Transaction Code Description of Transaction IS-U: Scheduling

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The document describes various transaction codes used in an utility billing system.

Some of the main transaction codes described are for scheduling (E1DY, E2DY, E3DY), meter reading (EL01, EL06, EL09), and billing (EA00, EA05, EA20).

The document discusses areas related to utility billing like scheduling, meter reading, billing, rates, schemas, discounts/surcharges.

Transaction Code Description of Transaction

IS-U: Scheduling
E1DY Create/Rep. Dynamic Schedule Records
E2DY Change/Display Dyn. Schedule Records
E3DY Delete Dynamic Schedule Records
E40A Display Sched. Recs
E40B Change Sched. Recs
E41A Display Portion
E41B Create Portion
E41C Change Portion
E41D List of Sched. Master Recs
E41E Delete Portion
E41F Display MR Units
E41G Change MR Unit
E41H Create Meter Reading Unit
E41I Delete MR Unit
E41J Maint. Portion
E41L List of MRUs Alloc. to Main MRU
E42A Display Parameter Recs
E42B Create Parameter Recs
E42C Change Parameter Recs
E42D List of Parameter Recs
E42F Delete Parameter Rec
E43A Generate Sched. Recs for Rec Types
E43B Generate SRs of all MRUs of Portion
E43C List of Sched. Recs
E43D List of all MRUs of a Portion
E43E Activate Meter Reading Units
E4DY Delete Dynamic Schedule Records
EA43 Generate SRs of a Record Type
EA44 Delete Sched. Recs
EA44M Mass Deletion of Schedule Records

IS-U Master Data

ES20 Create Contract
ES21 Chg. Contract
ES22 Display Contract
ES30 Create Installation
ES31 Change Installation
ES32 Display Installation
ES55 Create Connect. Object
ES56 Change Connect. Object
ES57 Display Connect. Object
ES60 Create Premise
ES61 Change Premise
ES62 Display Premise
ES64 Change Connection Object
ES65 Create Device Loc.
ES66 Change Device Loc.
ES67 Display Device Loc.
IS-U: Device Management
EG01 Create Device Category
EG02 Change Device Category
EG03 Display Device Category
EG04 Create Register Group
EG05 Change Register Group
EG06 Display Register Group
EG07 Create Input/Output Group
EG08 Change Input/Output Group
EG09 Display Input/Output Group

IS-U: Installation,
EG30 Full Replacement
EG31 Full Installation
EG32 Full Removal
EG33 Technical Installation
EG34 Billing-Related Installation
EG35 Billing-Related Removal
EG36 Technical Removal
EG41 Change device info record
EG42 Device modification
EG43 Display device info record
EG44 Create device info record
EG50 Inst./Removal/Repl.: Reversal
EG51 Installation Reversal
EG52 Reverse Technical Replacement
EG53 Reverse Technical Removal
EG70 Maintain Rate Data
EG71 Display Rate Data
EG72 Maintain Device Allocation
EG73 Display Device Allocation
EG75 Create Register Relationships
EG76 Change Register Relationships
EG77 Display Register Relationships

IS-U: Meter Reading Order Creation

EL01 Execute Order Creation
EL06 Execute Mass Order Creation
EL09 Execute Order Creation
EL16 Execute Order Output
EL18 Execute Estimation
EL27 Correction of Implausible Results
EL28 Single Entry
EL29 Correction of Plausible Results
EL37 Reverse Meter Reading Order Creation
EL56 Change Periodic Consumption
EL57 Display period consumption

IS-U: Meter Reading Data Entry

EL27_MRUNIT Correct Implausible MRs for MR Unit
EL30 Estimate Meter Reading Results
EL31 Manual Monitoring
EL42 Display Meter Reading Units
EL43 Device Overview
EL70 List of Implausible MR Results

