Advance Taxation Refresher Course
Advance Taxation Refresher Course
Advance Taxation Refresher Course
Minor Child
‘Minor Child’ means an individual who, at the end of a
tax year is under the age of eighteen (18) years. [2(33)]
For the purpose of section 90 (i.e., transfer of property)
‘Minor Child’ shall not include a married daughter.
Income Tax Rates
Different tax rates for salaried and non-salaried taxpayers
Marginal Tax Relief for salaried taxpayers only
Association of Persons:
25% of taxable income
Where turnover is 50M or above provisions of section 113
(i.e., minimum tax @ 1% of turnover ) shall also apply
Small companies – 25% of taxable income
Any other companies – 35% of taxable income
Provisions of section 113 (i.e., minimum tax @ 1% of
turnover ) shall also apply
Schemes of Taxation
Normal Tax Regime (NTR)
Income and tax liability are computed under normal
procedure by allowing admissible deductions, deductible
allowance, adjustment of losses, tax credits and tax rebates,
Separate Taxation
Certain incomes and transactions are not included in total
and taxable income; rather, are kept separate and charged to
tax at special rates
Final Tax Regime (FTR)
Certain transactions are presumed as income and tax
deducted/collected at source is treated as full and final
discharge of tax liability in respect of income from such
Overriding Provisions
Section – 3
The provisions of the Income Tax Ordinance shall apply
notwithstanding anything provided in any other law for
the time being in force.
Section – 107
Where there is a contradiction between the provisions
of the Income Tax Ordinance and any ‘Tax Treaty’, the
provisions of the tax treaty shall apply.
Income from Assets
General Rule
Income arising from any asset is the income of the person
who is owner of the asset
Exception to the General Rule
Where a persons transfers his asset under a revocable
transfer, or to his spouse (other than against consideration
or an agreement to live apart), a minor child, or to some
other person for their benefits, the income arising from such
asset shall be treated as income of the ‘transferor’ and not of
the ‘transferee’
Income from Sale of Land
Taxable only if the person is in the business of buying and
selling of land
Under all other cases not taxable under the Income Tax Law
Taxation of Retailers (Ind. & AOPs)
Retailers With Turnover Upto Rs. 5,000,000 [113A]
A retailer whose total turnover for any tax year does not exceed Rs.
5,000,000 has two alternatives for determining his tax liability under
the Income Tax Ordinance. The alternatives available to him are:
He may opt to pay tax computed on of his turnover during the tax year; and
He may opt to pay income tax under the normal tax regime (NTR). Under this
case, the taxable income and the tax liability shall be computed as per normal
Retailers with Turnover Exceeding Rs. 5,000,000 [113B]
A retailer falling under this category is required to pay income tax on
his turnover instead of taxable income. Tax liability of such taxpayer
shall be:
Turnover upto Rs. 10 M - @ 0.5% of turnover
Turnover exceeding Rs. 10 M – Rs. 50,000 Plus 0.75% of exceeding amount
AOP with turnover of Rs. 50 M or above – Minimum tax @ 1% u/s 113
Company as a Retailer – taxable under NTR
Permanent Establishment
of Non-Resident
The PE shall be treated as a distinct and separate entity from the non-resident of which it is a PE. Its profit
shall be computed on the basis of this principle.
Deduction on account of expenses (including executive and administrative expenses) shall be allowed as per
normal procedure.
A PE shall not be allowed a deduction for any amount paid or payable by it to its head office or to another PE
on account of the following expenses:
Royalties, fees or other similar payments for the use of any tangible or intangible asset.
Compensation for any services (including management services).
Profit on debt on money lent to the PE, except in connection with a banking business.
While determining the income, any amount which is received or receivable by a PE from its head office or
from another PE on account of the following incomes shall not be taken into account:
Royalties, fees or other similar payments for the use of any tangible or intangible asset.
Compensation for any services (including management services).
Profit on debt on money lent by the PE except in connection with a banking business.
Head office expenses shall be allowed as deduction equal to an amount which is computed as below:
Total head office expenses of non-resident Turnover of PE
Total world wide turnover of non-resident
Any excess amount allocated to PE shall not be allowed as deduction.
A PE shall not be allowed a deduction on account of the following expenses paid or payable by the non-
Any profit on debt to finance the operations of PE; or
Any insurance premium in respect of the above stated debt.
Thin Capitalization
Thin capitalization is a situation wherein a company has a very lesser
amount of capital as compared to its debts. A foreign-controlled
resident company shall not be allowed a deduction for the profit on
debt paid by it on that part of the debt as exceeds the prescribed ratio.
