Lecture 2 2024
Lecture 2 2024
Lecture 2 2024
NB: Environment (Biodiversity, Energy, Forest, Water, Waste)
Course Outline /TEACHING PLAN
ID Topic Hours
7 Radioactive Waste Management –Fundamentals 5
Sources, measures and health effects; nuclear power plants
and fuel production;
waste generation from nuclear power plants; disposal
8 Environmental Risk Assessment 5
Defining risk and environmental risk;
Methods of risk assessment;
Case studies
9 Physicochemical Treatment of Solid and Hazardous Waste
Chemical treatment processes for MSW (combustion,
stabilization and solidification of hazardous wastes); 8
Physicochemical processes for hazardous wastes (soil
vapour extraction, air stripping, chemical oxidation);
Ground water contamination and remediation
… Course Outline
ID Topic Hours
10 Biological Treatment of Solid and Hazardous Waste 6
Composting; bioreactors; anaerobic decomposition of solid
principles of biodegradation of toxic waste; inhibition; co-
metabolism; oxidative and reductive processes; slurry
phase bioreactor; in-situ remediation
11 Landfill design 4
Landfill design for solid and hazardous wastes; leachate
collection and removal; landfill covers;
TPE 20
Total 60
Section II: The Linear Model Vs Circular Economy
1. Recognise, explain and discuss how materials and
energy flow through our economic system Mbog
2. Apply a systems approach to developing circular
9 economy models to keep materials and energy at their 4 1
highest value
Municipal Solid Waste Management – Fundamentals
Definition, Sources; composition;
Generation rates; collection of waste; separation, 8 1
10-12 Mbog
transfer and transport of waste;
treatment and disposal options
13-15 Hazardous Waste Management – Fundamentals 12
Definition, Characterization of waste; Mbog
compatibility and flammability of chemicals; fate and
transport of chemicals; health effects
Radioactive Waste Management –Fundamentals Mbog
Sources, measures and health effects; nuclear power
plants and fuel production;
waste generation from nuclear power plants; disposal
TOTAL 48 20
• Assignments:
Attendance: 5%
Class Participation: 5%
Devoir 10%
Technical Reports: 10 %
CONTINUOUS Assessment (CC) 30%
Total 100
Structure of Technical Report
Abstract (Maximum, 250 words)
It should contain these four elements:
1. The purpose of the study (the central question);
2. A brief statement of what was done (Methods);
3. A brief statement of what was found (Results);
4. A brief statement of what was concluded
(Discussion, in part).
… Structure of Technical Report
… Structure of Technical Report
… Structure of Technical Report
• Incorrect: The results are given in Figure 1.
• Correct: Rural women involved in some kind of micro-credit schemes
had improved livelihoods than those not involved (Fig. 1).
• End the Discussion with a summary of the principal points you want the
reader to remember. Do not close on what you wish you had done, rather
finish stating your conclusions and contributions. 12
… Structure of Technical Report
Proposed Topics for Term Paper
1. Waste Legislation in Cameroon: Do actors comply with existing
2. Anaerobic treatment technologies: Examples and case studies
3. Environmental Risk Assessment of MSW: Concept and application
4. Strategies to achieve a more circular economy (e.g., eco efficiency,
clean production, industrial ecology,…) and how technology such as
big data facilitates this.
5. Waste management and ISO14001 accreditation: does HYSACAM
merit this?
6. Application of a systems approach to developing circular economy
models to keep materials and energy at their highest value.
7. Waste treatment Methods: Composting and Recycling
8. Hazardous waste management
9. Waste-to-energy valorisation technologies: Concept and application
10. The international effort to control the Transboundary movement 14of
hazardous Waste: the Basel and Bamako Conventions
Suggested Text
• Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H., Vigil, S., 1993. Integrated Solid Waste
Management: Engineering Principles and Management Issues. McGraw-Hill
Book Co, Singapore.
Municipal Solid Waste Management – Fundamentals
Definition, Sources; composition;
Generation rates; collection of waste; separation,
transfer and transport of waste;
treatment and disposal options
• Les bactéries. les protozoaires. les virus et les oeufs des vers intestinaux se
développent dans les eaux usées et les excréments et contaminent le sol. ies herbes
et les marres d‟eaux,. 18
Les détritus dont sont jonchés les villes et les campagnes. le dégagement d‟odeurs et
de liquides répugnants ou nauséabonds pendant la fermentation des déchets. la
dispersion de fragments de papier. de morceaux de plastiques et de poussière par le
vent sont l‟une des atteintes les plus flagrantes à la beauté de l‟ Environnement.
