The document contains a table listing various ISU tables related to billing, invoicing, profiles, formulas and interfaces. The tables include those for billing documents, lines, schemas, master data, payment lots, rates, interfaces, profiles and formulas. Key fields are identified for many of the tables to link them together for various billing, invoicing and reconciliation processes.
The document contains a table listing various ISU tables related to billing, invoicing, profiles, formulas and interfaces. The tables include those for billing documents, lines, schemas, master data, payment lots, rates, interfaces, profiles and formulas. Key fields are identified for many of the tables to link them together for various billing, invoicing and reconciliation processes.
The document contains a table listing various ISU tables related to billing, invoicing, profiles, formulas and interfaces. The tables include those for billing documents, lines, schemas, master data, payment lots, rates, interfaces, profiles and formulas. Key fields are identified for many of the tables to link them together for various billing, invoicing and reconciliation processes.
The document contains a table listing various ISU tables related to billing, invoicing, profiles, formulas and interfaces. The tables include those for billing documents, lines, schemas, master data, payment lots, rates, interfaces, profiles and formulas. Key fields are identified for many of the tables to link them together for various billing, invoicing and reconciliation processes.
ERTPIFACE ERCHO ERCHC DBERCHZ( MASTER DATA RFACE INP ERCH COMP Outsorting Invoicing / 1-8) ESCHS ESCH RTP RTP DFKKZP Billing doc RTP DFKKZK for reversal Billing doc Billing Billing interface interface Payment lot header interface Payment lots billing doc history lines schema schema input data BELNR BELNR BELNR BELNR RTPCOMP component RTPCOMP steps header SCHEMAN ETRF RTPINTERF RTPINTERF parameters RTPINTERF EEDMFOR EFORMULA KEYZ1 KEYZ1 OUTCNSOL OPBEL GPARTNER BELZEILE SCHEMANR EEDMFOR R Rates ACE ACE ACE MPAR INST FIKEY POSZA VKONT TARIFNR TARIFNR FORMULA PROFILE MHEAD ERDO Formula Formula OPBEL ERDK VERTRAG TARIFTYP EADZ PROFROLE Formulas Outsorting EKDI parameters instances Print doc EPREI Multiple inst. FORMULA FORMULA FORMULA DFKKZF for DBERDLB Rate facts RTPINTERF PARNUMBE INSTANCE_ DFKKSUM header billing Payment lot, invoices Billing doc – ACE R N... EFORMUL C OPBEL OPBEL TARIFNR TARIFNR data: EFORMULA reconciliaton print doc line A Control OUTCNSOL DBERDL OPERAND ETTA LOGIKZW registers INSTPMO/I key ref. ERTFND EPROFASS EPROFHEA TRIGKMP/T KEYZ1 details for ERDB BILLDOC Print doc Rate Profiles– DFKKRAPT BILLDOCLI ETTAF Rate Registers - D MP FIKEY posting totals FIKEY CA lines category EASTI formula INSTANCE_ inst. Clearing / PRINTDOC NE Rate determinatio profiles Profiles Formula INSTANCE_ document for BELZEILE Register N... reversal LINE TE221 category n PROFILE PROFILE PROFILENR triggers N... print PRINTDOC OPBEL TARIFNR