The provisions in this regard are as below:
The company has a foreign debt to foreign equity ratio in excess of
three to one at any time during the tax year.
Profit on debt shall be allowed as deduction if the debt-equity ratio
remains up to three to one. As and when it exceeds this ratio, any
amount paid as profit on that part of the debt as exceeds three to one
ratio shall not be allowed.
The above provisions do not apply to:
(i) A financial institution;
(ii) A banking company; or
(iii) A branch of a foreign company operating in Pakistan.
Thin Capitalization
Foreign-Controlled Resident Company [106(2)]
It means a resident company in which fifty percent (50%) or more underlying ownership of the company is held by a non-
resident person either alone or together with an associate or associates.
Foreign Debt [106(2)]
Foreign debt has been defined in relation to foreign-controlled resident company and it means the greatest amount of
the total of the following amounts:
The balance of any debt owed by the company to a foreign controller or his non-resident associates, the profit on which is
either exempt from tax or is taxable at a rate which is lower than the corporate rate; and
The balance of any debt owed by the company to a person other than specified in No. 1 above, if that other person is
owing a similar amount of debt to the foreign controller or his associates.
Note: The greatest amount at any time in a tax year shall be taken as foreign-debt.
Foreign Equity [106(2)]
The amount of foreign equity of a foreign-controlled resident company shall be computed as below:
Amounts representing share in the equity of the company of foreign-controller or his non-resident foreign associates:
Paid up value of shares held XXX
Share premium XXX
Accumulated profit XXX
Asset revaluation reserve XXX XXX
Debt obligation owed to the company by the foreign-controller and his non-resident associates XXX
Share in accumulated losses XXX XXX
Foreign equity XXX
Note: All the above mentioned amounts should be taken at the balance appearing in the books at the
beginning of the tax year.
Income from Non-Trading Activities
According to clause (100) of Part-I of the Second Schedule the income of a Modaraba from non-
trading activities shall be exempt from tax for any assessment year commencing on or after 01-07-
1999. In order to avail this exemption, it shall have to fulfill the following conditions:
Minimum 90% of the total profit (after transfer to mandatory reserve) is distributed among the
certificate holders; and
For the purpose of determining the distribution of 90% profits, the profits distributed through bonus
certificates or shares shall not be taken into account.
Incomes from Trading Activities [Clause (18) of Part-II of Second Schedule]
Currently, a Modaraba is taxable for such incomes, which are generated through trading activities. It
shall be taxable at the rate of twenty five percent (25%) of its total trading income excluding the
Dividend incomes;
Incomes to which section 153 applies (i.e., supply of goods, rendering of services or execution of
Incomes to which section 154 applies (i.e., exports).
Non-application of Minimum Tax u/s 113 [Clause (11A)(xiii) of Part-IV of Second Schedule]
The provisions of sections 113 regarding payment of minimum tax are not applicable to a Modaraba
registered under the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Flotation and Control) Ordinance, 1980.
Banking Companies
No depreciation allowance or deduction shall be admissible on
assets given on finance lease
Provisions for advances and off balance sheet items shall be
allowed up to a maximum of 1% of total advances; and
Provisions for advances and off-balance sheet items shall be
allowed at 5% of total advances for consumers and small and
medium enterprises (SMEs)
Provisioning in excess of 1% would be allowed to be carried over
to succeeding years
If provisioning is less than 1% of the advances, then actual
provisioning for the year shall be allowed
The amount of “bad debts” classified as “sub-standard” under
the Prudential Regulations issued by the State Bank of Pakistan
shall not be allowed as expense
Banking Companies
Capital Gain/Loss
“capital gains on sale of shares of listed companies” shall be taxed at
the rate of ten per cent
Where the shares of listed companies are disposed of within one year
of the date of acquisition, the gain shall be taxed at the normal rate
Loss on sale of shares of listed companies, disposed of within one year
of the date of acquisition, shall be adjustable against business income
of the tax year. Where such loss is not fully set off against business
income during the tax year, it shall be carried forward to the following
tax year and set off against capital gain only. No loss shall be carried
forward for more than six years immediately succeeding the tax year
for which the loss was first computed.
Dividend Income
The income under the head “dividend” shall be taxed at the rate of ten
per cent
Income from Business – Taxable @ 35%
Banking Companies
Advance tax
The banking company shall be required to pay advance tax for the
year under section 147 in twelve equal installments payable by
15th of every month. Other provisions of section 147 shall apply as
Provisions of withholding tax under this Ordinance shall not
apply to a banking company as a recipient of the amount on which
tax is deductible.