IS-U: Billing
EA00 Test Billing of a Contract
EA05 Display and Release Outsortings
EA20 Reverse Billing Document
EA22 Display Billing Document
EA30 Create Rate
EA31 Change Rate
EA32 Display Rate
EA35 Create Schema
EA36 Change Schema
EA37 Display Schema
EA38 Mass Activity: Billing
EA39 Mass Activity: Billing Simulation
EA47 Crt. Discount/Surcharge
EA48 Chg.Discount/Surcharge
EA49 Displ.Discount/Surcharge
EA50 Create Operand
EA51 Change Operand
EA52 Display Operand
EA53 Create Rate Cat.
EA54 Chg. Rate Cat.
EA55 Display Rate Cat.
EA56 Maint. Rate Type
EA70 Create Billing Cal. Value
EA71 Change Billing Cal. Value
EA72 Display Billing Cal. Value
EA73 Create Gas Procedure
EA74 Change Gas Proced.
EA75 Display Gas Procedure
EA76 Create Cal. Value Proced.
EA77 Change Calorific Value Procedure
EA78 Display Cal. Value Proced.
EA79 Create Vol. Corr. Fact. Proc.
EA80 Change Vol. Corr. Fact.Proc.
EA81 Display Vol. Corr. Fact. Proc.
EA87 Rate Determination
EA88 Maintain Variant
EA89 Create Price
EA90 Change Price
EA91 Display Price
EA92 Maintain Price Adjustment Clause
EABI Billing/Invoicing log display
EABICO Bill Correction
EALZ Logical Register Numbers
EAMABI Mass Billing
EAMASI Mass Billing Simulation
EARELINVOICE Release Billing in Background
EASIBI Create Individual Bill
EA_DOWNLOAD Download Billing Master Data
EA_TRANSPORT Complete Transport of Master Data
EA_UPLOAD Upload Billing Master Data
EB10 Create Billing Calorific Value
EB11 Change Billing Calorific Value
EB12 Display Billing Calorific Value
EEIS1 Output Unbilled Contracts

IS-U: Invoicing
EA04 Maintain Specifs for PayMeth.Determ.
EA07 Maintain Partial Bill Specifications
EA08 Maint. Defaults for Inv. Reversal
EA09 Maintain Invoicing Defaults
EA10 Document Invoicing
EA10_COLL Create collective bill
EA11 Budget Billing Invoicing
EA12 Request Budget Billing Amounts
EA13 Print/Billing Document Reversal
EA14 Print/Billing Document Reversal
EA15 Reversal of Invoicing Documents
EA19 Create Bill (Individual Creation)
EA25 Create Partial Bill (Individual)
EA26 Mass Processing: Create Bill
EA27 Mass Processing: Create Partial Bill
EA28 Mass Process.: Request BB Amounts
EA29 Mass Processing: Bill Printout
EA33 Mass Processing: Bill Reversal
EA34 Mass Processing: Full Reversal
EA45 Create Consumption and Partial Bill
EA46 Create Consumption and Partial Bill
EA57 Create Budget Billing Change Doc.
EA58 Mass Activity: Coll. Bill Printout

IS-U: Bill Printout

EA40 Display Print Document
EA59 Print Collective Bill (Old)
EA60 Print Invoicing Document
EA64 Print collective bill
EACOLLREV Select Reversed Documents (SR)

IS-U- Customer Service

EBAA Connection object overview
EC25 IS-U navigator
EC30 Maintain rate data
EC31 Display Rate Data
EC85 Create Disc. Doc.
EC86 Change Disc. Doc.
EC87 Display Disc. Doc.
ECENV_BP Data environ. for business partner
ECENV_CO Data environ. for connection object
ECENV_DV Data environment for device
EL59 Mass Change Meter Reading Units
EL59P Define Parameter Group

IS-U: Move-In/Out
EC50 Create Move-In Doc.
EC50E Create Move-In Document
EC51 Change Move-In Document
EC51E Change Move-In Document
EC52 Display Move-In Doc.
EC52E Display Move-In Document
EC53 Reverse Move-In Documnt
EC53E Reverse Move-In Document
EC55 Create Move-Out Doc.
EC55E Move-Out
EC56 Chg. Move-Out Doc.
EC56E Change Move-Out
EC57 Display Move-Out Doc.
EC57E Display Move-Out
EC58 Reverse Move-Out Doc.
EC58E Reverse Move-Out
EC60 Initial Processing: Move-In/Out

