The Reaction Paper
The Reaction Paper
The Reaction Paper
What is a
reaction paper?
It requires the writer to analyze a text.
It develops commentary related to the
It is a popular academic assignment
because it requires thoughtful reading,
research, and writing.
Part I: Prewriting and
Actively Reading
1.1. Understand the purpose of a
reaction paper
When you write a response paper, you
need to evaluate the text’s strengths and
Identify how well the text accomplishes its
Reaction paper requires a close reading of
the text.
In many cases, you can use the first-
person “I” while writing reaction papers.
1.2. Figure out what the
assignment is asking.
Before beginning your paper, you must
figure out exactly what your teacher or
professor is looking for.
Make sure you understand which kind of
reaction paper the assignment calls for.
1.3. Read the text you are assigned
right after it is assigned
A reaction paper synthesizes the texts,
which means you take the information
you read and bring it together so you can
analyze and evaluate.
You have to give yourself time to do the
readings, but more importantly, to digest
what you’ve read so you can put the ideas
1.4. Write down your initial
Jotdown your initial reactions to the text.
Try completing some of the following
sentences after you read:
I think that…
I see that…
I feel that…
It seems that…
In my opinion
1.5. Annotate the text as you read.
As you read the text again, annotate it.
If you fail to annotate thoroughly, it will
be more difficult to create a cohesive
1.6. Question as you read.
questioning the text.
Some questions to consider include:
1. What issues or problems does the author
2. What is the author’s main point?
3. What points or assumptions does the author
make, and how does she back that up?
4. What are the strengths and weaknesses?
5. How does the texts relate?
Part II: Drafting your
2.1. Free write
Start your free writing your reactions and
evaluations of the author’s ideas.
Try to put into words what you think the
author is trying to do and whether you
agree or disagree.
Free writing is a great way to start getting
your ideas on paper and getting past that
initial writer’s block.
2.2. Decide on your angle.
Reaction papers have to be critical and
have some evaluation of the text.
After free writing, decide what your angle
is. Keep asking yourself the same
questions as you craft a coherent
2.3.Determine your thesis.
Start stating why what you said is
something interesting and important.
Take all your points, opinions, and
observations, and combine them into one
claim that you will prove.
Your thesis will be one statement that
explains what you will analyze, criticize, or
try to prove about the text.
2.4. Organize your paper.
Your paper should follow basic essay
Each body paragraph should directly
support your thesis.
In each body paragraph, you should be
reacting to a different portion of the text.
2.5. Gather quotations.
You need to find quotations that will
support your points.
2.6. Structure your paragraphs.
Your paragraph should always start with a
topic sentence.
You can start with what the author says
and follow your reaction or you can start
with the author and then follow with how
your reaction contrasts.
Part III: Writing your
Final Draft
3.1. Write your introduction
Make sure your introductory paragraph
states the name of the text, the author,
and the focus of your paper.
It is also good to include the topic of the
text and the author’s purpose. The last
sentence of your introduction should be
your thesis
3.2. Reread your reaction paragraphs
to ensure you make a stance