En effet, il est beaucoup plus coûteux de débarrasser les rues et les parcs des
immondices et des papiers plastiques, que de mettre préventivement en place les
installations et règlements nécessaires à leur dépôt et à leur ramassage.
Dans le pays hautement touristiques, il convient aussi de noter que le visiteur risque
d‟être rebuté par le spectacle de jardin et de plage jonchés d‟immondices et de papier
plastiques ; par les fumées et les odeurs des déchets en combustion ou en
décomposition, par les débris flottants et l‟écume mousseuse qui souille les cours
d‟eau pittoresques.
” La collecte et l‟élimination correctes des déchets urbains est donc une nécessité et
une obligation pour tout un chacun”.
1. Contraintes démographiques
Problèmes lies a la croissance démographique et au tissu urbain
La démographie galopante des villes
La non délimitation entre les zones Industrielles, portuaires, Commerciales et
residentielles et avec habitations et les équipements Collectifs
Apparition inadequate des zones Spontanées au cœur des quartiers Residentiels
ou industriels
La promiscuité des différents types d‟habitats (residentiels, spontanes,
Immeubles . ..)
l‟insuffisance de reseaux routiers carrossables en toutes saisons
La démographie galopante des villes - La non délimitation entre les zones
Apparution inadéquate des zones Spontanées au cœur des quartiers Résidentiels
ou industriels
La promiscuité des différents types D‟habitats (résidentiels, spontanés,
Immeubles . ..)
Comment corrigés le Problème de Promiscuité des différents
types d’habitat
L‟une des approches les mieux indiquées en ce qui concerne la promiscuité des
différents types d‟habitat passe par une politique d‟urbanisation maitrisé.
2. Problemes politiques
3. Problemes reglementaires et institutionnels
4. Problemes techniques et technologiques
6. Information - sensibilization
7. Problemes financiers
Factors that influence waste management
Des efforts doivent être faits dans le sens de la mise en place de structures et
politiques d‟entretien du matériel roulant.
… Waste Management
Four stages of the waste management chain.
Functional elements of solid waste management program
The activities involved with the management of solid wastes from the point
of generation to final disposal have been grouped into six functional
1) Waste generation,
3) Collection,
(6) Disposal.
… Functional Elements of a SW Management System
Waste segregation refers
to the separation of wet
waste and dry waste, the
purpose is to recycle dry
waste easily and to use
wet waste as compost.
Waste handling,
Separation/segregation,storage and
processing at the source
Separation and
Transfer &
processing and
transformation of SW
Disposal 35
Description of the functional elements of solid waste managements
Functional element Description
Waste generation Those activities in which materials are identified as no longer being of
value and are either thrown away or gathered together for disposal.
On- site handling, Those activities associated with the handling, storage, and processing
Storage, and processing of solid wastes at or near the point of generation
Collection Those activities associated with the gathering of solid wastes and the
hauling of wastes after collection to the location where the collection
vehicle is emptied.
Transfer and transport Those activates associated with (1) the transfer of wastes from the
smaller collection vehicle to the larger transport equipment and (2) the
subsequent transport of the wastes, usually over long distance to the
disposal site.
Processing and recovery Instead of mere disposal, solid waste may be considered a resource
for reclamation or by-product manufacture. Overall systems for
processing and recovery of solid waste may include three major
component subsystems: size reduction, separation and recovery
processes.: conversion products, or energy from solid wastes.
Disposal Those activities associated with ultimate disposal of solid wastes
including those wastes collected and transported directly to a landfill
site, semisolid wastes (sludge) from wastewater treatment plants
incinerator residue compost, or other substances from the wires37solid
waste processing plants that are of no further use.
Waste collection
1l s‟agit de bien connaître la façon dont se déroule le service. Pour cela, il faut une
personne chargée de faire le point. de la situation sur le terrain :
• évaluation des quantités collectées. Faire, si possible. une campagne de
pesées sur une ou plusieurs semaine s‟il n‟y a pas de pesées systématiques :
• réaliser un état précis du personnel (nombre. affectation. temps de travail . ...).
du matériel (nombre, type. âge....) et des conditions d‟entretien et de
réparation ;
• Relever les points problématiques (circuits trop longs. Accidents fréquents sur
un secteur, récipients de collecte mal adaptés, matériel en panne. circuits de
décision trop longs....) :
• discuter avec le personnel pour connaître son point de vue.
Ce didgnostic peut durer 3 à 6 mois suivant la taille de l‟agglomération. II est
essentiel au reste de la mise en place.
