Factor Handout
Factor Handout
Factor Handout
Factor analysis is an interdependence technique whose primary
purpose is to define the underlying structure among the variables
in the analysis.
Analyzes a correlation matrix in which the Analyzes a correlation matrix in which the
diagonals contain 1's. diagonals contain the communalities.
PFA accounts for the co-variation among
PCA accounts for total variance of variables. variables. Factors reflect the common
Factors or components reflect the common variance of the variables excluding unique
variance plus unique variance. variances.
PCA is a variance focused technique. PFA is a correlation focused technique.
Adding variables to the model will change the It is possible to add variables to the model
factor loadings. without affecting the factor loadings.
3) Multivariate Normality
Factor loadings
The factor loadings are the correlation coefficients between the items
(rows) and factors (columns).
To get the percent of variance in all the variables accounted for by each
factor, add the sum of the squared factor loadings for that factor (column)
and divide by the number of variables.
Low communalities across the set of variables indicates the variables are little
related to each other.
What is critical is not the communality coefficient per se, but rather the extent to
which the item plays a role in the interpretation of the factor, though often this
role is greater when communality is high.
Spurious solutions. If the communality exceeds 1.0, there is
a spurious solution, which may reflect too small a sample or
the researcher has too many or too few factors.
Kaiser criterion: The Kaiser rule is to drop all components with eigen values
under 1.0. It may overestimate or underestimate the true number of factors
Rotation methods
Rotation serves to make the output more understandable and is usually
necessary to facilitate the interpretation of factors. The sum of eigen values is
not affected by rotation, but rotation will alter the eigen values (and percent of
variance explained) of particular factors and will change the factor loadings.
Direct oblimin rotation, sometimes called just "oblique rotation," is the standard
method when one wishes a non-orthogonal (oblique) solution -- that is, one in which
the factors are allowed to be correlated. This will result in higher eigenvalues but
diminished interpretability of the factors.
Regression Scores- The most common type of factor score is the regression scores,
based on ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates.
Bartlett scores - Bartlett scores may be preferred over regression scores on the
argument that they better conform to the original factor structure. Bartlett’s score may
be correlated.
Computing factor scores allows one to look for factor outliers. Also, factor scores
may be used as variables in subsequent modeling.
Dropping Variables from the Analysis :
•A KMO statistic is generated for each predictor. Predictors whose KMO does not rise to some
criterion level (example .5 or higher) may be dropped from the analysis. Doing so is dropping
predictors based on low partial correlation.
• The more prevalent criterion for dropping predictors is low communality, based on factor
analysis itself.
• As the two dropping criteria (KMO and communality) may differ the latter is generally
though both may be considered. Low KMO indicates the variable in question may be too mult-
collinear with others in the model. Low communality indicates that the variable is not well
explained by the factor model. One strategy is to drop the indicator variables with the lowest
individual KMO one at a time until overall KMO rises above .50.
•The KMO increases as 1) the sample size increases 2) the average correlation increases 3) the
number of variables increases or 4) the factor decreases. The researcher should always have an