Lecture 10: Sparse Systems: Prof. Tom Overbye Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University
Lecture 10: Sparse Systems: Prof. Tom Overbye Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University
Lecture 10: Sparse Systems: Prof. Tom Overbye Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University
Example: 7 by 7 Matrix
• Consider the 7 x 7 matrix A with the zero-nonzero
pattern shown in (a): of the 49 possible elements
there are only 31 that are nonzero
• If elimination proceeds with the given ordering, all
but two of the 18 originally zero entries, will fill in,
as seen in (b)
Example: 7 by 7 Matrix Structure
c c
r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 X X X X X X 1 X X X X X X
2 X X X X X 2 X X X F F X X
3 X X X X X 3 X X X F F X X
4 X X X 4 X F F X X F F
5 X X X X 5 X F F X X X F
6 X X X X X 6 X X X F X X F
7 X X X 7 X X F F F X
Example: 7 by 7 Matrix Reordered
c 4 5 1 6 7 3 2
c 4 5 1 6 7 3 2
r r
4 X X X 4 X X X
5 X X X X
5 X X X X
1 X X X X X X
1 X X X X X X
6 X X X X X
6 X X X X X 7 X X X
7 X X X 3 X X X X X
3 X X X X X 2 X X X X X
2 X X X X X
Sparse Matrix Reordering
Tinney Scheme 1, Cont.
• Once the nodes are reordered, the fills are added
– Common approach to ties is to take the lower numbered node first
• A shortcoming of this method is as the fills are added
the valence of the adjacent nodes changes
Node Valence
1 2 3 8 7 1 1
2 1
3 1
4 4
6 5 3
4 5 6 3
7 2
Tinney 1 order is 1,2,3,7,5,6,8,4 8 3
1 2 3 8 7
4 5
Coding Tinney 2
• The following slides show how to code Tinney 2
for an n by n sparse matrix A
• First we setup linked lists grouping all the nodes by
their original valence
• vcHead is a pointer vector [0..mvValence]
– If a node has no connections its incidence is 0
– Theoretically mvValence should be n-1, but in practice a
much smaller number can be used, putting nodes with
valence values above this into the vcHead[mvValence] is
Coding Tinney 2, cont.
• Setup a boolean vectors chosenNode[1..n] to
indicate which nodes are chosen and BSWR[1..n]
as a sparse working row; initialize both to all false
• Setup an integer vector rowPerm[1..n] to hold the
permuted rows; initialize to all zeros
• For i := 1 to n Do Begin
– Choose node from valence data structure with the lowest
current valence; let this be node k
• Go through vcHead from lastchosen level (last chosen level
may need to be reduced by one during the following
elimination process;
– Set rowPerm[i] = k; set chosenNode[k] = true
Coding Tinney 2, cont.
– Modify sparse matrix A to add fills between all of k’s adjacent
nodes provided
1. a branch doesn’t already exist
2. both nodes have not already been chosen (their chosenNode
entries are false)
• These fills are added by going through each element in row k; for
each element set the BSWR elements to true for the incident nodes;
add fills if a connection does not already exist (this requires adding
two new elements to A)
– Again go through row k updating the valence data structure
for those nodes that have not yet been chosen
• These values can either increase or go down by one (because of the
elimination of node k)
Coding Tinney 2, cont.
• This continues through all the nodes; free all vectors
except for rowPerm
• At this point in the algorithm the rowPerm vector
contains the new ordering and matrix A has been
modified so that all the fills have been added
– The order of the rows in A has not been changed, and its
columns are no longer sorted
Coding Tinney 2, cont
• Sort the rows of A to match the order in rowPerm
– Surprising sorting A is of computational order equal to the
number of elements in A
• Go through A putting its elements into column linked lists; these
columns will be ordered by row
• Then through the columns linked lists in reverse order given by
– That is For i := n downto 1 Do Begin
p1 := TSparmatLL(colHead[rowPerm[i]).Head;
• That’s it – the matrix A is now readying for factoring
• Pivoting may be required, but usually isn’t needed in
the power flow
Some Example Values for Tinney 2
Number of Nonzeros Fills Total Percent
buses before fills nonzeros nonzeros
37 63 72 135 9.86%
Tinney Scheme 3
• “Number the rows so that at each step of the process
the next row to be operated upon is the one that will
introduce the fewest new nonzero terms.”
• “If more than one row meets this criterion, select any
one. This involves a trial simulation of every feasible
alternative of the elimination process at each step.
Input information is the same as for scheme 2).”
• Tinney 3 takes more computation and in general does
not give fewer fills than the quicker Tinney 2
• Tinney got into the NAE in 1998
These are direct quotes from the Tinney-Walker 1967 IEEE Proceedings Paper
Sparse Forward Substitution with a
Permutation Vector
Pass in b in bvector
For i := 1 to n Do Begin
k = rowPerm[i]; // this is the only change, except using k
p1 := rowHead[k]; // the row needs to be ordered correctly!
While p1 <> rowDiag[k] Do Begin
bvector[k] = bvector[k] – p1.value*bvector[p1.col];
p1 := p1.next;
Sparse Backward Substitution with
Permutation Vector
Pass in b in bvector
For i := n downto 1 Do Begin
k = rowPerm[i];
p1 := rowDiag[k].next;
While p1 <> nil Do Begin
bvector[k] = bvector[k] – p1.value*bvector[p1.col];
p1 := p1.next;
bvector[k] := bvector[k]/rowDiag[k].value;
• Note, numeric problems such as matrix singularity are
indicated with rowDiag[k].value being zero!
Sparse Vector Methods
• Sparse vector methods are useful for cases in
solving Ax=b in which
– A is sparse
– b is sparse
– only certain elements of x are needed
• In these right circumstances sparse vector methods
can result in extremely fast solutions!
• A common example is to find selected elements of
the inverse of A, such as diagonal elements.
Sparse Vector Methods
• Often times multiple solutions with varying b
values are required
– A only needs to be factored once, with its factored form
used many times
• Key reference is
W.F. Tinney, V. Brandwajn, and S.M. Chan, "Sparse Vector
Methods", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and
Systems, vol. PAS-104, no. 2, February 1985, pp. 295-300