Minimum Tax
The provisions of section 113 shall apply to banking companies as
they apply to any other resident company
Exemptions and tax concessions under the Second Schedule to this
Ordinance shall not apply to income of a banking company
computed under Seventh Schedule
Salary Income
Salary – Which Income:
Employee / employer relation must exist between the recipient
and the payer
Salary, briefly, is any benefit to a person from his employer
Basis of Taxing Salary:
Primarily salary is taxable on actual receipt basis
Exceptions are:
Salary received in arrears may be taxed on accrual basis at the option of
Commissioner may opt to tax salary income of an employee of a private
company if he is opinion that payment of salary was deferred to avoid
Terminal benefits may, at the option of taxpayer, be taxed at the ART
based on immediately preceding three tax years
Salary Income
Loan from Employer:
Interest-free: Interest at BMR shall be salary income
Interest-bearing: BMR less interest charged shall be salary
Interest exceeding BMR: No benefit to employee
BMR for tax year 2011 is 13% per annum
Loan Used in Acquiring Asset Generating Taxable Income:
Interest-free or interest up to BMR: Interest at BMR shall be
allowed as deduction against such income
Interest exceeding BMR: Actual interest charged to the
employee shall be allowed as deduction against such income
Salary Income
Conveyance :
Conveyance allowance – Totally taxable
Conveyance facility:
For official use only – Nothing is salary
For personal use only – 10% of cost is salary income
For official and personal use – 5% of cost is salary income
If vehicle is on lease – Instead of ‘cost’ the ‘FMV’ of the vehicle at the time of its
acquisition shall be used.
House Accommodation:
House rent allowance – Totally taxable
Rent-free accommodation:
In big cities – Higher of FMR or 45% of MTS/basic salary shall be salary income
In small towns – Higher of FMR or 30% of MTS/basic salary shall be salary income
Fully taxable
Medical allowance as well as Free medical facility:
Medical allowance shall be taxable and facility shall be treated
as per general rule
Salary Income
Employee Share Option Scheme:
Value of right/option in itself is not taxable
If option exercised – FMV of shares less price paid shall
be salary income
If option is renounced – disposal consideration less
price paid for the option, if any, shall be salary income
FMV of the shares at the time of acquisition or when
free right to transfer those shares is granted shall be the
cost of acquisition of such shares. This shall be used for
computing ‘capital gain’
Income from Property
Rent Chargeable to Tax (RCT)
RCT shall include the following amounts:
Higher of the rent received/receivable or the fair market rent for the
period for which the property was actually rented out;
Forfeited deposit received under a contract for the sale of land or a
Any obligation of the owner paid by the tenant;
(1/10th) of the advance not adjustable against rent.
Property Income is taxable on actual receipt basis or on accrual
It is a separate block of income chargeable to tax at special rates
applicable to it only
Certain persons are required to deduct tax at the time of making
payment for Rent. This amount shall be adjustable against final tax
Income from Business
Incomes may fall under following categories:
Local Supplies made out of:
Own-Manufactured goods - NTR
Locally purchased goods - FTR
Imported goods - FTR
Goods manufactured for exports and its scrap (maximum up to 20% of
such production) – May be treated as Export (circular 20/92)
Exports made out of:
Own-Manufactured goods - FTR
Locally purchased goods - FTR
Imported goods – Shall be excluded from exports, as tax u/s 148 shall be
final tax in respect of such goods.
Duty Draw-Backs
Shall not be considered as additional receipt. The exports already
included it and was subject to tax deduction u/s 154. (circular 14/93)
Income from Business
Deductions – Admissible
Any expense incurred wholly and exclusively for the business
Depreciation and amortization
Expense of death of animal being used for business other than
as stock-in-trade
Amalgamation expenses by amalgamated company
Financial charges
Lease rentals by the lessee
Apportionment of Common deductions
Common expenditures shall be apportioned among different
heads of income on some reasonable basis
Income from Business
Deductions Not Admissible [21]
Any tax, cess or rate (including income tax) levied on the profits or gains of the
Any amount of tax deducted at source from an amount received by the person.
Any payment made to any person without deducting tax at source (under
section 149 to 158 & 232), if applicable. A person is required to deduct tax at
source in respect of the following payments:
Brokerage or commission;
Profit on debt;
Payment to non-resident;
Payment for services; or
Any payment on which tax at source was deducted but has not been paid.
