Pioneers of Modern Teaching

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Pioneers of Modern

presented by

Annisa – 10507 04002 19

Silva Liani – 10507 11004 20
Pioneers of modern teaching


This chapter examines how the leading educational pioneers constructed their
philisohies and theories of education. These pioneers developed formative
ideas about schools, curriculum and methods of instruction that continue to
shape the preservice preparation of teachers and their practice in today’s

Comenius : The search for a new
Principle of teaching and learning
Respecting children’s natural needs and interest, Comenius rejected
the child depravity doctrine that children were inherently bad and
that teachers needed corporal punishment to discipline them

Education and Schooling

Comenius, an early multicultural educator respected religious and cultural
diversity but also believed all persons members of a common human family.
He believed that schooling, by cultivating universal knowledge and values,
could promote international understanding and peace.

Influence on educational practice today

He wanted teachers in their pre-service preparation to learn how to recognize
Children’s stage of development and readliness for specific kinds of learning
Rousseau : Educating the natural personn
Principle of teaching and learning
Rousseau emphasized the crucial importance of stages of human
Development. Rousseau identified five developmental stages : infancy,
Childhood, boyhood, adolescence, and youth.

Education and Schooling

Rousseau was suspicious of schools, which he believed taught children
to conform to society’s artificial rules rather than living according to nature.
School-induced-socialization forced children into routines that adults preferred.

Influence on educational practice today

Rousseau has influenced modern education. Rousseau’s argument that
the affected child-centered progressive educators.

Pestalozzi : Educator of the senses and emotions
Principle of teaching and learning
Pestalozzi’s approach to teaching organized into general and specific.
The general method created a permissive and emotionally healthy
home like learning environment that had to be in place before more
Specific instruction occurred. In special method, Pestalozzi implemented
Direct sensory learning.

Education and Schooling

Pestalozzi based learning on natural principles and stressed the importance
of human emotions. Pestalozzi believed children should learn slowly and understand
thoroughly what they are studying.

Influence on educational practice today

Education should be directed to both the mind and the emotions stimulated educators to develop
instruction to encourage both cognitive and affective learning.
Herbart : Systematizing Teaching
Principle of teaching and learning
Herbart defined interest as a person’s ability to bring and retain an
idea in consciousness. Herbart also was concerned with students’
moral development.

Education and Schooling

Herbart systematize education and schooling by organizing instruction into
a well-defined sequence of steps. The five Herbartian steps were :
preparation, presentation, Association, Generalization, and Application.

Influence on educational practice today

Herbart helped teachers clearly identify the skills and concepts they are going
to present to students, present them in an organized and unambigous
way, and verify results by testing students.
Froebel: The kindergarten
Principle of teaching and learning
Froebel believed that every child’s inner self contained a spiritual
essence that stimulated self-active learning. Therefore, design the
kindergarten as a “prepared environment” in which children could
externalize their interior spirituality through self-activity.

Education and Schooling

Froebel believed that kindergarten teacher’s personality to be of
paramount importance

Influence on educational practice today

Kindergarten education grew into an international movement.
Then it became part of the American school system.

Spencer : Social Darwinist and Utilitarian
Principle of teaching and learning
Spencer believed that people in an industrialized society needed a
utilitarian education to learn useful scientific skills and subjects.
Spencer wanted education based on the activities that people needed
to survive.

Education and Schooling

Spencer strongly opposed the traditional schools highly verbal literary and
classical curriculum. The most valuable subjects : physical, biological, and social
sciences as well as applied technology in fields such as engineering.

Influence on educational practice today

American educators were receptive Spencer’s ideas. Modern curriculum designers
continue to reflect Spencer’s influence when they base curriculum on human needs
and activities..
Dewey : Learning through
Principle of teaching and learning
For Dewey, the scientific method is the most effective process we have
to solve problems. By using it, children learn how to think reflectively
And to direct their experiences in ways that lead to social growth.

Education and Schooling

Dewey considered education a social process by which the group’s immature
Members, especially children, learn to participate in group life. Through
education, children gain entry to their cultural heritage and learn to use it in problem

Influence on educational practice today

By applying pragmatism to education, he helped to open schooling to change innovation.
Dewey’s ideas about socially expanding children’s experience stimulated progressive
Education, which emphasized children’s interest and needs.
Addams : Socialized Education
Principle of teaching and learning
Addams argues that educations had to take on new and broadened
social purposes. Teachers needed to understand the trends that were
Education and Schooling
Addams envisioned schools as multifunctional agencies that socialized as well
As educated children. Teachers like social workers, had many faceted
Responsibilities for their students’ social well-being

Influence on educational practice today

Addams belief that education must be free from gender biases corresponds with the
Goals of contemporary women’s education, especially equal rights for women and their
Freedom to define their lives and choose their careers.
Montessori : The prepared
Principle of teaching and learning
Montessori argued that children, contrary to the assumptions of a
conventional educators, possess an inner need to work at what
Interest them without the prodding of teachers and without
being motivated by external rewards and punishments.

Education and Schooling

The Montessori school designed preplanned teaching (didactic) devices and
Materials to develop children’s practical, sensory, and formal skills

Influence on educational practice today

Montessori’s pioneering contribution to education was her emphasis on the formative
power that early childhood learning has for later lifelong development

Piaget : Developmental Growth
Principle of teaching and learning
Piaget discovered that children construct their concepts about reality
Exploring their environment. Intelligence develops by a series of
stages : sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage,
concrete operational period, and format operational period

Education and Schooling

Piaget accentuated their environment as children’s setting for learning.
Outside of school, children learn directly and informally from their environment

Influence on educational practice today

Piaget’s cognitive psychology connected how children learn to think and
reason with teaching and learning in schools. His theory generated revolutionary
Changes in early childhood and elementary education troughtout the world.
Freire : Liberation Pedagogy
Principle of teaching and learning
An important goal of Freire’s philosphy is conscientizacao,
a Potugenese word meaning to be conscious and critically aware of
The social, political, and economic conditions and contradictions that
Affect a person’s life

Education and Schooling

Freire asserted that the school’s curriculum and instruction can either indoctrinate
Students to conform to an official version of knowledge or it can challenge them
to develop a critical consciousness that empowers them to engage in self-liberation

Influence on educational practice today

Freire worked to transform teaching and learning from the limited concept of transmitting
Information to engaging in the project of completing one’s identity and meaning in world
That needs to be made more equitable, humane, and just.
Thank You

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