Narrative Text - Hermawan

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Well students Good

morning meet again with

Ms yustina and Mr Wawan
To day we will talk about new
Narrative text.
Adalah teks yang menceritakan sesuatu
yang imajinatif,atau khayalan belaka
dengan tujuan untuk menghibur pembaca.
The purpose of narrative text is to entaian
or amuse the reader.
Generic srtucture of text narrative :
1. Orientation : Set the scene and intoduces
the characters.
2. Complication : Provide problems faced by
the characters.
3. Resolution : States how the problems are
resolved, for better or worse.
4. Re-Orientation (optional) concludes the
Coda (optional)
Signifacant Lexicogramatical Features :
Focus on specific and usually
individualised participant.
Use of Material Processes (and in the text
Behaviour and Verbal Processes.)
Use of Relational Processes and Mental
Use of temporal conjuctions and temporal
Use of past tense.
Ciri –ciri umum.
Tujuan komunikatif Teks untuk menghibur
pendengar atau pembaca (yang bertalian
dengan pengalaman nyata,khayal atau
peristiwa pelik yang mengarah ke suatu
krisis, yang pada akhirnya menemukan
suatu penyelesaian).
Struktur Teks:
Pengenalan tikoh,waktu,dan tempat.
Pengembangan konflik.
Penyelesaian konflik.
Koda: perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh
dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari
Ciri-ciriKebahasaan menggunakan:
Nouns tertentu sebagai kata ganti
orang,hewan,dan benda tertentu dalam
cerita, misalnya,
Time connectives dan conjuction untuk
mengurutkan kejadian-kejadian, misalnya
then, before that, soon dsb.
Adverb and Adverbial phrases untuk
menunjukan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa,
misalnya here, in the mountain, happily
ever after, dsb.
Action verbs dalam past tense misalnya
stayed, climbed, dsb.
Saying verbs yang menandai ucapan
seperti : said, told,promised, dsb.
Thiking verbs yang menandai
pikiran,persepsi,atau perasaan, tokoh
dalam cerita, misalnya thought,understood,
felt, dsb.
Features of a Narrative
Constuction a Narrative.The steps for
constructing a narrative text are :
An orientation (can be paragraph,a picture or
opening chapter) in which the narrator tells
the audience about who in the story, is taking
place and where the action is happening.
A complication that sets off a chain of events
that I
nfluence what will happen in the story.
A sequence of events where the character
react in the complication.
A resolution in which the characters finally
sort out the complication.
A coda that provides a comment or moral
based on what has been learned from the
story (an optional step).
Language features of a narrative are:
Specific characters
Time words that connect events to tell
when they occur.
Verbs to show the action that occur in the
Descriptive words to portray the
characters and setting.
Ok students I think enough thank you for
your attention see you later and good luck

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