Python Data Science

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For Data Science

• Part 1 - Introduction, recap & warm-up exercises
• Part 2 - NumPy (Numerical Python)
• Part 3 - Basic plotting
• Part 4 - pandas (Python Data Analysis Library)
The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.
- Thomas Berger

• Do not hesitate to ask!

• During exercises (you can also ask others).

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Now let me ask something..
• Why do you want to learn Python/programming?
• What would you use Python for?
• Coding is all about trial and error.
• Don't be afraid of it.
• Error messages aren't scary, they are useful.
Python natalensis by A. Smith on Wikimedia Commons
• Started by Guido Van Guido Van Rossum
by Doc Searls
Rossum as a hobby on Flickr CC-BY-SA

• Now widely spread

• Open Source! Free!
• Versatile
Python today
• Developed a large and active scientific computing and data analysis
• Now one of the most important languages for
• Data science
• Machine learning
• General software development
• Packages: NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, SciPy, scikit-learn, statsmodels
2 Modes
1. IPython
Python can be run interactively
Used extensively in research

2.   Python scripts

What if we want to run more than a few lines of code?
Then we must write text files in .py
Noteable (Jupyter notebooks)
• Easy to use environment
• Web-based
• Combines both text and code
into one
• Come with a great number of
useful packages
1. Start Noteable
2. Clone GitRepo(recommended)
3. Starting a notebook
4. Toolbar

Save Cut, copy execution Block type
New block Move block Reset block
And clear output
5. Download files
6. Kernel/Restart & Clear output 
7. Edit/Delete Cell 
8. File/ Close & Halt
9. Create a folder                          10.Rename
11. Upload files
Running blocks
• By pressing the Run button
• Shift + Enter – runs block
• Alt + Enter – creates a new block
Other operations
• File/Save and Checkpoint
• File/Revert to Checkpoint 
• Tab completion
• Introspection
Let us start
To follow along, you need to open your own notebook. But please try to
keep up with my presentation, as you still have time for exercises during
the teaching.
Thank you for attending!
• You can continue to access the ‘Python for Data Science’ Learn course
and notebooks after the course.
• There are solution notebooks for all the topics we have covered today,
plus notebooks covering additional topics (text analysis, signal
processing, regular expressions, network analysis, machine learning &
Conway’s game of life).
• Visit the Digital Skills Framework to find more Python learning

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