Press Commission and Their Recommendations-1

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Press commission and their

Layout of The Presentation
History of press commission .

First press commission

Recommendations of first press commission

Second press commission

Recommendations of second press commission

• First press commission 1952.
• Second press commission 1978.
History of press commission
 To make a comprehensive enquiry and to examine
issues associated with its working journalists and
freedom of press machinery ensuring high standard
of journalism ,government of India appointed two
press commissions.

 First press commission in the year 1952.

 Second press commission in 1978.

First press commission

 First press commission was formed under the

chairmanship of justice j.s rajadhyaksha on 23 September
1952by ministry of information and broadcasting to
inquiry into the state of press in India.
 Some of the other members of group were Dr. C.P

Ramaswamy Aiyer , Acharaya Narendra Deo , Dr. Zakir

Hussain and Dr . V. K. V Rao P.H. Patwardhan, J.
Natarajan and Chalapathi Rau etc .

 It was asked to look into factor , which influence the

establishment and maintenance of high standard of
journalism in India.
 Press commission submitted its annual
report in 1954,made several important
recommendations ,which help in constituting
the profession of journalism in systematic
 After considering the recommendations of

the press commission and the note submitted

by the ministry of information & broadcasting
government of India , the union cabinet
adopted a resolution on 13 september 1955 ,
which became the basic policy document in
regard to the press in India.
Recommendations of first press
 To protect the freedom of the press and to maintain
high standard journalism ,a press council should be
the press council of India was established on 4july
1966 which started functioning from November 16(on
this date national press day is celebrated) 1966.
 To prepare the account of the press and the position

of every year ,there should be appointed of the

registrar of newspaper for India(RNI).
It was accepted and RNI was appointed in july 1956
 Price – page schedule should be introduced.

It was also accepted in 1956

 For maintaining a cordial relationship between
the government and the press ,a press
consultative committee should be constituted.
It was accepted and consultative committee was
constituted on 22nd september 1962.

 Working journalist act should be implemented.

The government implemented this and in1955
the working journalist and other newspaper
employees (conditions of services)and
miscellaneous provision act was set up.
 It recommended establishment of a fact finding
committee to evaluate the financial position of
the newspaper and news agencies.
A fact finding committee was set up on 14th
january 1975.
 For protecting the main principles of the

freedom of press and to help the newspaper

against monopolistic tendencies , a newspaper
financial corporation should be constituted.
It was accepted in principle and on 4th
december 1970,a bill was also present in the
Lok Sabha.
Second press commission
 It was established on may 1978 under the
chairmanship of justice P . C Goswami but he
and his colleagues resigned when new
government came to power at in center 1980.
 Then commission was reconstituted in april

1980 with justic k.k mathew as its chairman.

 The second press commission submitted his

report in1982.
 The second press commission wanted the
press to be neither a mindless adversary nor
an unquestioning ally.
 The press should be widely accessible to
the people if it is to reflect their aspirations
and problems.
Recommendations of second press
 An attempt should be made to establish a
cordial relation between the government and
the press.
 For the development of small and medium

newspaper there should be establishment of

newspaper development commission. (a body
to promote the development of the press)
 Newspaper industries should be separated

from industries and commercial interests.

 Price page schedule should be introduced.
 There should be a fixed proportion of news

and advertisement in small, medium and big

 Newspaper industries should be relieved from

the impact of foreign capital.

 No predictions should be published in

newspaper and magazines.

 The misuse of the image of the

advertisement should be discontinued.

 The government should prepare a stable
advertisement policy.
 The press information bureau should be

 Editor take a responsibility for all matter

published in newspaper ,including

 https://
Thank you !

Kirti shukla

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