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• The state of being related to the people in your
• A feeling of being close or connected to other
 Consanguineal or Lineal kinship

• A kin by blood
• If one can trace his descent(ancestor) through both paternal and
maternal ancestors, he can learn of his bilateral descent, if only
one lineage (either paternal or maternal) is traceable, one can
only draw his unilateral descent.
 Unilateral descent

Subclassified into three

Patrilineal descent- father’s lineage
Matrilineal descent- mother’s lineage
Ambilineal descent- consider both paternal and maternal
depending on the situation
 Affinal Kinship

The bond between a husband and wife.

It is caused by marriage
It also may pertain to the relationship made not only by the
husband and wife but also their families. Ex. Balae, bayaw,
hipag, etc.
 marriage

• A legal foundation of family that exists in all cultures.

• It is a legal contract between two people committing
themselves in a permanent affinal kinship.
 endogamy

A marriage between members of the same group or

category of people.
Ex. A marriage of Filipino and Filipina
 exogamy

Marriage of two people coming fron different groups

or categories.
Ex. A marriage of Filipina and Australian
 monogamy

It is a marriage that involved two people only

 bigamy

This is marriage of a man with two women

 polygamy

If the man marries more than two woman

o Divorce, annulment and legal separation

• Divorce is a court decree that terminates or dissolves a

• Annulment nullifies marriage completely as if it has
never existed.
Grounds of annulment

1. Bigamy- Either party was already married to another person at the time of marriage.
2. Forced consent- one of the married couple was forced or threatened into marriage.
3. Fraud- one of the married couple agreed to the marriage through the lies or
misrepresentation of the other.
4. Marriage prohibited by law- incestuous marriage
5. Mental illness- one or both spouses were mentally ill or emotionally disturbed at
the time of the marriage.
6. Mental incapacity- one or both spouses were under the influence of alcohol or
drugs at the time of marriage.
7. Inability to consummate marriage- either one of the spouses was impotent or
physically incapable of having sexual relations during the marriage.
8. Underage marriage- either spouse is minor at the time of marriage or was too
young to enter a marriage without parental consent or court approval.
• Legal separation- unlike divorce and annulment, legally separated
husband and wife cannot remarry. A court can affect a legal separation
on certain grounds. Like an attempt of life, repeated physical violence
by one spouse against another, infidelity, or abandonment.
• If a husband and wife separated on their own arrangement without the
sanction of the court is called de facto searation
 Fictive or collateral kinship

• Based on neither consanguineal and nor affinal ties

• May occur in several instances, such as adoption or
religious ritual.

• It is the first group and network that an individual acquires in his lifetime.

• It is a universal institution in a society however it varies in culture.

Schaefer (2009)

• Schaefer(2009) described the family as a set of people connected by blood, marriage, and

• The members of the family share a responsibility for the production and reproduction of
the members of a society.
• According to Schaefer the major functions of a family are the ff:

1. To provide place to rear children

2. To provide a sense of belonging among its members
3. To create the identity of an individual
4. To transmit culture to the next generation

• What many people conceive as the idea of family is the family nucleus.

• According to UN a family nucleus may be one of the ff:

1. 1. A married couple without children
2. 2. A married couple with one or more unmarried children
3. 3. A father with one or more unmarried children
4. 4. A mother with one or more unmarried children
1. Nuclear Family

• If only one family nucleus lives in a residence.

2. Extended family

• Composed of two or more blood related family nuclei.

• The family has a matrifocal structure if they involve women like female
grandparent, female parent, or female children. On the other hand,
patrifocal structure focuses on men.
• An extended family can subdivided into two types:

• A vertically extended family- pertains to a family which consist of three

generations(grandparents, parents, and children)

• A horizontally extended family is composed of two or more family nuclei,

of whom the oldest parents, children, and cousins living in the same
3. Constituted family

• - Also known as blended family.

• - It is a constitution of two adults who have children from previous relationships.


• Household

• - A term used by census bureaus to refer to the set of

individuals , related or unrelated by blood, whose share a
common residence.
4 classification of households

• 1. Single individual lives in solitude

• 2. Nuclear consist of a single family nucleus
• 3. Extended
• 4. Composite
• Single households

• - An individual lives in solitude.

• Nuclear households

• - Single family nucleus.

• Extended household

• UN defines this as households consisting of the ff;

• 1. A single family nucleus and other persons related to the nucleus. Example a father
with children and other relative or a married couple with other relative.
• 2. Two or more family nuclei related to each other without any other persons. Example,
two or More married couples with children only
• 3. Two or more family nuclei related to each other plus other persons related to at least
one of the nuclei. Example, two or more married couples with their relatives only
• 4. Two or more persons related to each other, none of whom constitutes a family
• It is also may apply to roommates sharing a house or an apartment.
The most complicated type of household is called composite household. It consists of the ff:
• 1. A single family nucleus plus other persons, some of whom are related to each
nucleus and some of whom are not. Example, mother with children and other relatives
and nonrelatives.
• 2. A single family nucleus plus other persons, none of whom is related to the nucleus.
Example, father with children and nonrelatives.
• 3. Two or more family nuclei related to each other plus other persons
The Filipino family in the context of globalization
and modernation
Different kinds of political groups

• 1. Band

- Small groups of self-sufficient hunters.More or less 100 persons

• 2. Tribes

• - Similar to bands in termz of population, but possess social, legal, political, moral and religious beliefs.

• 3. Chiefdoms

• - Composed of different tribes or villages which are alliance with one another under one political leader or the chief.

• 4. States

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