Barriers To Effective Communication
Barriers To Effective Communication
Barriers To Effective Communication
Dr. Wasim Hassan
Barriers to
Effective Communication
Why is Communication Imperfect?
• Psychological Barriers
• Semantic Barriers
• Non-Verbal Barriers
What do you “think”?
i. Pre-judgement
• People who tend to jump to the conclusions also bear
emotional differences which create communication block
ii. Close-minds
• People with rigid minds are considered ‘conservative’;
thus, they are found very difficult to communicate with
Perceptual Difference
Semantic Barriers
But you -
• An inoffensive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that
is considered offensive or too harsh e.g. ‘kick the bucket’, or ‘pass
away’ is the use of euphemism for the hard expression ‘die’
• Words pronounced or spelled the same way but have different
meanings e.g. bank, mole, race etc.
Non-Verbal Barriers
Body Language
Silence, Space, and Time
Personal Appearance
• Clothing, hairstyles, neatness, jewelry, cosmetics,
Physical Appearance
For Writing
• Jammed or jagged margins, fingerprints or smudges, unclear
photocopies, or messy corrections, etc.
For Speaking
• Mumbling, poor enunciating, stuttering, irregularities in voice
modulations, etc.
• Even the surroundings might distract and cause blocks
in effective communication i.e. hissing ventilations,
blowing air conditioning/fans, clattering sounds, ringing
telephones, slamming doors, construction or traffic
noise, etc.
• Facial Expressions
• Gestures
• Movements
• Voice
Silence, Space, & Time
• Consider how you feel when you make an oral request
that is met with silence
• Consider how do you feel when you are kept waiting for
two hours for a scheduled meeting
Thank You for Not Creating Any Barriers!
• Murphy A, Herta. (2009). Effective Business Communication.
McGraw Hill: New York. pp.15-26
Home Assignment
• Observe the society you live in. Come up with at least 5
Cultural Barriers you think can cause communication
• Exchange them among you and prepare a list of those