Chapter 5 Presentation
Chapter 5 Presentation
Chapter 5 Presentation
comprehension: An
interactive process
1. Top-down and
bottom-up models of
reading comprehension
a. Top-down
• A reader relies on world knowledge (background
knowledge), contextual information and other higher-
order processing strategies to understand a text.
Words Sentences Paragraphs Texts
01 02
Misunderstanding of the
nature of word meaning Subjects reading in their
and of translation may second language often
lead to the selection of have no scene for a
inadequate dictionary particular frame or
equivalents frames
- The difficulty entailed in the process of target-term
selection among dictionary equivalents is further
compounded by the fact that the meaning potential
contained in language- specific words does not
match across language.
assemble “disassemble”
To summarize
- Scene- and - frame semantics highlight that
dictionary look up is not a matter of linguistic
...both men and women share the same images of what makes a marriageable or
unmarriageable woman, a good husband, a fascinating lover whom any woman would
be a fool to marry, or a born old bachelor.
Margaret Mead. 1962. Male and Female.
Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. p. 271.
(a) ...einen faszinierenden Liebhaber, den jede Frau auf der Stelle heiraten würde.
(b) ...einen faszinierenden Liebhaber, den jede Frau sofort heiraten würde.
-> The German target texts say the opposite of the English source.
As Kussmaul explains
01 02
The female translators let their Impeding the bottom-up
culturally determined notions of the processing necessary to
ideal husband take over render the content of the
comprehension source
Reading strategies
To deal with comprehension ● through the understanding of reading processes and coping
What makes them good
● not perfect comprehension, but awareness
readers ?
Exercise: Complete the target text by filling in the blanks. Do not use any
dictionaries or other resource.
Dos piezas que datan del período comprendido entre 300AC y 800 son
especialmente notables, y cada una representa un símbolo mítico.
‘Especially valuable are two pieces from the period _______ 300BC and 800, each
representing a mythic symbol.
Reading for translation in general is one specific
type of reading, which typically requires detailed,
close attention and multiple readings. The purpose
READING of the reading of the source text is, in turn, closely
FOR related to the purpose of the translation , as the
TRANSLATItranslator reads to translate, to create a target text
ON for a particular purpose specified in the brief.
Leaving aside inaccurate concepts of the past
related to deciphering or decoding a static and
objective textual meaning contained in a static text,
reading comprehension is now conceptualized as an
interactive process in which the reader contributes
his/her knowledge to the process in interaction with
the information presented in the text by the author.
Comprehension cannot happen without the
participation of the reader. When the assumptions
made by the author regarding what the reader
knows match the reader’s knowledge,
comprehension will most likely be successful. Yet,
careful attention to the relevant details in the text is
SUMARY also important, as overreliance on prior knowledge
will affect comprehension by filling in information
not present in the text.
In a bottom-up model, reading
proceeds from smaller units on
___________ ___________
is its variability.
The translator needs to have
sufficient knowledge target oflanguage
the ..................... ...................
and determine
which of the frames in the
dictionary is associated with the
2.Parallel texts and corpora are
useful tool for research and
acquiring the frames associated
with particular words that not
appear in dictionaries.
a. True b. False
In Frames and scenes semantics
words are the …………. that
culture pictures
activate mental ……….or ……………
related to past experiences and world
The componential analysis is
too focused on word meaning
a. True b. False
Words (frames) do not have
meaning per se, only potential
meanings ( scenes), which are
realized through context activation.
a. True b. False
The difficulty entailed in the process
of target-term selection among
dictionary equivalents is further
………………. meaningby the fact that the
……………………..contained in
language-specific words does not
match across languages.
Some theories of meaning (e.g.,
componential semantics) propose that
meaning is made up of
components that, when
serve to highlight differences within
and across languages.
The reading comprehension is
influenced by language
An additional factor that adds to
the complexity of reading in a
translation context is Language
_______________ ____________________
In reality, most translators
are ______________ bilingual and
linguistic proficiency.
reading comprehension.
Although the context was
mostly a monolingual one, the
reader probably realized that
a. True b. False
Comprehension CAN NOT happen without the
participation of the reader.
a. True b. False
Careful attention to the relevant details in the text is
NOT importance.
a. True b. False
Organizational structures known to the
reader and related to a particular situation
are known as schemata.
a. True b. False
The reader brings in his/her
background knowledge and
schemata to discover and build
logical connections marked in the