Public Health MPH

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Program: M.Phil.

Public health
1st Semester (21-22)
Course Title: Public Health Principles & Practices
Course Code:M.Phil-511
Credit Hours: (3)
Learning objectives

 Students will be able to learn:

 Public health

 Core functions of public health

 10 essential services of public health

The Basics of Public Health


Tallat Anwar Faridi

Assistant Professor

 Complete state of physical, mental and social well being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity WHO

 (Debility, feebleness, frailness /physical and mental weakness)


 To promote health and quality of life by preventing and

disease, injury, and disability.”
can be healthy
Public Health’s mission is to create the conditions within which
people can be healthy

 Public Health shapes the context within which people and

communities can be safe and healthy

 "Public health is "the science and art of preventing disease,

and promoting
prolonging lifehuman health
choices through organizations,
of society, organized effortspublic
and and
private, communities and
Analyzing the health of a population and the threats is the
basis for public health .

The science and art OF

 Preventing disease ,Prolonging life, promoting physical and
mental health and efficiency through organized community

C-E.A. Winslow, who launched public

health at Yale a century ago, still
influential today
C. E.A.Winslow
 Efforts directed for
 Sanitation of the environment Control of community infections
 Education of the individual (Empowerment)
andThe organization
preventive of medical
treatment and nursing service for the early
of disease,
a standard of living of
The development adequate for machinery
the social the maintenance
which of
ensure to
everyone a standard living adequate for the maintenance of health
 hisSobirthrightof
organizing health and longevity.
these benefits as to enable every citizen to realize his
birth right of health and longevity
Mission of Public Health

“…to fulfill society’s interest in assuring conditions in which people can

be healthy.”
 Prevent epidemics and the spread of disease
 Protect against environmental hazards
 Prevent injuries
 Promote and encourage healthy behaviors and mental health
 Respond to disasters and assist communities in recovery
 Assure the quality and accessibility of health services

IOM. Future of Public


 Healthy People in Healthy Communities

All public, private, and voluntary entities that contribute to public health
in a given area

A network of entities with differing roles, relationships, and interactions.

All entities contribute to the health and well-being of the community.

NOTE: A public health system is more than the public health agency


Diverse and Multidisciplinary
Public health professionals include, but are not limited to the following:

 Example:
 Administrators, Biostatisticians,Dieticians
 Environmental health specialists, Epidemiologists, Health care providers
 Communication specialists, Health educators, Health law experts
 Labratorians, Occupational health specialists, Public health nurses
Researchers, Sanitarians Social scientists,Toxicologists, Others
 Assessment
 Policy Development
 Assurance
 Evaluation

 knowing what needs to be done
 Surveillance of disease/ injury
 Monitoring trends; analyzing causes; and identifying
Policy Development:

 Broad community involvement, empowerment

 Promote scientific basis of decision-making
 Strategic approach
 Development of Comprehensive public health policies

Fulfilling statutory responsibilities
 Encourage, require and provide necessary services
 Guarantee high priority personal and community- wide health
services, including subsidization for those Seeing to the
implementation of legislative mandates as well as
Policy Development
Assessment of
in the public’s
Health of community

of the public’s health
The 10 Ten essential services
Develop policies and plans
that support individual and
community health efforts
Monitor health status to
identify community health Inform, educate, and
problems empower people about
health issues

Diagnose and investigate Mobilize community

health problems and partnerships to identify
ASSESSMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT and solve health problems
health hazards in the
Core Public Enforce laws &
health regulations that protect
Research for new insights
health and ensure
and innovative solutions to
health problems ASSURANCE

Assure a competent public Core Public Health Functions Link people to needed
health and personal health personal health services
Evaluate effectiveness, and assure the provision of
care workforce
accessibility, and quality of health care when otherwise
personal and population- unavailable
based health service
1.Monitor Health Status to Identify & Solve
Community health problems

Activities by state and/or local public health agencies:

 Mosquito surveillance
 Immunizations
 STD/HIV testing and counseling
 Food-borne illness investigations
 Attention to vital statistics and disparities
 Identification of health risks, water-quality problems
 Tracking of number of wells, abandoned wells

 Death Certificates, Birth Certificates, Immunizations Registries

2. Diagnose and Investigate health Problems and
Health Hazards in Community

Activities by state and/or local public health agencies

 Epidemiologic identification of emerging health threats Public

 laboratory capability using modern technology to conduct rapid
 Medical examiners
 Ex: Outbreak Investigations, Child Death Review Boards
3.Inform,Educate, & Empower People About
Health issues
Activities by state and/or local public health agencies

