Unit - Iv Power Dividers and Couplers
Unit - Iv Power Dividers and Couplers
Unit - Iv Power Dividers and Couplers
If the device is passive and contains no anisotropic materials, then it must be reciprocal and its scattering matrix will be
symmetric (Si j = Sji ).
If all ports are matched, then Sii = 0, and if the network is reciprocal, the scattering matrix reduces to
2. Antisymmetric Coupler: = 0, = π
Few Problems
•A 20dBm power source is connected to the input of a directional coupler having a coupling factor of 20dB, a directivity of
35dB and an insertion loss of 0.5dB. If all ports are matched, find the output power (in dBm) at the through, coupled and
isolated ports.
•A directional coupler has the scattering matrix given below. Find the return loss, coupling factor, directivity and
insertion loss. Assume that the ports are terminated in matched loads.
Wilkinson power divider – even and odd mode analysis
Microstrip Wilkinson power divider and its equivalent circuit for analysis