Dcmotor 141126123433 Conversion Gate01
Dcmotor 141126123433 Conversion Gate01
Dcmotor 141126123433 Conversion Gate01
TOPIC : DC Motor
Principle of operation of DC Motor
When current carrying conductor is placed in
a magnetic field it experience a force.
Construction of DC motor
Poles, and pole core,shoe
Field winding
Armature core
Function of each part of DC Motor
It is outer cover of dc motor also called as frame.
It provides protection to the rotating and other part of
the machine from moisture, dust etc.
Yoke is an iron body which provides the path for the flux
to complete the magnetic circuit.
It provides the mechanical support for the poles.
Material Used: low reluctance material such as cast iron,
silicon steel, rolled steel, cast steel etc.
Poles, and pole core:
Poles are electromagnet, the field winding is wound over it.
It produces the magnetic flux when the field winding is excited.
The construction of pole is done using the lamination of particular
shape to reduce the power loss due to eddy current.
Pole shoe:
Pole shoe is an extended part of a pole. Due to its typical shape, it
enlarges the area of the pole, so that more flux can pass through
the air gap to armature.
Material Used: low reluctance magnetic material such as cast steel
or cast iron is used for construction of pole and pole shoe.
Field winding:
The coil wound on the pole core are called field coils.
Function of commutator: