Chapter 29 Review
Chapter 29 Review
Chapter 29 Review
The Monetary System
I. The meaning of money
• Definition of money: the set of assets in an
economy that people regularly use to buy goods
and services from other people
• The function of money
– Medium of exchange: an item that buyers give to
sellers when they want to purchase goods and services
– Unit of account: the yardstick people use to post prices
and record debts
– Store of value: an item that people can use to transfer
purchasing power from the present to the future
I. The meaning of money
• Two kinds of money:
– Commodity money: money that takes the form of
commodity with intrinsic value (e.g. gold coins)
– Fiat money: money without intrinsic value that is
used as money because of government decree
I. The meaning of money
• Money circulating in the economy is called money stock
• It includes:
– Currency: the paper bills and coins in the hands of the public
– Demand deposits: balances in bank accounts that depositors
can access on demand by writing a check
• We have two measures of money supply we are going to
– M1: currency, demand deposits,
traveler’s checks, and other checkable deposits.
– M2: everything in M1 plus savings deposits,
small time deposits, money market mutual funds, and a few
minor categories.
II. Banks and the Money Supply
• We can consider three scenarios:
– No banking system;
– 100 percent reserve banking;
– Fractional-reserve banking