Chapter 2

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Moving Coil

It is the current carrying element. suspended arranged in a uniform, radial, horizontal

magnetic field in the air gap between pole pieces of permanent magnet and iron core.
Iron core
used to provide a flux path of low reluctance strong magnetic field increases the
deflecting torque and hence the sensitivity
Metal former
The moving coil is mounted on the metal former. The metal former provides the
required damping torque. The damping torque is produced due to the eddy currents
developed in the metal former.
The coil is supported by a flat ribbon suspension, which carries the current to
coil. The other current connection is a coiled wire, also called the lower
suspension. leveled carefully so that the coil hangs straight and centrally without
rubbing the poles. The upper suspension consists of gold or copper wire of
nearly 0.0125 or 0.025 mm diameter, rolled into the form of ribbon.The
controlling torque is usually provided by these suspensions.
Moving coil:
The moving coil is wound with many turns of enameled or silk covered copper wire. The coil is mounted on a rectangular
aluminum former which is pivoted on jewel bearings. The coil moves freely in the field of a permanent magnet.
Magnet systems:
Old systems consisted of long U shaped permanent magnets having soft iron pole pieces. Due to development of materials such
as Alnico and Alcomax, which have a high coercive force, these are replaced by smaller magnets. The flux densities used in PMMC
instruments vary from 0.1 wb/m2 to 1 wb/m2. Thus in small instruments, it is possible to use a small coil having small number of
turns and hence reduction of volume is achieved.
Concentric magnetic construction is employed to obtain larger movement of pointer and long angular swing of coil.
To protect the system from external magnetic fields, core magnetic construction is used, where the magnet itself acts as core.
This construction also eliminates the magnetic shunting effects. This construction also eliminates the need for magnetic shielding
in the form of cases.
The control torque is provided by two phosphor bronze hair springs. These springs also act as current carrying element to the
moving coil.
Damping torque is provided by movement of the ‘Al’ former in the magnetic field of the permanent magnet.
Pointer and scale:
The pointer is carried by spindle and moves over a graduated scale. The pointer is of lightweight construction, and is often
twisted to form a fine blade. This helps to reduce the parallax errors in the reading.

Torque equation same as galvanometer instrument.

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