LECTURE 8 Grit Chamber

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Grit chambers are designed to remove inorganic particles like sand, gravel, stones, etc. from wastewater to prevent damage to pumps and accumulation in sludge digestors. The key properties of grit are that it has a higher specific gravity than organic matter and settles as discrete particles.

Grit chambers are designed to remove all particles with a specific gravity greater than 2.65 from wastewater.

The settling velocity of grit particles is determined by factors like their size, specific gravity, temperature of the liquid, and drag coefficient, which is approximated using the Reynolds number. Stokes law is not applicable for grit particles due to their size range.

Grit chambers/Grit Channels/Detritus tanks

 are basin to remove the inorganic particles to prevent

damage to the pumps, and to prevent their
accumulation in sludge digestors.
are designed to remove all particles of higher specific
gravity of 2.65.
Grit consists of sand, gravel, stones, soil, bone chips,
coffee grounds, seeds, eggshells, glass fragments,
metals and other materials present in wastewater
which do not putrefy.
In general, grit as defined above has a specific gravity
between 1.5 and 2.7 as opposed to a specific gravity for
organics of approximately 1.02.
 In addition, grit settles as discrete particles, rather
than as flocculant solids which is the case with
Domestic waste: glass, coffee grounds, seeds,
Industrial effluent: metals, sands, clays, etc.
Storm water drains: sands, pebble, road making
Construction sites: gravel, concrete blocks, stone, etc.
Problems of Grits
excessive wear on mechanical plant
blockages of pipes and channels
accumulation on the floors of primary settlement
tanks, aeration basins and digesters
Principle of Working of Grit Chamber
Grit chambers are nothing but like sedimentation
tanks, designed to separate the intended heavier
inorganic materials (specific gravity about 2.65) and to
pass forward the lighter organic materials.
 Hence, the flow velocity should neither be too low as
to cause the settling of lighter organic matter, nor
should it be too high as not to cause the settlement of
the silt and grit present in the sewage.
This velocity is called "differential sedimentation and
differential scouring velocity"
The scouring velocity determines the optimum flow
through velocity.
 This may be explained by the fact that the critical
velocity of flow 'vc‘ should always be less than the
scouring velocity of grit particles
If vc is greater than scour velocity, particles once
settled, may be again introduced into the stream of
The critical scour velocity is given by Schield's
V = 3 to 4.5 (gd(G - 1))1/2
A horizontal velocity of flow of .25 to .30 m/sec is used
at peak flows.
 This same velocity is to be maintained at all
fluctuation of flow to ensure that only organic solids
and not the grit is scoured from the bottom.
Settling velocity of grit
Grit consists o f discrete particles which settle
independently of one another with a constant
 When a discrete particle is left alone in a liquid at
rest, it is subjected to a settlement force of gravity and
to a resistance resulting from the viscosity of the fluid
and inertia.
The settling velocity of discrete particles can be
determined using appropriate equation depending
upon Reynolds number.
Stoke's law: v= g(G-1)d2
Stoke's law holds good for Reynolds number,
Re below 1. This corresponds to particles of size less
than 0.1 mm
Grit particles generally lie between 0.1mm and
1mm sizes and hence, undergo settling in
transition zone
Therefore Stoke's law is not applicable to
determine the settling velocity of grit particles for
design purposes.
v2 =   4g(ρp-ρ )d 
              3 CD ρ
where, CD= drag coefficient
 For Transition flow conditions  CD can be
approximated by
CD=   24 + 3     +0.34 
        Re     Re1/2     

CD= 18.5 =  18.5 
        Re0.6     (vd/u)0.6 
Substituting the value of CD in settling velocity
equation and simplifying, we get
 g (G  1)d 
vs   0.6 
 13.88( ) 
 3T  70 
Also,   vs  60.6d (G  1).  
 100 

For G=2.65,
vs  d (3T  70)
Where, T=Temp. of water in 0C
 v is in mm/sec
d is in mm
Types of Grit Chambers
Horizontal flow type (non aerated):
Horizontal flow Grit chamber
Flow passes through channel in a horizontal direction
The chamber is designed to give a constant horizontal
straight line velocity
This is achieved by
 providing a velocity control sections such as
Proportional flow weir at the effluent end of channel
By Parabolic or V shaped channel, having varying
width with depth
Proportional flow weir
is the rectangular channel controlled at the
downstream end by a sutro weir
 This weir is specially shaped to maintain
a constant velocity in a rectangular channel no
matter what the head of flow.
B:Bottom width of the channel
2b:bottom width of weir
a:height of the bottom rectangular portion of weir
(x, y):coordinates on weir profile
Design of grit basin
Design of weir
a.Design of grit chamber
Find settling velocity of grit
Assume horizontal flow velocity , Vh =0.30m/s
Q=Vh X A ,where A: cross sectional area
Find A
Assume water depth above the crust weir, H: 1-1.8m,
Find basin width W
Overall depth of grit chamber, D=water depth above the
crest weir ,H+0.3m(height of crest of weir from channel
bottom)+free board of 0.45m
Detention time=water depth in the basin/settling
Length of the tank, L: Vh x Detention time
Actual length of tank= L+ (10-50%)L ; to account for
non-idealities in the flow and settling of particles.
b. Design of weir
Height of the crest of weir from the channel
Bottom width of weir=2b, Where, b= 1.467 B Vh
B : Bottom width of channel
Vh : horizontal flow velocity
Assume height of the bottom rectangular portion of
weir, a =0.025m
Find (x,y) coordinates .,by assuming ‘y’ values
(starting from y=a)using the equation
Cd:coefficient of discharge=0.62
2 BVh
Cd . 2 g . y

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