Mise en place de la collecte et question quotidienne……
Elaboration du projet :
La première contrainte à analyser est le type d‟habitat. En effet, c‟est le type d‟habitat
qui conditionnera le matériel utilisable donc le personnel afférent. et les récipient qui
pourront être utilisés. Ensuite, en fonction de la densité des ordures ménagères. de la
production par habitant et de la vitesse de ramassage. On déterminera le secteur
collecte pour une journée de travail.
Mise en place de la collecte et question quotidienne…
On pourra donc avoir du matériel différent en fonction de l‟habitat d‟une part, et des
récipients utilisés d‟autre part. Attention cependant à ne pas trop multiplier les types
de materiel : il faut penser à leur remplacement en cas de panne.
• modifications des horaires : on peut envisager de commencer plutôt. réaliser
des collecte/vidage des dépôts relais. Ce nouveau plan de collecte entraînera
des investissements et des frais de fonctionnement qu‟il faudra chiffrer.
Les fiches journalières doivent être remplies par les chauffeurs après chaque vidage.
Elles ont remises au chefs.de secteur (ou de garage de secteur), afin qu‟il les compile
sur sa fiche de journée, puis sur un tableau hebdomadaire, mensuel et annuel.
Après accord des autorités locales, la nouvelle organisation retenue devra être
mise en place. il faudra :
On-site Handling and Storage
Refers to activities associated with the handling of SW until they are placed in the
containers used for storage before collection [curb collection, direct haul, transfer
1. Curb
In this system the homeowner is responsible for placing the containers to be emptied at the
curb (road side) on collection day and for returning the empty containers back to his house.
2. Alleys
This is collection of waste from the alley ways beside houses. Who will take the containers to
the collection vehicles could be arranged between the owner of the house and the collection
crew (the organization).
3. Set-out
Waste containers are set out from the homeowner‟s property by additional collection crews that
go with the collection vehicle. The owner of the house is responsible for returning the empty
containers to their storage location.
4. Backyard/setout set-back
Collection crew that goes with the collection vehicle are responsible for bringing out stored
solid waste form the dwelling units and other activities related to collection. It is the only
satisfactory system in which the house holder does not get involved. 47
Collection Technologies And Strategies
Dumping at designated Residents and other Low capital costs Loading the waste into trucks is
location generators are slow and unhygienic. Waste is
required to dump their scattered around the collection
waste at a specified point. Adjacent residents and
location or in a shopkeepers protest about the
masonry enclosure. smell and appearance.
Shared container Residents and other Low operating costs If containers are not maintained
generators put their they quickly corrode or are
waste inside a damaged. Adjacent residents
container which is complain about the smell and
emptied or removed. appearance.
… Collection Technologies And Strategies
b) INDIVIDUAL: The generators need a suitable container and must store the waste on their property until it is collected.
Block collection Collector sounds horn or Economical. Less waste If all family members are
rings bell and waits at on streets. No out when collector
specified locations for permanent container comes, waste must be
residents to bring or storage to cause left outside for
waste to the complaints. collection.
collection vehicle.
It may be scattered by
wind, animals and
waste pickers.
Kerbside collection Waste is left outside Convenient. No permanent Waste that is left out may
property in a public storage. be scattered by wind,
container and picked animals, children or
up by passing vehicle, waste pickers.
or swept up and
collected by sweeper. If collection service is
(HYSACAM) delayed, waste may
not be collected or
some time, causing
… Collection Technologies And Strategies
System Description Advantages Disadvantages
b) INDIVIDUAL: The generators need a suitable container and must store the waste on their property until it is
Residents must be
available to hand waste
Waste collector knocks
on each door or rings
Convenient for resident.
Door to door collection doorbell and waits for
Little waste on street. Not suitable for apartment
waste to be brought out
buildings because of the
by resident.
amount of walking
Stationary Container System: The container used to store waste remains at the
point of generation, except when moved to curb or other location to be emptied. It
can a mechanized system or manually loaded collection vehicle.
…Waste management Process. (Adapted from Tchobanoglous, 1993)
Generation • The problem with this diagram is that it doesn't
include waste minimization nor risk assessment
Waste handling, separation, • From the diagram, five principal steps in solid
storage and processing waste management:
at the source 1. Generation (varies by country,
socioeconomic status, other practices);
2. Waste processing (separation, and storage so
that some might be recycled);
3. Waste collection (picking up solid wastes and
emptying containers into suitable vehicles
Transfer and Separation and processing from transport);
Transport and transformation of 4. Transfer to central storage facility or to a
solid waste processing facility; and
5. Transport and Disposal (Landfilling)
The aim of the waste hierarchy is to extract the maximum practical benefits from
products and to generate the minimum amount of waste. 54
The hierarchy captures the progression of a material or product through successive
stages of waste management, and represents the latter part of the life-cycle for each
Source reduction involves efforts to reduce hazardous waste and other materials by
modifying industrial production. Source reduction methods involve changes in
manufacturing technology, raw material inputs, and product formulation. 56
Waste Prevention:
This means avoiding the potential for waste generation in the first place. It is usually
linked with manufacturing industry, and is synonymous with :
Reductions in resource use,
Resources Selective,
Avoiding certain types of resources, especially hazardous wastes
Waste Minimization:
Waste minimisation is the process and the policy of reducing the amount of waste
produced by a person or a society.
