Automation POC Using SNow v1
Automation POC Using SNow v1
Automation POC Using SNow v1
Biswaroop Chatterjee
• Explore means whether Functional Configuration activity for SAP projects can be automated using ServiceNow scripts
• Learn how to customize and enhance ServiceNow that can play a big role to address some of the gaps that exist today in
the DevOps toolchain for any SAP project
What we could achieve
• Customized front-end in SNOW to create the data sources ( temporary storage structure in SNOW ) dynamically based on the input file
• Automated population of the SNOW data sources with input file contents through scheduled jobs
• Automated triggering of back-end updates in SAP by calling relevant SOAP-based ABAP Webservice from another scheduled job in SNOW
Architechture & Process Flow
Evaluation Criteria Rating Comments
Flexibility of Customizing in SNOW to build automation script We had extensive enablement in SNOW as part of this POC and could acquire in-
depth knowledge on how to write scripts in SNOW, schedule jobs , build custom
front-end, integrate ABAP web service calls
Reusability of the automation scripts in SNOW for different input files With some minor effort on the input file structures, we were successful to create
the temporary storage structure in SNOW ( Data Source ) dynamically based on the
input file structures and populate the input file contents in them
Automation on SAP side – can we avoid coding or have a reusable Unfortunately we ended up writing ABAP code on SAP side to update the
solution configurations and also could not make it reusable. By putting some more effort, we
can make the code more dynamic in nature for different input files to increase the
reusability part but still we can’t avoid the coding altogether
Can this version be extended as a fully automated effective solution for No benefit envisaged to extend this version of POC for Functional Configuration
Functional Configuration Automation in SAP automation since we are not able to avoid coding on SAP side . But we can explore
new ways like integration with Blueprism & PEGA as next step
• To summarize, we went through an exciting journey to learn tricks on how to write automation scripts in SNOW and make
the scripts reusable for different input files consisting of Fuctional Configuration request.
• But we could not find a way to avoid writing code to update configuration on SAP side nor could we make it reusable
• As a next step, we need to explore ways whether we can call robots created using Blueprism or PEGA solution dynamically
from SNOW scripts and can move to a fully automated solution with zero coding on SAP side
• We also need to explore other functionality of SNOW in details especially those Nestle will adopt
Acknowledgement of the team
Demo video Link