 Community health education and health promotion

 Public health education through the media presentations, the
Internet, displays, etc.
 HIV/AIDS risk reduction curriculum
 Child-abuse education
 Domestic violence education are stores
Communication Sciences to
making choice ,Develop Skills
4.Mobilize Community Partnerships and
Action to identify and solve health problems
Activities andand/or
by state Solve Health
local public health agencies
 Tobacco-free coalitions
 Bio-emergency regional collaboration
 Community partnerships with law enforcement, county
 Community betterment groups, housing authorities
 Referrals and collaboration with health-care providers
 Child health, child abuse
5.Develop policies and plans that support individual
and Community health efforts
 State board of health oversight and regulatory functions
 Administration of state /local public health departments
 Monitoring of contractors/providers
 Community health planning
 ‰Strategic and performance planning
 ‰Development of a plan to address housing needs
6- Enforce Laws and Regulations that Protect
Health and Ensure Safety
 Activities by state and/or local public health agencies

 Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure

 Hazardous materials and sites inspections and certifications
 Milk inspections ‰ Professional licensure and regulation
 Food inspections
 Tanning and tattoo inspections
 Enforcement Smoking Regulations
 seat belt
7- Link People who Need Personal Health
 TB program public health nursing services
 Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection program
 Maternal and child health
 Critical Access Hospitals
 Linkages to regional landfills for disposal options Informing the
public on useful nuisance-abatement web sites
 Identification of population with barrier to the health care system
 Identifying the health services needs of populations

8.Assure Competent Public and Personal Health
Care Workforce
 Food-service worker Safety Certification Course
 Public health certification
 Learning management system
 Regional bio-emergency meetings
 Public health practitioner performance evaluations
Sanitarian, water-contractor training
 Certification of environmental health profession als
 Professionals and incorporation of core public health competencies needed
to provide the Essential Public Health Services into personnel systems.

 Adoption of continuous quality improvement and life-long

learning programs for all members of the public health
workforce, including opportunities for formal and informal
public health leadership development

 Conferences, Training programs, journals, School of Public Health

health, Satellite program certification
9.Evaluate Effectiveness, Accessibility, Quality
of Health services

 Data management
 Performance-plan monitoring
 Public health contract requirements
 Health needs assessments
 Tracking responses to complaints
 Permit issuance for nuisances
 Ensuring that wells drilled by certified people ‰ Sealing unused,
unsafe wells
Health programs should be regularly evaluated:
 To assess program effectiveness
 For reshaping or improving the program
• To provide information necessary for allocating resources
To provide information necessary for allocating resources
10.Research for New Insights and Innovative
Solutions to Health Problems
 Health needs assessments
 Bio-emergency survey participation
 Customer service evaluations
 Study of successful public health programs in other jurisdictions
 Research on water-treatment methods
 IT Includes Researching and monitoring best practice
information from other agencies and organizations at the local
state and national level
 Asking questions, gathering data, and finding new and
better ways for solving problems
Once everything is done in evaluation, research must be
carried out to generate better solutions to the existing problems
 Identification and monitoring of innovative solutions and
cutting- edge research to advance public health
Epidemiological studies, health policy analyses and public health systems
Linkages between public health practice and academic/research
Think about a current public health problem faced by you or your
institution.Take that public health problem or issue and think about
how the 10 essential services of public health can solve that problem

Public Health Model Medical model


 Genetic determinant
 Behavioral determinant
 Social determinant
 Environmental determinant
 Personal health care determinant
 Vaccination
 Safer Workplaces
 Safer & Healthier Food
 Motor Vehicle Safety
 Control of Infectious Diseases
 Family Planning
 Decline in Deaths from Heart Disease & Stroke
 Recognition of Tobacco Use as a Health Hazard
Healthier Mothers and Babies Fluoridation of Drinking Water
 Milestones in Public Health. The book is free from Pfizer’s website:
• \ ( ). Students must also
listen to the accompanying podcasts. (Free)
 Rowitz, Louis. 2006. Public Health for the 21st Century: The Prepared
Leader. 521 Pages.
 Jones & Bartlett: Sudbury, Massachusetts.
 ISBN 0‐7637‐4778‐5.
 Rowitz, Louis. 2008. Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles into
Practice. 570 pages.
 Jones & Bartlett: Sudbury, Massachusetts.
 ISBN-13: 9780763750503 or ISBN: 0763750506(available at the UOL
Learning outcomes
By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to…

At the end of session Student have learned & conceptualize:

 Public health
 Core functions of public health
 10 essential services of public health
 Determinants of health
 Identify one example of local or state public health

10 Essential Services in action with example


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