Constitution Vocab
Delegated Powers
Powers the Constitution grants or delegates
to the national government.
Expressed Powers
Are those powers directly expressed or stated
in the Constitution by the Founders.
◦ Most of these are found in the first three articles.
Make war
Collect taxes
Raise an Army and Navy
Enumerated Powers
Another term for expressed powers
Implied Powers
Those powers that the national government
requires to carry out the powers that are
expressly defined in the Constitution.
◦ The power to draft those into the armed forces
Inherent Powers
Those powers that the national government
may exercise simply because it is a
◦ The control of immigration
◦ Establish diplomatic relations with other countries
State Power
Federalist Number 45:
◦ James Madison’s argument for limited powers to
the national government.
Reserved Powers
The powers reserved strictly for the states.
◦ Grants to the states those powers “not delegated to
the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the states.”
Regulation of public school systems
Elastic Clause
Also known as the necessary and proper
◦ Correlates to implied powers as it allows congress
to stretch its authority.
“Congress shall have power…to make all Laws which
shall be necessary and proper for carrying into
Execution the Foregoing powers, and all other powers
vested…in the Government of the United States…”
Concurrent Powers
Powers that both national government and
states have.
Standards and Objectives
Standard Number: 1.0 Culture
Standard: Culture encompasses similarities and
differences among people, including their beliefs,
knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will
explore these elements of society to develop an
appreciation of and respect for the variety of human
Standard Number: 4.0 Governance and Civics
Standard: Governance establishes structures of power and
authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic
efficacy requires understanding rights and
responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens
within their community, nation, and world.
4.6 Understand the concept of federalism.
Students will understand why the concept of
◦ Elastic Clause
Federal and State Powers Handout
PowerPoint on Types of Federalism
Supremacy Clause
What happens when states exceed their
reserved powers and pass laws that conflict
with national laws? Which law is supreme?
◦ This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States
which shall be made in Pursuance thereof, and all
treaties made…under the Authority of the United
States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and
the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby.”
No state law or constitution may conflict with any form
of national law
Guarantees to the States
Republican Form of Government
◦ (Allowing senators and representatives to have a
seat in Washington)
◦ Protection
◦ Territorial Integrity
a. Categorical Grant: A grant for a specific
project which must be approved and reviewed
by the federal government.
b. Block Grant: A grant for a general function