relationships DFKKRF history lines Operands facts PROFROLE EPROFVER EPROFVER document OPBEL AUGBL TARIFTYP TARIFTYP TARIFTYP LOGIKZW EPROFASS Returns lot, DFKKSUM LOGIKZW SHEAD SHEAD INVOPBEL OPBEL OPERAND OPERAND TARIFART INDEXNR ROLE reconciliaton Posting totals Profile Profile STBLG FKK_INSTP Roles for key version version FIKEY FIKEY FKK_INSTP LN_HIST EASTS EUILZW profile PROFVERS PROFVERS EPREIH EPREI ETDZ header values KEYR1 LN_HEAD Installment Installation Register allocation PROFROLE NO NO Price history Prices header Registers PROFILE Installment plan ETTIF / - register - PoD EPROFVAL plan history OPBEL EPREI EPREI ETTIFN LOGIKZW LOGIKZW LOGIKZW DFKKRK ZWNUMME xx EPROFVAL DFKKRP header RPNUM RPNUM / ETTIFB TARIFART INT_UI Returns lot DFKKKO TE069 R Profile STAT Returns lot Installation BIS EQUNR CA DFKKOPK DFKKOP DFKKOPW Rate types values in Profile value FIKEY data facts OPERAND ANLAGE document CA CA CA xx min status KEYR1 KEYR1 TARIFART TARIFART EZWG PROFILE PROFILE header document document document intervals POSRA FIKEY ANLAGE Register STAT G/L items items rep. items OPBEL OPBEL OPBEL OPBEL OPBEL BIS EZUZ group EEDMSETT EEDMSETT OPUPK OPUPK WHGRP Dev alloc for ZWGRUPPE L ZWNUMME LDOC FKKMAKO FKKMAZE OPUPW OPUPW EOUTL_AS register EGERH DOCRUN EOUTL_CO R Settlement Dunning Dunning OPUPZ SIGN LOGIKZW Historical Settlement EDM SETTLEMENT N document history items Outline LOGIKNR2 device data EGERS doc run SETTLDOC SETTLDOC DFKKMOP DFKKMOP Outline SETTLDOC SETTLPRO LAUFD LAUFD DFKKMKO DFKKMOP contract ZWGRUPPE Master K W EOUTL_CO contracts EOUTL_CO RUN SETTLDOC CESS LAUFI LAUFI Sample CA Sample CA assignment EQUNR device data Sample CA Sample CA N N SEL.. EEDMSETT EEDMSETT OPBEL document document VERTRAG EASTL LOGIKNR EQUNR document document EEDMSETT LDOC LDOC header items Installation DFKKCOLL OPBEL G/L items OPBEL OPBEL rep. items OPBEL EABP LPROC VARH VARI OPUPK - device EGERR H DFKKCOLL OPUPK WHGRP Budget EQUI Settlement Header Selection OPUPW OPUPW LOGIKNR Device Info SETTLDOC Collectiion Collectiion billing plan Equipment procedure SETTLPRO selection variant OPUPZ BIS for PoD INT_UI SEL.. history OPBEL CESS variant SETTLDOC LOW OPBEL OPBEL TARIFART EQUNR EQUNR VERTRAG SEL.. HIGH INKGP INKGP EEIN/EAUS EEINV/EAU ANLAGE LOGIKNR PM EEDMSETT CS Move in/out SV EANLH ETYP GERAET L EEDM DFKKCRP DFKKCRH TFK050B doc. Move in/out Installation Device MATNR EUILNR UNITPOD SETTLUNIT Creditworthi Creditworthi EVER Collectiion for contr. doc. time slice category Device POD of Settlement ness ness EIN/AUSZB EIN/AUSZB Contract EANL agencies FI-CA account for contract TARIFTYP / material - PoD Settle. unit SETTLUNIT unit positions header ELEG ELEG Installation SETTLUNIT INKGP GPART GPART VKONT VERTRAG VERTRAG BIS MATNR data INT_UI DEVICE INT_UI SETTLCOO KJAHR KJAHR ANLAGE ANLAGE ANLAGE LOGIKNR MANAGEMENT SETTLTRA RD DFKKLOCK FKKVKP SCHEDULING EEDMUISE FKKVK VKONTO VSTELLE ABLEINH SETTLSUPP NSCO EKUN S Contract TTLUNIT Contract TE418 EZUG LIER IS-U Business