Hellenistic Philosophy: Stoicism, Epicureanism, Hedonism, and Cynicism

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Hellenistic Philosophy

Stoicism, Epicureanism, Hedonism,

and Cynicism
Hellenistic Age
• After Aristotle, Greece underwent cultural and
political turmoil.
• The Peloponnesian war eventually started,
and after the death of Alexander the Great (a
student of Aristotle), Greece was under the
influence of the Roman Empire.
• Schools of philosophy then focused into the
inquiry of the Self, rather than of nature.
• Epicurus of Samos was once a student of
Democritus, but then later founded his own
school in Athens called The Garden
• Unlike in other schools, women and even
slaves were allowed in The Garden, where
they would live in seclusion, away from the
busy city-state of Athens.
• Epicurus was best known for his pursuit of
tranquillity or the “good life” by vanquishing
our fear of death.
• So how do we do it? Epicurus used his former
teacher Democritus’ atomist theory to explain.
Recap of the Atomic Theory
• According to Democritus, all things are
comprised of atoms and void.
• The atoms move around the void (which is
empty space), and some of them collide or
even merge with each other.
• But how did they start moving in the first
place? Was there no first mover?
Epicurean Atomism
• Epicurus said that atoms are weighted, thus,
they naturally move downward.
• In order to explain how atoms have collided
with each other, there was the “swerve”. At
random times, some atoms would move in
other directions.
• This was a preliminary to DETERMINISM and
Epicurean Atomism
• Spirits, like any other thing, are also made up
of atoms, though only smaller and subtler.
Gods exist according to Epicurus, and they too
are made up of atoms but they are located
someplace that dissolution of atoms is
possible. Thus, Gods have nothing to do with
human beings. It is a waste of time, and belief
in such is mere superstition.
• “Death is nothing to us. When we exist, death is
not; and when death exists, we are not. All
sensation and consciousness ends with death and
therefore in death there is neither pleasure nor
pain. The fear of death arises from the belief that
in death, there is awareness.”
• Death is nothing more than the dissolution of
atoms. There is no pain, no nothing in death. Why
fear it then?
• He was interested in physics that were
intertwined with ethics. He was an empiricist,
placing emphasis on the importance of sense-
experience, and rejected rational products
such as mathematics, of which he deemed
useless in the advent of living.
• Truth, to Epicurus, is actually attainable!
• Sense-perception, the basis of all knowledge,
is never wrong; only when there is an error in
judgment can we say that what we sense is
• You cannot reject every information that the
senses tell you; you will have no reference
Epicurean Ethics
• Pleasure for Epicurus, is the be-all and end-all
of man. Pleasure is sought by all, since
everyone can feel pleasure.
• The absence of pain is also pleasure, and this
is what must be sought after, rather than
heightened positive feelings.
• Pleasure should not be a short, temporary
thing. It should last a lifetime.
• Kinetic Pleasure is what • Static pleasure on the
most people think of other hand, is tranquil
when they hear the state of not having to
word pleasure. satisfy our desires.
• Eating samgyupsal • After eating samgyup,
when you’re not even you’re not hungry; you
that hungry, is a form of feel normal – this is
kinetic pleasure. static pleasure.
• When you are experiencing static pleasure,
there is no need to heighten it using kinetic
• Pleasure in itself is not bad, but there might
be problems on what causes such pleasure.
• Pain is also sometimes important, but only to
the point where it will be beneficial, or in this
case, pleasurable afterwards
• Epicurean happiness then, is a life
filled with pleasure brought
about by simplicity, temperance,
and moderation.

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