1) Levers, pulleys, and wheel and axle are simple machines that help multiply force. A lever is a rigid bar that pivots around a fulcrum. There are three classes of levers - first, second, and third.
2) A pulley is a grooved wheel that rotates around a fixed axis, allowing a rope to pass through it. Pulleys can be fixed or movable. Anatomical pulleys help deflect muscles for increased mechanical advantage.
3) A wheel and axle is a first-class lever that rotates in a circle. It multiplies torque like the lever. Examples include bicycle wheels and water wheels. Segmental dimensions are important for precise
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1) Levers, pulleys, and wheel and axle are simple machines that help multiply force. A lever is a rigid bar that pivots around a fulcrum. There are three classes of levers - first, second, and third.
2) A pulley is a grooved wheel that rotates around a fixed axis, allowing a rope to pass through it. Pulleys can be fixed or movable. Anatomical pulleys help deflect muscles for increased mechanical advantage.
3) A wheel and axle is a first-class lever that rotates in a circle. It multiplies torque like the lever. Examples include bicycle wheels and water wheels. Segmental dimensions are important for precise
1) Levers, pulleys, and wheel and axle are simple machines that help multiply force. A lever is a rigid bar that pivots around a fulcrum. There are three classes of levers - first, second, and third.
2) A pulley is a grooved wheel that rotates around a fixed axis, allowing a rope to pass through it. Pulleys can be fixed or movable. Anatomical pulleys help deflect muscles for increased mechanical advantage.
3) A wheel and axle is a first-class lever that rotates in a circle. It multiplies torque like the lever. Examples include bicycle wheels and water wheels. Segmental dimensions are important for precise
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1) Levers, pulleys, and wheel and axle are simple machines that help multiply force. A lever is a rigid bar that pivots around a fulcrum. There are three classes of levers - first, second, and third.
2) A pulley is a grooved wheel that rotates around a fixed axis, allowing a rope to pass through it. Pulleys can be fixed or movable. Anatomical pulleys help deflect muscles for increased mechanical advantage.
3) A wheel and axle is a first-class lever that rotates in a circle. It multiplies torque like the lever. Examples include bicycle wheels and water wheels. Segmental dimensions are important for precise
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Defination : A Lever is a rigid bar which is capable
of movement about a fixed point called a fulcrum or axis. In this the net rotation is produced by (a)A muscle force
(b)A Gravitational and/or external force.
1.Effort force(EF) is the 1.Resistance force is an force producing the opposing torque created in resultant torque. response to effort force. 2.Moment arm (MA) for the 2.Moment arm (MA) for RF is referred to as the the EF is referred to as resistance arm. the effort arm. 3.Always the loser 3.Always the winner FIRST CLASS LEVER
A Lever system in which the axis or center of rotation(COR)
lies between the point of application of the effort force and the point of application of the resistance force.
MA of this lever vary from 0 to 1. it’s a Lever of stability
Eg. nodding movement of head.
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SECOND CLASS LEVER A lever system in which the resistance force lies between the COR and the effort force. A Lever of POWER.MA is always 1.
Eg. When the heels are raised to stand on the toes.
Mostly occur when some weight is held in hand.
A Lever system in which the effort force lies between the
COR and Resistance force which always results in RA being larger than EA.
MA is not obtained in it. Its the lever of acceleration.
Eg. Elbow joint. most musculoskeletal joints behave as 3rd
class lever. Click icon to add picture
A Pulley is a grooved wheel which is rotated
about a fixed axis by a rope passes round it.
The fibers of a muscles wrap around a bone or are
deflected by a bony prominence and form an anatomical pulley. These make the movement easier by deflecting the action line of the muscle away from the joint axis thus increasing the MA of the muscle force. E.g. Patella act as an anatomical pulley ANATOMICAL PULLEY WHEEL AND AXLE Its a simple machine. A wheel and axle is a modified lever of the first class that rotates in a circle around a center point or fulcrum. The larger wheel (or outside) rotates around the smaller wheel (axle). E.g Bicycle wheel , well wheel MA - resistance/effort Click icon to add picture
The machine used to draw water from the well. SEGMENTAL DIMENSIONS The segmental method make use of photographs ,videos and these help in individual findings of location of COG. Discovered by Dempscer in1955. He immersed each segment of a cadavor in water and estimated the weight of each segment by the water coming out in another container and then he estimated the gravity acting on each and thus the COG. CONT….. • The COG is determined by the torque principle. The sum of torque of individual segment in about arbitrary placed x-y axis will produce the location of COG. This can be done by: 1.Using Walton template 2.Without Using Walton Template SEGMENTAL DIMENSIONS ARE VERY IMPORTATNT FOR A PRECISE ANLYSIS OF THE HUMAN BODY. THANK YOU