Any payment made by an association of persons to its partners or members on
account of profit on debt, brokerage, commission, salary or any other
Income from Business
Expenditure of a non-resident business on account of “Head Office Expenditure” which
exceeds the allowable limits. The allowable deduction on account of “head office
expenditure” is calculated as follows:
Total Head Office Expenditure Total Turnover in Pakistan
Total World Turnover
Any expenditure incurred on entertainment except those, which are incurred:
Abroad in connection with the business;
In Pakistan on entertainment of foreign or local customers and suppliers;
At the meetings of members, agents, directors and employees;
On refreshment of employees;
At the opening of branches; and
On entertainment of persons related directly to business. [Rule-10]
‘Entertainment’ means the provision of meals, refreshments and reasonable leisure
facilities in accordance with the tradition of business and subject to over all norms and
customs of business in Pakistan.
The Board may prescribe the conditions for allowing an entertainment expense. The
violation of such conditions shall also render the expense as inadmissible.
Income from Business
Any expenditure under a single account head exceeding Rs. 50,000 in
aggregate shall be inadmissible if the payment is not made through a crossed
cheque or a bank draft. However, this provision shall not be applicable to:
Utility bills.
Single transactions not exceeding Rs. 10,000.
Payments on account of freight charges.
Any amount credited by direct transfer to an employee’s bank account for
reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the taxpayer.
Payments made to discharge any statutory obligation (such as duties, taxes,
octroi, export tax, fines, fee, cess, etc.).
Note: Online transfer of payment from the business account of the
payer to the business account of the payee as well as payment through credit
card shall be treated as transactions through the banking channel, if such
transactions are verifiable from the bank statements of the respective payer
and the payee.
Any payment on account of salary exceeding Rs. 15,000 per month if not made
through a crossed cheque or transfer to the employee’s bank account.
Income from Business
Any contribution to such provident fund, pension fund, gratuity fund,
superannuation fund or annuity fund which is not recognized or
approved under the income tax law.
Any contribution to any provident or other fund, if the person has not
made effective arrangements for deduction of tax at source at the time
of payments out of such fund.
Any donation to an unapproved institution.
Any provision against the profits of the business, e.g., provision for
bad debts.
Any appropriation of profit such as dividends, transfer to reserves or
capitalization in any way.
Any expenditure in the nature of fine or penalty for the violation of
any law, rule or obligation.
Any expenditure of a capital nature (e.g., purchase of assets).
Any personal expenditure incurred by the person.
Income from Business
Bad Debts:
Actual allowed; provision for doubtful debts, inadmissible
Normal – admissible
Abnormal – admissible (net-off any claim)
Non-payment of a liability:
Income if not paid within three years.
Expense if paid thereafter
Consumers’ Loan by HBFC/NBFCs:
Provision equal to 3% of income from such loan shall be
deduction on account of bad debts
If actual bad debts are more, those shall be carried forwarded
to next year for adjustment of provision for that year
Income from Business
Depreciable asset – Normal depreciation (DBM)
Eligible depreciable asset – Initial allowance plus normal
depreciation (DBM)
Intangible – Amortization for lesser of useful life of the asset
of 10 years (SLM)
Pre-commencement expenditure – Amortized @ 20% of cost
Acquisition of an Asset:
A person shall be treated as having acquired an asset at any
of the following times:
When he begins to own an asset;
When he is granted any right to own an asset; or
When a personal asset is applied for business use.
Income from Business
Disposal of An Asset
Disposal of an asset means to pass over an asset to some other person. In its
general meanings it denotes the change in ownership of an asset. Under the
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 a disposal may take place when an asset is: [75(1)]
Relinquished (to abandon, give up or renounce some right or thing);
Transmitted by succession or under a will;
In case of a business asset, applied to personal use; or [75(3)]
In case of a business asset, discarded or ceased to be used in business. [75(3A)]
Income from Business
Asset from Foreign Currency
Where an asset is acquired with a loan in foreign currency
and exchange rate fluctuation increases or decreases the
liability of the person in Pak rupees, then any increase or
decrease in the liability, before full and final repayment of
the loan shall also be added to or deducted from the cost of
the asset.
Asset Acquired From Any Subsidy, Etc.
The amount of any grant, subsidy, rebate, commission or any
other assistance received or receivable in respect of
acquisition of an asset shall not be included in the cost of
such asset. However, where the amount of grant, etc., is
chargeable to tax under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
then such amount shall also be included in the cost of the
Income from Business
Consideration of a Leased Asset
The residual value received by a leasing company on maturity of a lease
agreement shall be taken as consideration for disposal of such asset.
However, it should be noted that the residual value plus total amount received
by the leasing company towards the cost of the asset (i.e. the principal part of
the lease rentals realized by to the leasing company) should not be less than
the original cost of the asset to the leasing company.
All expenses incurred for the purpose of earning this
income shall be allowed as deduction
Received by a Company:
Taxable as a separate block of income @ 10% of the
gross amount of dividend
Received by Any Other Person
Taxable under FTR
Return of goods;