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Electrical Machines - Synchronous Generator

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Electrical Machines


Instructor: Dr Alina Mirza

Department of Electrical Engineering, Military College of Signals

National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
Three Phase Synchronous Generator
• In a synchronous generator, a DC current is applied to the rotor
winding. The rotor is then turned by a turbine to produce a rotating
magnetic field, which induces 3-phase voltages within the stator
• Field winding: winding producing the rotor magnetic field (rotor
• Armature windings: are the windings where the stator voltages are
induced (stator windings)
Construction of synchronous machines
The rotor of a synchronous machine is a large electromagnet. The magnetic poles can be either
salient (sticking out of rotor surface) or non- salient construction.

Non-salient-pole rotor: # of poles: 2 or 4. Salient-pole rotor: # of poles:

large number

Rotors are made laminated to reduce eddy current losses.

The speed of rotation of Syn. Gen

Synchronous means that the electrical frequency produced is synchronized with

the mechanical rate of rotation of the generator.

fe is the electrical frequency, Hz;
nm is mechanical speed of magnetic field (rotor speed for synchronous machine), rpm;
P is the number of poles.

To generate 60-Hz power in a two-pole machine, the rotor must turn at 3600 r/min.
To generate 50-Hz power in a four-pole machine, the rotor must turn at 1500 r/min
The induced voltage in a 3-phase set of coils
In three coils, each of NC turns, placed around the rotor magnetic field, the induced in each
coil will have the same magnitude and phases differing by 1200:

eaa ' (t)  NCm sinmt

ebb ' (t)  N Cm s i n m t 120 

ecc ' (t)  N Cm s i n m t  240 

Peak voltage:

Emax  NCm Emax  2 NC f

2 2 N  f
RMS voltage: EA  2 NC  f  C
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator

The internally generated voltage in a single phase of a synchronous machine EA

is not usually the voltage appearing at its terminals. It equals to the output
voltage V only when there is no armature current in the machine. The reasons
that the armature voltage EA is not equal to the output voltage V are:
1. Distortion of the air-gap magnetic field caused by the current flowing in
the stator (armature reaction);
2. Self-inductance of the armature coils;
3. Resistance of the armature coils;
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator

Armature reaction:

• When the rotor of a synchronous

generator is spinning, a voltage EA
is induced in its stator.
• When a load is connected, a current
starts flowing creating a magnetic Lagging
field in machine’s stator. load
• This stator magnetic field BS adds to
the rotor (main) magnetic field BR
affecting the total magnetic field and,
therefore, the phase voltage.
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
The load current IA will create a stator magnetic field BS, which will produce the armature
reaction voltage Estat. Therefore, the phase voltage will be

V  E A  Estat
The net magnetic flux will be

Bnet  BR  BS
Rotor field Stator field
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
Since the armature reaction voltage lags the
current by 90 degrees, it can be modeled by

Estat   jXI A
The phase voltage is then

V  E A  jXI A
However, in addition to armature reactance effect, the stator coil has a self-
inductance LA (XA is the corresponding reactance) and the stator has resistance RA.
The phase voltage is thus

V  E A  jXI A  jX A I A  RI A
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
Often, armature reactance and self- inductance
are combined into the synchronous reactance of
the machin e:

XS  X  XA
Therefore, the phase voltage is

V  E A  jX S I A  RI A

The equivalent circuit of a 3-phase

synchronous generator is shown.

The adjustable resistor Radj controls the field

current and, therefore, the rotor magnetic field.
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
A synchronous generator can be Y- or -connected:

The terminal voltage will be

VT  3V  for Y VT  V  for 
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator

Since – for balanced loads – the three phases of a synchronous generator are
identical except for phase angles, per-phase equivalent circuits are often used.
Phasor diagram of a synchronous generator
(similar to that of a transformer)

Since the voltages in a synchronous generator are AC voltages, they are usually expressed as
phasors. A vector plot of voltages and currents within one phase is called a phasor diagram.

A phasor diagram of a synchronous generator with a

unity power factor (resistive load

V  E A  jX S I A  RI A
Phasor diagram of a synchronous generator
(similar to that of a transformer)
Since the voltages in a synchronous generator are AC voltages, they are usually expressed
as phasors. A vector plot of voltages and currents within one phase is called a phasor

A phasor diagram of a synchronous generator with a

unity power factor (resistive load)

Lagging power factor (inductive load): a larger than for

leading PF internal generated voltage EA is needed to form
the same phase voltage.

Leading power factor (capacitive load).

Phasor diagram of a synchronous generator
(similar to that of a transformer)

The behavior of a synchronous generator varies greatly under load depending on

the power factor of the load
Power and torque in synchronous generators
A synchronous generator needs to be connected to a prime mover whose speed is reasonably constant (to
ensure constant frequency of the generated voltage) for various loads.
The applied mechanical power

Pin  appm
is partially converted to electricity
Pconv  indm  3E A I A cos
Where  is the angle between
EA and IA.

The power-flow diagram of a

synchronous generator.
Power and torque in synchronous generators
The real output power of the synchronous generator is

Pout  3VT I L cos  3V I A cos

The reactive output power of the synchronous generator is

Qout  3VT I L sin  3V I A sin

Recall that the power factor angle  is the angle between V and IA and not the
angle between EA and IA.
V  E A  jX S I A  RI A
In real synchronous machines of any size, the armature resistance RA
<< XS and, therefore, the armature resistance can be ignored. Thus, a
simplified phasor diagram indicates that

E Asin 
I A cos 
Power and torque in synchronous generators
Then the real output power of the synchronous generator can be approximated as

Pout  3V EA sin 


We observe that electrical losses are assumed to be zero since the resistance is neglected. Therefore:

Pconv  Pout
Here  is the power angle of the machine – the angle between V and EA. This is Different from the power
factor angle/
The maximum power can be supplied by the generator when  = 900:

Pmax  3V EA
a) What is the speed of rotation of generator?
• What is the terminal voltage of this generator if the following are
• It is loaded with the rated current at 0.8 PF lagging.
• It is loaded with the rated current at 1.0 PF.
• It is loaded with the rated current at 0.8 PF leading
At 0.8 PF lagging
At unity PF
At 0.8 PF leading
c) What is the efficiency of this generator (ignoring the unknown electrical losses) when it is
operating at the rated current and 0.8 PF lagging?
d) How much shaft torque must be applied by the prime mover at full load? How
large is the induced countertorque?
e) What is the voltage regulation of this generator at 0.8 PF lagging? At 1.0 PF? At
0.8 PF leading?
• What is effect of load changes on a synchronous generator operating
The Effect of Load Changes on a
Generator Operating Alone
• If lagging loads (+Q or inductive reactive power loads) are added to a
generator, VØ and the terminal voltage VT decrease significantly.
• If unity-power-factor loads (no reactive power) are added to a
generator, there is a slight decrease in VØ and the terminal voltage.
• If leading loads (-Q or capacitive reactive power loads) are added to a
generator, VØ and the terminal voltage will rise

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