account for Allocation of ESERVPRO account ETRG TE422 Schedule Device alloc Business locks partner PODs VP VKONT VKONT VKONT Billing Meter records for Partner data EVBS INT_UI to Settl. unit Service PARTNER GPART GPART TECHNICAL orders reading units Meter device Premise SETTLUNIT provider EHAUISU MASTER DATA ABLEINH TERMSCHL reading units TERMSCHL LOGIKNR BUT050 SERVICEID /vendor BUT000 BCONT Connection VSTELLE PORTION PORTION LOGIKNR2 ESERVICE Business GPART Business Business object HAUS ANLAGE PoD - Partner TE417 TE420 Partner Contact HAUS TE419 Service ESERVPRO relationships EABLG Schedule Portions RELNR PARTNER PARTNER EUIINSTLN Parameter V EABL Meter records EUIHEAD VERTRAG PARTNER1 BCONT Installation - TERMSCHL records Service BUSINESS MASTER DATA Meter reading for portions PoDs INT_UI PARTNER2 PoD TERMSCHL PARASATZ TERMSCHL provider reading reasons SERVICEID SERVICEID RELTYP ANLAGE INT_UI INT_UI BUT0BK document SERVICE SERVICE ABLBELNR ABLBELNR ANLAGE EUITRANS Business BUT100 PoD Internal partner Business EDISCOBJ EDISCDOC CUSTOMER to external TECDE bank details PM Partner roles PARTNER ILOA EGPLTX Disconnectio Disconnectio SERVICE IDs Services INT_UI PARTNER BANKS PM object IFLOT Device n object n object EXT_UI SERVICE RLTYP BANKL loc. Functional locations DISCNO DISCNO EDIDC EDEXTASK EDEXTASK BANKN ADRNR location DEVLOC DISCOBJ IDOC EUIGRID WKFLOW IDOC TPLNR TPLNR ANLAGE headers BUT020 Allocation of Work items IDOCs for ILOAN ILOAN DOCNUM Business PoDs for data data ADRCITYK ADRCITYM Partner ADRC ADRCITYC EADRCITY to grid exchange DEXTASKI exchange DEXTASKI ON RU INT_UI address Addresses ADRCITY CS GRID tasks DEXTASK tasks DEXTASKI EDID4 PARTNER Franchise Meter GRID_ID ADDRNUM ADDRNUM Cities Division data Grids to WFLFDNR EDEXTASK DOC IDOC data contracts reading units BER BER for cities cities EGRIDL EGRID EDEXTASK REF COUNTRY COUNTRY for cities COUNTRY COUNTRY for cities COUNTRY COUNTRY DOCNUM CITY_COD CITY_COD CITY_COD CITY_COD CITY_COD CITY_COD Grid levels Grids EGRIDPOD Data Data E CITYP_COD E E E E E POD of grid exchange exchange ABLEINH GRID_ID GRID_ID GRID_ID STREET_C E tasks DEXTASKI task DEXTASKI EIDESWTD GRID_ID ODE D reference DEXTASKR D OC ADRSTRTK ADRSTRTM EGRIDVL INT_UI INT_UI ADRCITYP ADRSTRTC EFVAL Switch ADRPSTCO ADRSTREE ON RU Voltage level DEXPROC EIDESWTD RT CS EADRSTRT EDEXPROC EDEXBASI SWITCHDO document DE T Franchise Meter of Grids EGRIDH OCSTEP Postal Division data GRID Data CPROC C Postal codes Streets contracts reading units GRID_ID Distributor - Switch POD districts for streets Grids to exchange Data COUNTRY COUNTRY COUNTRY for streets COUNTRY COUNTRY for streets COUNTRY SPEBENE Grid document POST_COD POST_COD STRT_COD STRT_COD STRT_COD STRT_COD streets STRT_COD processes exchange SWITCHDO GRID_ID DEXPROC steps E E CITY_COD E CITY_COD E E E E DISTRIBUT DEXBASIC basic DEXBASIC C ABLEINH GRID_ID STEPKEY E CITYP_COD E CITYP_COD OR PROC processes PROC E E Application data Customizing data tables Key fields Non Key fields