Waste minimization strategies include all actions to reduce the quantity of waste
requiring disposal. Waste minimization includes:
Reducing waste at source
Reusing materials
Recycling waste materials
Reducing use of toxic or harmful materials
• When trying to plan waste management we are dealing with people, and
planning any human activity is a complex process. That is why we need to
have legislation.
Four Rs concept:
Reduce, Use containers that are already at
Reuse, home
Recycle, Refuse to buy the new item when they
Refuse are not required
…Waste management: hierarchy
There are other similar strategies. For example the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) in USA has a hierarchy of options:
1. Source reduction
2. Recycling (reuse and recycling wastes)
3. Treatment - destroying, detoxifying or neutralizing wastes
4. Disposal - discharging wastes.
Source Reduction or “Reduce”
• Preferred method: Prevents the generation of waste in the first
• Manufacturer: Decrease materials/energy used during
• Consumer: Purchase items with minimal packaging, avoid
disposable products
• Includes backyard composting
• Taking a product at the end of its useful life and using all or part of it to make
another product
• Benefits: Saves energy, natural resources, and landfill space, reduces
pollution, creates jobs and useful products
• Requires collection, processing, remanufacturing and purchase (Close the
Les risques sanitaires liés à la mauvaise gestion des déchets solides
Ces déchets peuvent contenir diverses formes de polluants indésirables ou peuvent
être le lieu de prolifération et de production d‟insectes et de rougeurs. Ces polluants
insectes et rougeurs sont une menace constante de la santé de l‟homme, des animaux.
En effet :
En effet, if est beaucoup plus coûteux de débarrasser les rues et les parcs des
immondices et des papiers plastiques, que de mettre préventivement en place les
installations et règlements nécessaires à leur dépôt et à leur ramassage.
” La collecte et l‟élimination correctes des déchets urbains est donc une nécessité et
une obligation pour tout un chacun”.
Waste Management in the Douala IV
• The low income communities (more than 75 per cent of the total population)
in the Douala IV municipality live in areas poorly served by municipal refuse
services. Uncontrolled disposal of the ever increasing amount of solid wastes
in Douala poses health and environmental risks. The potential economic
benefits of sorting and separating various kinds of plastic and glass waste are
not fully realized.
• The Douala City Council spends a lot of money (billions) per year on the
collection and transportation of municipal waste to dumpsites. It is estimated
that non-hazardous glass waste, which includes broken window louvres,
vehicle windows and bottles, is produced at a rate of 10 tons per day in the
Douala IV council area.
Class discussion: Your discussion should be based on the flow chart that follows
• Hygiène et Salubrité du
• Pour un monde de propreté
Douala – Yaoundé – Bafoussam – Kribi – Limbe – Penja/Njombe – Sa’a/Obala – Soa – Sangmelima – Dschang - Mbalmayo
Évolution de la collecte à
Année 1999 2002 2004 2005 2006
Secteur de 18 24 30 34 35
Taux de 18 20 40 60 65
Tonnage 350 460 550 700 725
Évolution de la collecte à Douala
Contrôle d’acceptation
Les effluents générés (en particulier les lixiviats ) par ce procédé sont
ensuite captés et traitées avant leur rejet.
The operational tasks for the hauled container and stationary container systems are
shown schematically in the following figure:
: Risques environnementaux lieu a collecte et le transport de déchets
Source Risques Effets Elément affectes
Coups de klaxon Gêne des populations Trouble de sommeil, Populations,
trouble de l‟audition travailleurs
What should be done?
• Reduce Waste
Reduce office paper waste by implementing a formal
policy to duplex all draft reports and by making training
manuals and personnel information available
(ii) Flies:
Most common in this category is the housefly, which transmits typhoid,
salmonellosis, gastro-enteritis and dysentery.
