Weldability of Steels
Weldability of Steels
Weldability of Steels
α Alpha iron
This structure occurs below 723 °C and is
body centred, or BCC in structure
It can only dissolve up to 0.02% Carbon
γ Gamma iron
This structure occurs above the UCT in
Plain Carbon Steels and is FCC in structure.
It can dissolve up 2.06% Carbon
Compressed representation could appear like this
Solubility of Carbon in BCC & FCC phases of steels*
Occurs when:
Hydrogen is above 15 ml/100 gm weld metal
Hardness is above 350 VPN
Stress is greater than 0.5 of the yield stress
Temperature is below 300 ºC*
Cellulosic electrodes produce
hydrogen as a shielding gas Hydrogen absorbed in a
long, or unstable arc
H2 H2
Tensile Strength
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 % Carbon
H2 HAZ Cracks Transverse Weld
in Alloy steels* Cracks in HSLA Steels*
Low ductility weld metal
Occurs when:
Liquid iron sulphides are formed around solidifying
grains. High contractional strains are present
High dilution processes are being used.
There is a high carbon content in the
weld metal*
1) The first steps in eliminating this problem would be to
choose a low dilution process, and change the joint design*
2) Grind and seal in any lamination and avoid further dilution*
3) Add Manganese to the electrode to form spherical Mn/S
which form between the grain and maintain grain cohesion*
4) As carbon increases the Mn/S ratio required increases
exponentially and is a major factor. Carbon content % should
be a minimised by careful control in electrode and dilution*
5) Limit the heat input, hence low contraction, & minimise
Liquid Iron Sulphide films
Solidification crack
Contractional strain
Add Manganese to weld metal *
Spherical Mn Sulphide balls
form between solidified grains
Contractional strain
Crack type: Lamellar tearing
Location: Below weld HAZ
Steel types: High sulphur & phosphorous steels
Microstructure: Lamination & Segregation*
Occurs when:
High contractional strains are through the short
transverse direction. There is a high sulfur content in the
base metal.
There is low through thickness ductility in the base metal.
There is high restraint on the work*
Lamellar tear
High contractional strains
Plate to be tested*
Full fusion compound
Through thickness
welded cruciform joint*
tensile test*
1) Avoid restraint*
2) Use controlled low sulfur plate *
3) Grind out surface and butter *
Forged T Piece
Crack type: Inter-granular corrosion
Location: Weld HAZ. (longitudinal)
Steel types: Stainless steels
Microstructure: Sensitised grain boundaries*
Occurs when:
An area in the HAZ has been sensitised by the formation
of chromium carbides. This area is in the form of a line
running parallel to and on both sides of the weld.
This depletion of chromium will leave the effected grains
low in chromium oxide which is what produces the
corrosion resisting effect of stainless steels.
If left untreated corrosion and failure will be rapid*
During the welding of stainless steels, a small grain area in the
HAZ, parallel to the weld will form chromium carbide at the
grain boundaries. This depletes this grain of the corrosion
resisting chrome oxide
We say that the steel has become “Sensitised” or has become
sensitive to corrosion*
1) Use Stabilised Stainless Steels*
2) Use Low Carbon Stainless Steels ( Below .04%)*