Social Interaction and Social Structure
Social Interaction and Social Structure
Social Interaction and Social Structure
• Man is a social-cultural being and society is both natural
and necessary for man.
• It is difficult for men to live in isolation.
• They always live in various groups and associations.
• As members of these groups, they act and behave in a
certain manner.
• The behavior of each individual is affected by the
behavior of others.
• Thus interaction is the essence of social life.
• Behavior systems grow out of interaction.
When an individual, group or party
influence the behavior (overt or covert)
of an other individual, group or party is
called social interaction.
• According to Persal:-
“Social interaction refers to the ways people
behavior in relation to one another using
language, gestures and symbols”.
• According to Ian Robertson:- “Social
interaction is the process by which people
toward or responded to other people.”
According to Green: “The mutual
influences that individuals and groups have on
one another in their attempts to solve
problems and in their striving towards goals.
According to Dawson and Gettys:
“Social interaction is a process whereby men
interpenetrate the minds of each other.”
• According to Gist: “Social interaction is the
reciprocal influence human beings exert on each
other through inter-stimulation and response.”
• According to Eldredge and Merrill:
“Social interaction is the general process
whereby two or more persons are in meaningful
contact as a result of which their behavior is
Forms of social interaction
1. Individual to individual
It is the basic form of social interaction, in
which two individuals interact with one
another. For example, interaction of mother
with her child, customer and shopkeeper.
2-Individual to group:-
It is also a common form of social interaction in
which one individual interact with a group of
people. For example, the lecture of a
professor to his class, the speech of a political
leader before a large number of people, the
speech of president or prime minister of
Pakistan on radio/ TV .
3-Group to group:-
• In this form of interaction one group affects
physically as well as mentally to the other
group due to which social interaction occurs.
For example,
• a match played between two teams, dialogs
between the delegations of two countries
4-Individuals to culture:-
• People are effected by norms, values,
customs, beliefs, fashions etc. of their culture.
At the same time People also effected their
Culture by making certain changes in it
according to their needs.
Elements of social interaction
1-Two or more than two people
2-Social situation
3-To influence the behavior of each other.
Types of social interaction
1-Direct or Physical Interaction: it involves
physical action among the individuals.
Beating, biting, thrashing, pulling, pushing, killing,
scratching, boxing, wrestling, kissing etc. are the
examples of direct interaction.
Two teams playing match and a war between the forces
of two countries are also examples of this interaction.
This Types influences other by physical action in
different ways.
2-Symbolic Interaction
• It involves the use of language and symbols. This is the most
common method of human societies.
• Human beings convey their ideas through language and it is
completed by reciprocal response.
• All cultures develop, expand and change only through language
symbolic interaction.
• Without language no culture can live.
• Man uses instruments to facilitate symbolic interaction. Telephone,
wireless, telegraph, postal system, all types of social media.
• Gestures are also symbolic ones. Deaf and dumb convey their
ideas through voice, and gestures of hands and eyes.
• Simple Life
• Socialization
• Training of role performance
• Division of labor
• Social Planning