(iii) Mosquitoes:
They transmit diseases such as malaria, filaria and dengue fever. Since they
breed in stagnant water, control measures should centre on the elimination
of breeding places such as tins, cans, tyres, etc. Proper sanitary practices
and general cleanliness in the community help eliminate the mosquito
problems caused by the mismanagement of solid waste
(iv) Roaches:
These cause infection by physical contact and can transmit typhoid, cholera
and amoebiasis. The problems of roaches are associated with the poor
storage of solid waste.
(v) Rodents:
Rodents (rats) proliferate in uncontrolled deposits of solid wastes, which
provide a source of food as well as shelter. They are responsible for the
spread of diseases such as plague, murine typhus, leptospirosis,
histoplasmosis, rat bite fever, dalmonelosis, trichinosis, etc. The fleas, which
rats carry, also cause many diseases.
This problem is associated not only with open dumping but also poor
(vi) Occupational hazards: Workers handling wastes are at risk of
accidents related to the nature of material and lack of safety precautions.
The sharp edges of glass and metal and poorly constructed storage
containers may inflict injuries to workers. It is, therefore, necessary for waste
handlers to wear gloves, masks and be vaccinated. The infections
associated with waste handling, include:
skin and blood infections resulting from direct contact with waste and from
infected wounds;
eye and respiratory infections resulting from exposure to infected dust,
especially during landfill operations;
diseases that result from the bites of animals feeding on the waste;
intestinal infections that are transmitted by flies feeding on the waste;
chronic respiratory diseases, including cancers resulting from exposure to
dust and hazardous compounds.
(vii) Animals:
Apart from rodents, some animals (e.g., dogs, cats, pigs, etc.) also act as
carriers of disease. For example, pigs are involved in the spread of diseases
like trichinosis, cysticerosis and toxoplasmosis, which are transmitted through
infected pork, eaten either in raw state or improperly cooked. Solid wastes,
when fed to pigs, should be properly treated (cooked at 100C for at least 50
minutes with suitable equipment).
Environmental effect
Air pollution:
Burning of solid wastes in open dumps or in improperly designed
incinerators emit pollutants (gaseous and particulate matters) to the
atmosphere. Studies show that the environmental consequences of open
burning are greater than incinerators, especially with respect to aldehydes
and particulates.
Water and land pollution:
Water pollution results from dumping in open areas and storm water drains,
and improper design, construction and/or operation of a sanitary landfill.
Control of infiltration from rainfall and surface runoff is essential in order to
minimise the production of leachate. Pollution of groundwater can occur as a
result of:
the flow of groundwater through deposits of solid waste at landfill sites;
percolation of rainfall or irrigation waters from solid wastes to the water
diffusion and collection of gases generated by the decomposition of solid
The interaction between leachate contaminants and the soil depends on the
characteristics of the soil. Soil bacteria stabilise biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD), i.e., the amount of oxygen required by micro-organisms to degrade
organic matter, by anaerobic action, if toxic substances are in low
The carbon dioxide produced keeps the pH level low, causing the water to
dissolve minerals in the aquifers. Consequently, the change in groundwater
quality may take place depending on the characteristics of the aquifer. 86
Visual pollution: The aesthetic sensibility is offended by the unsightliness of piles of
wastes on the roadside
Noise pollution:
Undesirable noise is a nuisance associated with operations at landfills, incinerators,
transfer stations and sites used for recycling. This is due to the movement of
vehicles, the operation of large machines and the diverse operations at an incinerator
site. The impacts of noise pollution may be reduced by careful siting of SWM
operations and by the use of noise barriers.
Odour pollution:
Obnoxious odours due to the presence of decaying organic matter are characteristic
of open dumps. They arise from anaerobic decomposition processes and their major
constituents are particularly offensive. Proper landfill covering eliminates this
Explosion hazards:
Landfill gas, which is released during anaerobic decomposition processes,
contains a high proportion of methane (35 – 73%). It can migrate through the
soil over a considerable distance, leaving the buildings in the vicinity of
sanitary landfill sites at risk, even after the closure of landfills. Several
methods are available for control of landfill gas, such as venting, flaring and
the use of impermeable barriers. 87
“Greening” the waste sector
• Greening the waste sector refers to a shift from less-preferred waste treatment and
disposal methods such as incineration (without energy recovery) and different forms of
landfilling towards the “three Rs”: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
• The strategy is to move upstream in the waste management hierarchy, based on the
internationally recognised approach of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM).
… “Greening” the waste sector
Waste reduction through resource use optimisation that minimises resource wastage;
Waste reuse, which circulates waste and avoids the use of virgin resources;
Landfill avoidance, which conserves land and avoids risks of contamination; and
… “Greening” the waste sector
Indicators to measure the progress of greening the sector can
– Resource consumption rate (material use in kg per capita);
– Extent of capture, recovery and/or treatment of polluting emissions such as leachate and landfill
1. List three reasons why accurate waste composition information is important.
2. List six environmental, social, economic, or political factors that should be
considered before making a solid waste management plan.
