Normality and Abnormality

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Normality & Abnormality

Normality vs. Abnormality

• Normality

The absence of illness and the presence of state of well being called
• The condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical, or expected
• Abnormality
• A physical malformation; deformity
•  Deviation from the typical or usual; irregularity

( According to Morgan & King)

Abnormality is the significant deviation from commonly accepted patterns

of behavior, emotion or thought".
• Characteristics of a normal mentality, person

• 1. Efficient perception of reality

• They have a realistic view of their strengths and weaknesses

• They know what they have the ability to do and what they
cannot do. They have a realistic Perception of what is
happening around them and their reactions to those events
• 2. Self knowledge

• They have an understanding of WHY they do things and

WHY they have certain emotions. None of us has complete
Insight into our feelings and behavior but normal people
have more Insight than the mentally ill

• 3. ability to control behaviour

• Occasionally normal people may act impulsively [Without

thinking] but normally they can control DRIVES such as
• 4. Self-esteem

• They know their own value and feel happy with their
achievements and abilities. They feel accepted by those
around them. They may wish that they were more
handsome or intelligent but they don't allow these ideas to
rule their lives. They know that though they may not be
handsome they have a nice personality or, that though they
cannot be a university professor they are doing a useful job
which brings in money for the family to live on. 

• Mentally disordered people often feel that they are

worthless and not accepted by other people. They may
blame society or other people for their feelings of
worthlessness and Rejection
• 5. Able to form close relationships

• NORMAL people are able to form close and satisfying

friendships and relationships. They are aware of other
peoples feelings and beliefs and adapt to them.

• Mentally disordered people often think only of their own

problems and are unable to care about other peoples
problems [they are often Self-centered]. Sometimes they do
not want to form close friendships because at some time in
the past they were emotionally hurt by the breakup of a
• 6. Productivity

• They are able to channel their energies into work' and social
life. They are enthusiastic about their lives and enjoy

• Mentally disordered people often feel chronically tired and

each day is an obstacle to be suffered, not enjoyed.
Criteria often used in defining abnormality

• 1. Deviation from social norms

• Every society has certain standards [or Norms] of behavior

that it expects. Such things as the way we dress, politeness,
bad language are subject to certain rules [often unwritten].
However, Social Norms are different in different societies.
Eating in public during the day at Ramadan would be
regarded as a deviation in the Emirates and would be
punished. It would not be a deviation in a non-Islamic
• 2. Maladaptive behaviour

• Behavior is abnormal if it is Maladaptive ie: it has an adverse

[bad] effect on the well-being of the individual or society.
For example a person who is so frightened of crowds that he
cannot leave his home or a person who drinks so much
alcohol that he cannot live a normal life. Individuals who are
violent and aggressive have a bad effect on society. They
may release their aggression on the roads and cause traffic
accidents or indulge in crime.
• 3. Personal distress

• In this criteria one would look at the person's subjective

[internal] feelings rather than their [external] behavior. They
may feel unhappy, depressed and agitated. They may be
unable to concentrate or sleep. They may hide these feelings
from others and their behavior may appear normal. There
may be the "Smiling Depression" where an individual is very
depressed but hides that depression from family and friends.
Often the first that his family know of the depression is when
he attempts to kill himself. 

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