FINAL Structure of Plants

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Plants live in different types of habitats.
There are plants that grow on land. We
call them the terrestrial plants. Other
plants also grow in water. These are
called as aquatic plants. There are also
plants that cling or hang above the tress.
These kinds of plants are called as the
aerial plants.
A plant may be terrestrial, aerial or
aquatic. Whatever they may be,
they have special parts or
specialized structures that will
make them adapt better to the kind
of habitat where they grow.
Plants grow everywhere. You are most
familiar with plants that grow in your
community and those that are planted by
the farmers. Majority of plants grow
directly on soil, but there are some that
grow on rocks. Plants have different
specialized structures that will make
them to grow in such conditions.
Plants have three basic
parts, the leaves, stem
and roots. Others bear
flowers while others do
•Plants that grow on land are
called terrestrial plants. Some
terrestrial plants are small, others
are big. There are plants with big
trunks (woody stem) while others
have soft stem.
There are plants that
need plenty of water to
grow, while others need
very little water in order
to survive.
•Terrestrial plants grow in
different places. There are plants
that grow directly on soil while
others grow on rocks. Other
plants cling to a fence. Some climb
up a tree.
All plants have roots,
stem and leaves.
Many also have
flowers which will
develop into seeds.
There are plants that have adapted
to growing in aquatic environment.
We call these kinds of plants as
aquatic plants. They have special
structures that enable them to live
in marine or freshwater
Aquatic habitats are different
from terrestrial habitats. There
is limited supply of oxygen in
aquatic systems. For this
reason, aquatic plants need
specialized structures to adapt
to this kind of habitat.
Aquatic plants are plants that have
adapted to living within aquatic
environments. They are also referred
to as hydrophytes. These plants
require special adaptations for living
submerged in water or at the water’s
Aquatic plants can only
grow in water or in soil
that is permanently
saturated with water.
The leaves, stem and roots of
aquatic plants grow
underwater. In some, the
leaves float on water. Their
flowers are raised above the
water surface.
Aquatic plants have specialized
structures that allow them to live
under the water. Others have
specialized structures to make
them float on the surface of
of Terrestrial and
Aquatic Plants
Specialized structures are important
to plants in order to adapt to their
environment. Plants growing in
different places are exposed to
varied conditions. Their structures
are suited to what they need in that
place in order to survive.
1. Forest trees grow tall and
sturdy to get sunlight.
2. Cactuses have large thick
stem to store water.
Thorns and hairs are some of
the specialized structures of
plants. Not all plants have
thorns and hairs. Thorns and
hairs protect the plants from
1. Thorns in the stem or a rose
2. Hairy stems and leaves of
squash plant.
Shapes, sizes and nature of the leaves.

1.Banana leaves are big and wide to trap more energy
from the sun.
2.Cactuses have tiny leaves to reduce evaporation
of water.
3.Gabi leaves have waxy surface that serves as
protection from dehydration due to exposure to
4. Leaves of cogon and talahib
have sharp leaf blades.
5. The leaves of water lily are
wide, thick and buoyant
leaves that help them to float.
6. Lotus leaves are flat and
broad helping them float.
7. Leaf stalks of hyacinths
have air-filled tissues to
make it float.
Stems of many plants have different specialized
1.Thick stems of desert plants like cactuses
(succulents) serve as special structure to store
2.Green stems of small plants allow
Roots of the plants adapt to their
1. Trees have long roots that go deep
into the ground to support the tree.
1.Hanging roots of orchids
to absorb water from the
2.The hyacinths have long
roots so that they can reach
the soil under the water.
1.Terrestrial plants grow on land .
Which set of plants does not
belong to the group ?.
a. lilies and lotus
b. grass and trees
c. banana and herbal plants
d. bamboo and coconut.
2. Which of these plants are
a. bougainvillea
b. gumamela
c. lotus
d. santan
3. Which is not true about plants ?
a.They need water,air and sunlight
b. All have roots,stem and leaves.
c. All parts are God’s creation.
d. They are all terrestrial.
4. Which plant has a stem
full of thorns?
a.santan b. gumamela
c. rose d. sampaguita
5. Which of the following
plants have fleshy stems
used to conserve water for a
long time?
a.San Francisco b. Banana
c. Santol d. Cactus

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