Normality and Abnormality
Normality and Abnormality
Normality and Abnormality
The absence of illness and the presence of state of well being called
• The condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical, or expected
• Abnormality
• A physical malformation; deformity
• Deviation from the typical or usual; irregularity
( According to Morgan & King)
• They know what they have the ability to do and what they
cannot do. They have a realistic Perception of what is
happening around them and their reactions to those events
• 2. Self knowledge
• They know their own value and feel happy with their
achievements and abilities. They feel accepted by those
around them. They may wish that they were more
handsome or intelligent but they don't allow these ideas to
rule their lives. They know that though they may not be
handsome they have a nice personality or, that though they
cannot be a university professor they are doing a useful job
which brings in money for the family to live on.
• They are able to channel their energies into work' and social
life. They are enthusiastic about their lives and enjoy