ISO 27001 Controls and Checklist - Mine

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ISO 27001 Checklist : 16

What is ISO 27001

 ISO 27001 defines the requirements as follows:

 Establishment of Information Security Management System [ISMS]
 Implementation of ISMS
 Maintenance and continual improvement of ISMS
 It presents a systematic approach to secure the sensitive information in an
What the consultant needs to do for us

 Define the objectives to implement security improvement program

 Identify the firm’s key processes
 Understand customers’ requirements
 Define the scope by comparing the existing security with that of requirements as per
 erform a risk assessment  Manage the identified risk  Implement controls  Prepare
and apply for certifications
Obtain management support
 The most important reason and the first one to sort out when commencing
with ISO 27001. One of the main reasons why ISO 27001 certification projects
fail – management is either not providing enough people to work on the
project, or not enough money. (Read the article 
Four key benefits of ISO 27001 implementation for ideas on how to present
the case to management.)
 2. Treat it as a project
 As I already said, the implementation of an Information Security Management
System (ISMS) based on ISO 27001 is a complex issue involving various activities
and lots of people, lasting several months (or more than a year). If you do not
clearly define what is to be done, who is going to do it, and in what time frame
(i.e., apply project management), you might as well never finish the job. (Read
the article ISO 27001 project – How to make it work for more about
developing a successful ISO 27001 project.)
ISO 27001 controls
Domains in ISO27001

 The controls list in Annex A is organized into 14 sections with a 114 controls :
 Controls related to organizational issues : 24 ( 21%)
 Controls related to human resources : 6 (5%)
 It-related controls : 61 (54%)
 Controls related to physical security : 15 (13%)
 Controls related to legal issues : 8 (7%)
Domains in Annex A

Issues Section/Domain

Organizational Issues A.5, A.6, A.8, A.15

Human Resources A.7

IT related section A.9 A.10 A.12 A.13 A.14 A.16 A.17

Physical Security A.11

Legal Issues A.18

Names of the 14 domains of ISO 27001

Domain Domain Name Description

Information security policies Controls on how the policies are written and reviewed
A.6 Organization of information security Controls on how the responsibilities are assigned ; also includes the
controls for mobile devices and teleworking
A.7 Human Resources security controls prior to employment, during, and after the employment
A.8 Asset Management Inventory of assets and acceptable use; also for information
classification and media handling
A.9 Access control controls for the management of access rights of users, systems and
applications, and for the management of user responsibilities
A.10 Cryptography Controls related to encryption and key management
Names of the 14 domains of ISO 27001- contd
Domain Domain Name Description
A.11 Physical & Environmental Security controls defining secure areas, entry controls, protection against
threats, equipment security, secure disposal, Clear Desk and Clear
Screen Policy, etc.

A.12 Operational Security controls related to the management of IT production: change

management, capacity management, malware, backup, logging,
monitoring, installation, vulnerabilities, etc.

A.13 Communications Security controls related to network security, segregation, network services,
transfer of information, messaging, etc.
A.14 Systems acquisition, development and controls defining security requirements, and security in development
maintenance and support processes
Names of the 14 domains of ISO 27001- contd
Domain Section Domain Name Description
A.15 Supplier relationships controls on what to include in agreements, and how to monitor th
A.16 Information security incident controls for reporting events and weaknesses, defining
management responsibilities, response procedures, and collection of evidence
A.17 Information security aspects of business controls requiring the planning of business continuity, procedure
continuity management verification and reviewing, and IT redundancy
A.18 Compliance Controls requiring the identification of applicable laws and
regulations, intellectual property protection, personal data
protection, and reviews of information security
Which controls apply to us

 The Statement of Applicability (SoA) is the main link between our information security
risk assessment and treatment work, and will show ‘where’ and ‘how’ we have chosen to
implement the controls and the control objectives
 Based on our risk assessments , we select the ones that are applicable to our organization,
driven by our risks
 We will continue to add or delete from the 114 controls as we continue to build our ISMS
specific to our organization
SoA and forward….

 The risks around the valuable information and the processing facilities, devices,
people involved etc is evaluated with the 
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) of information in mind. 
 Whilst we can consider the risks from our operations as drawn out from above, one
of the control areas in Annex A that will always be applicable is the “Identification
of applicable legislation and contractual requirements” in A.18.1.1.  
 This means we must consider the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and
contractual requirements.  Impacts EU GDPR for EU Citizen customer information.
Eventually we will also have to take into account other privacy standards like
POPI in South Africa, LGPD in Brazil, and the CCPA in California. 
nTask SoA

 At a minimum we will include :

 List of the 114 Annex A controls
 Whether the control is implemented or not
 Justification for its inclusion or exclusion
Mandatory Documentation

 List
Clauses in each Annex that are imp

 Annex A.5 – Information Security Policies

 Annex A.5.1 is about management direction for information security. The objective of this Annex is to manage direction and support for
information security in line with the organisation’s requirements.
 Annex A.6 – Organisation of Information Security
 Annex A.6.1 is about internal organisation. The objective in this Annex A area is to establish a management framework to initiate and control
the implementation and operation of information security within the organisation.
 Annex A.6.2 is about mobile devices and teleworking. The objective in this Annex A area is to establish a management framework to ensure
the security of teleworking and use of mobile devices.
 Annex A.7 – Human Resource Security
 Annex A.7.1 is about prior to employment. The objective in this Annex is to ensure that employees and contractors understand their
responsibilities and are suitable for the roles for which they are considered.
 Annex A.7.2 – the objective in this Annex is to ensure that employees and contractors are aware of and fulfil their information security
responsibilities during employment.
 Annex A.7.3 is about termination and change of employment. The objective in this Annex is to protect the organisation’s interests as part of the
process of changing and terminating employment.

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