3. In a community, per capita residential waste generation rate is inceasing at a
rate of 2% and the population is increasing at a rate of 10% per year. If the solid
waste generation rate is 5 Kgs per capita per day and the total solid waste
production rate is 10 tons per year in 1985, calculate the expected per capita
and total solid waste generation rates in 1990.
Solid Waste Quantification: Generation and
Collection Rates
In this lecture:
1. Importance of waste quantities
2. Measures and methods used to quantify waste
3. Waste generation rates
Waste generation
The processing of raw materials is the first stage when wastes are
generated, and waste generation continues thereafter at every step in
the process as raw materials are converted into final products for
… Waste generation
Plastic &
Foam, 26.47%
Fabric, 5.20%
Metal, 1.62%
About 136 million tons of MSW (54.2 percent) were discarded in landfills in 2010
Importance of waste generation rates
… Importance of waste generation rates
A survey of local waste quantities is essential to provide data for making a waste
management plan since:
Solid waste collection and disposal depends on the composition of the wastes;
Comparison and analysis over time indicates the changes in composition and
Future landfill space and lives of the landfill sites must be forecasted;
Knowledge of the composition of solid waste points toward possible recycling
and reuse methods;
Necessary equipment for recycling centers can be designed appropriately;
Weight and volume data are important in designing refuse storage containers and
compaction equipment; and
Adequate refuse collection vehicles can be designed
Measures and methods used to quantify waste
universally accepted units for:
Household waste (kg/capita/day)
Commercial waste (kg/x/day where x can be m2 of floor area of commercial establishment,
unit volume or dollar in sales, the number of employees, etc.)
Institutional waste (kg/x/day where x can be the number of students, m2 of the area of park
or public place, number of visitors, etc.)
Market waste (kg/x/day where x can be the number of market lots, m2 of floor area, dollar
in sales, etc.)
Industrial waste (kg/x/day where x can be unit volume or dollar of production output, m2 of
floor area, the number of employees, etc.)
street sweeping waste (kg/km/day)
drain cleaning waste (kg/km/day)
total waste (kg/capita/day)
Factors affecting generation Rates
• Source reduction/recycling • Public attitudes
• Geographic location • Per capita income
• Season • Size of households
• Home food waste grinders • Population density
• Frequency of collection • Historically, increases in the generation rate
• Legislation correlate with GNP trend
• Typically population increase explains 1/3
of increase in MSW generation
Source Reduction: Waste reduction may occur through the design, manufacture, and
packaging of products with minimum toxic content, minimum volume of material, and /or a
longer useful life. Waste reduction may also occur at the household, commercial or industrial
facility through selective buying patterns and the reuse of products and materials,
Some of the other ways in which source reduction can be achieved follow:
Decrease unnecessary or excessive packaging
Develop and use products with greater durability and reparability (e.g., more durable
appliances and tires)
Substitute reusable products for disposable, single-use products (e.g., reusable plates and
cutlery, refillable beverage containers, cloth diapers and towels) 103
EU Waste Generation Study
Methods To Determine Generation Rates
1. Load count analysis
Given: On a single day you observe the following at a landfill:
10-16 m3 compactor trucks
18-3 m3 pickup trucks hauling loose and dry leaves
56-1 m3 private cars
2-45 m3 trucks with broken concrete
If there are 3.82 Kg/cap.day with 2.7 cap/home and all the waste comes from the town,
estimate the number of homes in the town. What's wrong with the answer?
1. Compute the total weight
Item Number of Avg. Volume Specifica Total Weight
Loads (m3) Weight (Kg)
(a) (b) Kg/m3 (a)*(b)* (c)
= 32,118 Residences
The demolition load, broken concrete may not be representative; calculate the
number of houses with the concrete
Number of residence =
1. Given: A Landfill serves approximately 50,000 homes. Find: What is the
weekly output of hazardous waste to the landfill? Assume: 2.35 capita/residence,
hazardous waste=.0063Kg/capita.day
weekly output of hazardous waste to the landfill (HW)
= 50,000 residence x 2.35 capita/residence x .0063Kg/capita.day
= 740.25 Kg/day x 7 days/wk
= 5181.75 Kg/wk
2. Given: A tire recycler has costed out his capital investment and he needs 1000
tires/day, 5 days/week in order to meet his goal of 8% return on investment. Find: How
big of a town does he need? (NB: .80tire/captia.year)
Tires needed = 1000tires/day x 5days/week
Tires needed = 5000 tires/week
People required = 5000 tires/week x 52weeks/year † 0.8 tires/capita.year
People required = 325,000capita
Assignment 2
1. A town of 20,000 people in a certain country generates 0.95 Kg.(capita)-1 day-1
of MSW. A town of the same size in Cameroon generates 1.9 Kg.(capita)-1 day-1
of MSW.
