid chromatography.
• Not much work was done in the field of chromatography until 1952 when
James and Martin [48] reported their work on gas liquid chromatography.
This was the beginning of a rapid development of both gas liquid and
gas-solid forms of the technique. Within the next years, chromatography
became a powerful method in analytical, physicochemical, and
preparative applications
• James and Phillips were the first who used the chromatographic method
to measure gas-solid adsorption isotherms.
Fantastic advances in
chromatography over 35 years
Components • Quantify
Mobile Phase:
The Phase that travels through the column
(gas or liquid) – transport sample through
the column.
Stationary Phase:
Immiscible solid or liquid phase that fixed
in place in the column or on a solid support
– retain analytes within the column.
Band or Zone:
-Area across which analyte is distributed on
-Zones of different analytes gradually
separate as bands progress down column
Sample Mobile
Schematic diagram showing the separation of compounds
A and B. and the output of the detector response at
various stages of elution
1- Liquid chromatography:
mobile phase is a liquid. (LLC, LSC).
2- Gas chromatography :
mobile phase is a gas. (GSC, GLC).
Classification according to the packing
of the stationary phase:
1- Thin layer chromatography (TLC):
the stationary phase is a thin layer supported
on glass, plastic or aluminium plates.
1- Adsorption chromatography.
2- Partition chromatography.
3- Ion exchange chromatography.
4- Gel filtration chromatography.
5- Affinity chromatography.
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Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
With a pencil, etch two small notches into the adsorbent about
2 cm from the bottom of the plate.
The notches must be farther from the bottom of the plate than
the depth of the solvent in the jar.
When the plates are removed from the chamber, quickly trace
the solvent front (the highest solvent level on the plate) with
a pencil.
Identifying the Spots (visualization)
If the spots can be seen, outline them with
a pencil.
The sample is applied on one corner of a TLC and after development with
the first solvent, the TLC is dried , rotated 90o and developed in the
second direction.
Ascending development
Descending development