IS-U: Fast Entry for Move-In/Move-out

EC70 Accel.Entry: Move-In / Out / In/Out

Contract Accts Receivable and Payable -

FP03EC Submit Items for Internal Collection
FPDM00 Display Dispute Cases
FPDM01 Create Coll. Cases after Dunn. Run
FQDM0 Posting Area 3000
FQDM1 Posting Area 3001
FQDM2 Posting Area 3002
FPAR2 FI-CA Correspondence Archiving
FPCC0026 Balance Notification Account Creatn
FPCC0029 Create Business Partner Statement
FPCC0034 Generate Write-Off Notification
FPCODU Correspondence Dunning
FPCODUH Correspondence Dunning History
FPCOPARA Correspondence Printing
FQB1 Correspondence Data Fields
FQB2 Correspondence Data Fields
FQB4 FI-CA Corresp. - Application Forms

Contract Account in FI-CA

CAA1 Create Contract Account
CAA2 Change Contract Account
CAA3 Display Contract Account
Contract A/R & A/P: Security Deposits
FPD1 Security Deposit Statistics Report
FPD2 Overview of Security Deposits
FPRL Release Cash Security Deposit
FPSEC1 Create Security Deposit
FPSEC2 Change Security Deposit
FPSEC3 Display Security Deposit
FQSEC Security Deposit: Special Parameters

Contract A/R & A/P: Central Objects

FICAAOLA Master Data Tab
FKLOCK2 Set Processing Locks
FP03 Submission to External Coll. Agency
FP03D Submit Receivables to Coll. Agency
FP03DM Mass Act.: Submission to Coll.Agency
FP03DML Logs of Submissions for Collection
FP03E Release of Items for Collection
FP03F Read Collection Agency File
FP03H History of Collection Items
FP03L List of Collection Items
FP03M Mass Run: Release for Collection
FP03R Display Repayment Request
FP03U Call Back Receivables fm Coll.Agency
FP04 Write Off
FP04H Display Write-Off History
FP04M Mass Run: Write-Off
FP05 Process Payment Lot
FP06 Account Maintenance
FP07 Reset Clearing
FP08 Reverse Document
FP08M Mass Reversal
FP09 Returns
FP09ALV Returns Lot Overview
FP22 Mass Reversal of Documents
FP25 Process Check Lot
FP30C Find Clarification Cases
FP31 Find Payment (fromm Payment Run)
FP35 Process Credit Card Lot
FP40 Transfer
FP70 Returns Lot: Incorrect Bank Data
FPAROB1 FI-CA Official Doc. Number Archive
FPB0 Post Payment
FPB1 Document Transfer
FPCJ Cash Journal
FPCPL Clarification Processing: Pmnt Lot
FPDUTL Dunning Telephone List
FPE1 Post Document
FPE2 Change Document
FPE3 Display Document
FPE4 Display Document Changes
FPF1 Create Reconciliation Key
FPF2 Change Reconciliation Key
FPF3 Display Reconciliation Key
FPG0 Maintain Alternative Posting Data
FPG1 Transfer Posting Totals to G/L
FPG2 Reconcile with General Ledger
FPG3 Transfer to CO-PA
FPG4 Close Reconcil. Keys Automatically
FPG5 FI-CA Docs to FI-GL Docs
FPG7 Check CO-PA Documents
FPI1 FI-CA: Calc. Interest Individually
FPI2 FI-CA: Interest on Cash Sec. Deposit
FPI3 FI-CA: Overdue Interest Inst.Plan
FPI4 FI-CA: Display Interest Calculation
FPINTHDEL Delete Interest History
FPINTM1 Interest Run
FPINTM2 Cash Security Dep. Interest Run
FPL9 Display Account Balance
FPM3 Display Dunning History
FPM4 Display Returns History
FPMA Automatic clearing
FPP1 Create Contract Partner
FPP2 Change Contract Partner
FPP3 Display Contract Partner
FPP4 Maintain Payment Data
FPPARDEL Delete Parameter Records
FPPARHID Hide Parameter Records
FPPARMV Move Parameter Records
FPPCBP PCARD: Business partner with cards
FPR1 Create Installment Plan
FPR2 Change installment plan
FPR3 Display installment plan
FPRD Installment Plan Printing
FPREPT Receipt Management
FPREPTM Mass Receipt Printing
FPRH Display Installment Plan Histories
FPT5 Display documents for reconcil. key
FPVA Dunning Proposal
FPVB Dunning Activity Run
FPVC Mass Reversal of Dunning Notices
FPVT Transfer Dunning Telephone List
FPVT1 Entries in Dunning Telephone List
FPY1 Payment Run / Debit Memo Run
FQMASS Mass Activities

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