1. How much MSW is generated in each town?
2. How many trucks would be needed to collect the waste twice weekly? The
trucks each have a capacity of 4.5t (metric tons) and operate 5 days per week.
Assume that the trucks average two loads per day at 75% capacity.
Version Française
Une ville de 20.000 personnes dans un pays génère 0,95 kg. (Habitant) -1 jour-1 du
DSM. Une ville de la même taille au Cameroun génère 1,9 kg. (Habitant)-1jour-1
du DSM.
Measures and Methods Used to Assess Solid Waste Quantities
3. Materials balance analysis
General mass balance concept
= CinVin
= CoutVout
Always write rw as positive in the parent equation and make a negative substitution as required
in the final analysis.
A balance (or inventory) on a material in a system (a single process unit, a collection of units, or an
entire process) may be written in the following general way:
• For physical process, since there is no chemical reaction, the generation and
consumption terms will become zero, and the balance equation for steady-
state physical process will be simply reduced to:
Input = Output
Mass Balance Equation for Solid Waste Systems
Disposed Waste = solid waste materials collected and taken to ultimate disposal (landfill )
Recycled Waste = solid waste materials separated for recycling (and collected by municipality?)
Diverted Waste = solid waste materials not processed through the normal (municipal) waste
management channels. 117
Review Questions
SOLID WASTE DIVERTED FROM LANDFILL DISPOSAL :Complete the table that follows for Total generation and
% diversion
Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Disposal 185,545 191,065 196,652 199,945 200,564 203,301 205,770 207,936 215,840 224,000
Recycle 14,118 19,107 24,581 32,932 44,570 54,735 65,846 77,976 85,120 92,800
Reuse 2,017 2,123 2,235 2,352 2,476 2,606 2,744 2,888 3,040 3,200
% Diversion
Material balance analysis
A cannery receives on a given day 12 tons of raw produce, 5 tons of cans, 0.5 tons
of cartons, and 0.3 tons of miscellaneous materials. Of the 12 tons of raw produce,
10 tons become processed product, 1.2 tons end up as produce waste, which is fed
to cattle, and the remainder is discharged with the wastewater from the plant. Four
tons of the cans are stored internally for future use, and the remainder is used to
package the product. About 3% of the cans used are damaged. Stored separately,
the damaged cans are recycled. The cartons are used for packaging the canned
product, except for 5% that are damaged and subsequently separated for recycling.
Of the miscellaneous materials, 25% is stored internally for future use; 50%
becomes waste paper, of which 35% is separated for recycling with the remainder
being discharged as mixed waste; and 25% becomes a mixture of solid waste
materials. Assume the materials separated for recycling and disposal are collected
daily, prepare a materials balance for the cannery on this day and a materials flow
diagram accounting for all of the materials. Also determine the amount of waste per
ton of product
1. On a given day, the cannaery receives:
a) 12 tons of raw produce,
b) 5 tons of cans,
c) 0.5 tons of cartons, and
d) 0.3 tons of miscellaneous materials.
2. As a result of internal activity, of the 12 tons of raw produce,
a) 10 tons become processed product, 1.2 tons end up as produce waste, which is
fed to cattle, and the remainder is discharged with the wastewater from the plant.
b) 4 tons of the cans are stored internally for future use, and the remainder is used
to package the product. About 3% of the cans used are damaged.
c) 0.5 tons of cartons are used of which 3% are damaged
d) 25% of the miscellaneous materials is stored; 50% becomes waste paper, of
which 35% is separated for recycling with the remainder being discharged as
mixed waste; and 25% of the miscellaneous material are disposed of as mixed
3. Determine the required quantities
a) Waste generated from raw produce
I. Solid waste fed to cattle = 1.2 tons (1089 Kg)
II. Waste produce discharged with wastewater = (12 – 10 – 1.2) ton = 0.8 tons (726 Kg)
b) The material balance equations are as follows;
i. Material stored = (4.0+.075 = 4.075
ii. Material input = (12+5+0.5 = 17.5ton
iii. Material output = (10.0+0.97+0.485+1.2+0.03+0.15+0.0525) = 12.7525
iv. Waste generation = (0.8+0.172) = 0.972 ton
v. The final material balance equation is:
4.075 = 17.8 - 12.7525 - 0.972 (mass balance check)
c). The material flow diagram is as follows:
Measures and Methods Used to Assess Solid Waste Quantities
Waste Valorisation: Waste – to – Energy (WtE)
Waste Valorisation: Waste – to – Energy (WtE)
MSW has really low calorific value and directly incinerating it will
not generate adequate thermal energy. So, pre-treating MSW into
refuse derived fuel (RDF) is more effective.
