Dcmotor 141126123433 Conversion Gate01

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Electrical Machine

TOPIC : DC Motor
Principle of operation of DC Motor
When current carrying conductor is placed in
a magnetic field it experience a force.
Construction of DC motor

Poles, and pole core,shoe
Field winding
Armature core
Function of each part of DC Motor
 It is outer cover of dc motor also called as frame.
 It provides protection to the rotating and other part of
the machine from moisture, dust etc.
 Yoke is an iron body which provides the path for the flux
to complete the magnetic circuit.
 It provides the mechanical support for the poles.
Material Used: low reluctance material such as cast iron,
silicon steel, rolled steel, cast steel etc.
Poles, and pole core:
 Poles are electromagnet, the field winding is wound over it.
 It produces the magnetic flux when the field winding is excited.
 The construction of pole is done using the lamination of particular
shape to reduce the power loss due to eddy current.

Pole shoe:
 Pole shoe is an extended part of a pole. Due to its typical shape, it
enlarges the area of the pole, so that more flux can pass through
the air gap to armature.
 Material Used: low reluctance magnetic material such as cast steel
or cast iron is used for construction of pole and pole shoe.
Field winding:

The coil wound on the pole core are called field coils.

 Field coils are connected in series to form field winding.

Field winding is also called as Exciting winding.

 Material Used for copper conductor is copper.

Due to the current flowing through the field winding

alternate N and S poles are produced.
Armature core:

 Armature core is a cylindrical drum mounted on the


Armature conductors are placed in these slots.

Armature core provides low reluctance path to the flux

produced by the field winding.

 Material used: high permeability, low reluctance cast

steel or cast iron material is used.
Armature winding:

 Armature conductor is placed in a armature slots present

on the periphery of armature core.

 Armature conductor are interconnected to form the

armature winding.
 It is a cylindrical drum mounted on the shaft along with
the armature core.
The segments are insulated from each other by thin layer
of mica.

Function of commutator:

It converts the ac emf generated internally into dc

 It helps to produce unidirectional torque.
Material Used: it is made up of copper and insulating
material between the segments is mica.

Current are conducted from the armature to the external

load by the carbon brushes which are held against the
surface of the commutator by springs.
Function of brushes:
 To collect the current from the commutator and apply it
to the external load in generator, and vice versa in motor.
Material Used: Brushes are made of carbon and they are
rectangular in shape.
Working Of DC Motor

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