Apache Helicopters: Tank Helicopter

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• The Apache helicopter is a

revolutionary development in the
history of war. It is essentially a
flying tank -- a helicopter designed
to survive heavy attack and inflict
massive damage. It can zero in on
specific targets, day or night, even
in terrible weather. As you might
expect, it is a terrifying machine to
ground forces.
• In this edition, we'll look at the
Apache's amazing flight systems,
weapons systems, sensor
systems and armor systems.
Individually, these components are
remarkable pieces of technology.
Combined together, they make up
an unbelievable fighting machine
-- the most lethal helicopter ever
• Helicopters are the most versatile
flying machines in existence
today. This versatility gives the
pilot complete access to three-
dimensional space in a way that
no airplane can. If you have ever
flown in a helicopter you know that
its abilities are exhilarating! The
amazing flexibility of helicopters
means that they can fly almost
anywhere. However, it also means
that flying the machines is
complicated. The pilot has to think
in three dimensions and must use
both arms and both legs
constantly to keep a helicopter in
the air! Piloting a helicopter
requires a great deal of training
and skill, as well as continuous
attention to the machine.
• An Apache works pretty much
the same way as any other
helicopters. It has two rotors.
• The newest Apache sports
twin General Electric T700-
GE-701C turboshaft engines,
boasting about 1,700
horsepower each.
• The Apache is just a high-end
• The Apache's chief function is to
take out heavily armored ground
targets, such as tanks and
bunkers. To inflict this kind of
damage, you need some heavy
fire power, and to do it from a
helicopter, you need an
extremely sophisticated targeting
system. TheApache's primary
weapon, the Hellfire missile,
meets these demands. Each
missile is a miniature aircraft,
complete with its own guidance
computer, steering control and
propulsion system. The payload
is a high-explosive, copper-lined-
charge warhead powerful enough
to burn through the heaviest tank
armor in existence.
• Apaches usually fly with two
Hydra rocket launchers in
place of two of the Hellfire
missile sets. Each rocket
launcher carries 19 folding-fin
2.75-inch aerial rockets,
secured in launching tubes. To
fire the rockets, the launcher
triggers an igniter at the rear
end of the tube. The Apache
gunner can fire one rocket at a
time or launch them in groups.
The flight fins unfold to
stabilize the rocket once it
leaves the launcher.
• The Apache cockpit is divided
into two sections, one directly
behind the other. The pilot sits
in the rear section, and the co-
pilot/gunner sits in the front
• The pilot flies the Apache
using collective and cyclic
controls, similar to ones you
would find in any other
helicopter. The controls
manipulate the rotors using
both a mechanical hydraulic
system and a digital
stabilization system
• The Apache's first line of
defense against attack is
keeping out of range. As we
saw earlier, the helicopter is
specifically designed to fly low
to the ground, hiding behind
cover whenever possible. The
Apache is also designed to
evade enemy radar scanning.
If the pilots pick up radar
signals with the onboard
scanner, they can activate a
radar jammer to confuse the

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