8051 MC

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• A single chip computer or a CPU with all the peripherals like RAM,ROM,I/O, Timers,
ADCs, etc on the same chips.

• A Microcontroller is meant to be more self- contained and independent, and functions

ads a tiny, dedicated computer.
• Originally, 8051 Microcontrollers were developed using N-MOS Technology but the
use of battery powered devices and their low power consumption lead to usage of
CMOS Technology (which is famous for its low power consumption).
• Majority of the modern 8051 Microcontrollers are Silicon IP Cores (Intellectual
Property Cores) but discrete 8051 Microcontroller IC’s are also available. Because of
their low power consumption, smaller size and simple architecture, 8051 IP Cores are
used in FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) and SoCs (System on Chip) instead of
Advanced ARM Architecture based MCUs.
• Useful for small computing tasks.
• Adequate for many control and monitoring application.
• Packaging (RAM, ROM, Timers on chip).
• Less power consumption.
• Easily upgradable.
• Availability of tools of microcontroller such as proteus
(simulator) and keil (compiler).
•The 8051 is an accumulator based microcontroller. Its registers are: register A,
PSW, register B, 8-bit stack pointer, 16-bit data pointer, program counter,
program address register, 16-bit timer registers for timer/counters, instruction
register, control registers, RAM address register, serial data buffer, capture
registers, special function registers etc.,
•Register B is used during multiply and divide operations.
•Data pointer: It consists of DPH( a high byte) and DPL(a low byte). It holds
16- bit address. It can be used as a 16-bit register or a two independent 8-bit
•Serial Data Buffer: It consists of two separate registers, a transmit buffer
register and a receive buffer register.
•Timer Registers: (TL0,TH0), (TL1,TH1), and (TL2,TH2) are register pairs.
These register pain are 16-bit counting registers for Timer/counter 0,1, and 2 respectively.
Program Counter: The Intel 8051 microcontroller contains a
16-bit program counter (PC) register. It points to the address of
the next instruction of the program which is to be fetched and
executed. It is automatically incremented after fetching an
instruction. It keeps the track of memory addresses of the
instructions in the program being executed. It is affected by
JUMP and CALL instructions.
•Stack pointer (SP): Intel 8051 microcontroller contains an
8-bit stack pointer register. It is incremented before data is
stored during PUSH and CALL operations. It is decremented
when POP or RET (Return) operation takes place. Any area of
on-chip RAM can be used.
•PSW (Program Status Word): PSW register contains program status
information. Its bits are indicated by PSW.0, PSW.1, PSW.2,…….., PSW.7
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit No
CY AC F0 RS1 RSO OV - P Status

Bit No. 0, PSW.0. It is for parity status (Parity flag, P).

Bit No. 1, PSW.1. Reserved.
Bit No. 2, PSW.2. Overflow flag (OV).
These bits are to select working register bank.

Bit No. 3, PSW.3. (RS0)

Bit No. 4, PSW.4. (RS1)

Bit No. 5, PSW.5. It is Flag 0 (F0) available to users for general purpose.

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