Edexcel GCE Star Wars
Edexcel GCE Star Wars
Edexcel GCE Star Wars
1. Theory Worksheet
• Defying Gravity
• Beethoven
• Purcell
Main title/Rebel Blockade
Space Opera
• Dramatic science fiction film focusing
on adventure and space warfare (not
opera in the musical sense!)
What other films did John
Williams compose for?
John Williams!
Describe the style of the
• Films are set in distant galaxy
concerning the epic struggle between
good and evil
Headings: Bars
Group discussion
• Bars 1-3: Opening fanfare
• After startig on tonic chord
of Bb major in Bar 1 the rest
of the opening fanfare is based
On intervals of a 4th above and
below Bb.
Together these intervals span a 7th
• The arrival of Ab inn bars 2 and 3 adds another 4th to those shown here.
• The overlapping brass entries on these 4 notes creates quartal harmony- a
chord based on 4ths rather than on the usual 3rds of triads and 7th chords
• Excitement is created by the different rhythms of the loud
and overlapping brass entries (with trumpets imitating
trombones), the fast triplets, the bright major key and the
violin tremolo on a high Bb
Section 1 (ABA1 structure, bars 3-29
• The fanfare is anticipating the main Star Wars leitmotif which
starts on last beat of bar 3
• It too emphasises triplet rhythms and intervals of a 4 th and 7th
while various other accepts (SUCH ASS?????) Give the melody its
heroic quality.
• The harmony alternates between the key chord of Bb
major and quartal harmony (same chords used as in
• Violin trem on Bb continues, now functioning as an
inverted pedal above the other parts.
• The rhythm of the highly syncopated accompaniment, hammered
out by the timpani and snare drum is John Williams’ response to
the direction in original film script
Repeat of section A starts on the
last beat of bar 20
Last beat of bar 29: A pedal played by low brass, strings and
At last resolves on the tonic (Bb) by the end of the next bar-
but Bb becomes the dominant of Eb major (note the change
of key signature, again denying any point of rest.
What relation is Eb major to Bb major?
Atmospheric music is interrupted in bar 39 by busy string
figures above chords of C major in low brass
The tonality of the first part of the set work was Bb major,
but this second part is often atonal, although with
suggestions of C minor created by the long pedal on C
ns you
finished Star