Algorithm for convenient WtE technology selection (Stehlík 2009)
Waste Processing Methods (Bosmans et al. 2013)
Waste-to-Energy technologies based on applied conversion process
The temperature overlapping of thermo-chemical conversion 129
Valorisation matière
• Définition de la valorisation matière
Terme générique recouvrant le recyclage matière et organique, le réemploi, la réutilisation et
la régénération
• Recyclage organique : Traitement aérobie ou anaérobie par des micro-organismes et dans des
conditions contrôlées des parties biodégradables de déchets avec production d'amendements
organiques : compostage 130
Valorisation matière
• Cassage d‟émulsions avec traitement biologique
Les émulsions (huiles, mélanges eau/hydrocarbures) sont traités par déstabilisation de la
phase huileuse. L'opération s'effectue à haute température, en milieu acide (acide
sulfurique) et permet de séparer la phase huileuse de la phase aqueuse.
Réduction des sels de chrome hexavalent toxiques en chrome trivalent moins toxique et
précipitable en hydroxyde de chrome
Les cyanures de bains de traitement de surface sont oxydés en cyanates (par chloration
alcaline à l'hypochlorite de sodium)
Déshydratation mécanique
Ce traitement, souvent utilisé pour les boues, consiste en une filtration, une
centrifugation ou un séchage. Plusieurs types de filtres sont utilisés : filtre continu sous
vide - filtre presse - filtre à bandes
Processus chimique consistant à traiter les acides des fumées des incinérateurs en les
faisant réagir avec une base (de la chaux en général ou de la soude). Cette réaction
provoque la formation d'eau et d'un sel. L'acide chlorhydrique étant en plus grande
quantité que les autres, on utilise souvent le terme de déchloruration pour celui de
neutralisation 132
Valorisation thermique
Thermo-conversion processes and products (Adapted from Bridgwater
Heat of Combustion
The heating value of waste is a measure of the energy released when it is burned. It
can be estimated by: (i) combusting samples in a boiler and measuring the heat
output; (ii) using lab scale bomb calorimeter or (iii) ultimate analysis.
U is the heat value of the unknown material (cal/g),
ΔT is the rise in temperature from thermogram (0C),
M is the mass of the unknown material, and
Cv is the heat capacity of the calorimeter.
The heat of combustion increases when there is more paper, cardboard and plastic
in waste because they have a high heating value; and decreases when there is a
high content of organic matter, and therefore, of moisture.
Example 4: A 15 g sample of mixed MSW is combusted in a calorimeter having a heat capacity
of 8750 cal/0C. The temperature increase on combustion is 2.750C. Calculate the heat value of
the sample
Schematic diagram of bomb calorimeter Laboratory set-up of bomb calorimeter
Carbon – Nitrogen [C/N] ratio
It is the ratio of the weight of carbon to the weight of nitrogen present in compost or
in materials that are being composted (preferred range: 20 – 35). Lower values
indicate the loss of nitrogen as ammonium gas and render composting impractical.
* Le Rapport C/N carbone/Azote (le Rapport C/N permet d‟apprécier aussi bien
l‟aptitude des ordures au compostage que la qualïte du compost obtenu.
Compost valable à partir d‟ordure dont rapport C/N < 35.
C, H2, O2, S, and N are % by weight of each component.
Energy content from MSW as defined by Khan et al. (1991): 𝐸
E=energy content;
F=percentage weight of food in the waste;
CP=percentages of cardboard and paper; and
PLR=percentage of plastic, leather and rubber.
High Heat Value (HHV) and Low Heat Value (LHV)
Low heat value is the net heat available for combustion of the MSW, while high heat
value includes the latent heat of vaporization also. These are estimated based on the
chemical composition of the waste materials.
W is percent mass of water and
H is the percent of H in the waste.
Typical data on ultimate analysis of the combustible components in municipal solid
waste Percent by weight (dry basis)
Typical data on inert residue and energy content of municipal solid wastes
Energy content: the energy content of the organic components in municipal solid
waste can be determined;
• By using a full scale boiler as a calorimeter
• By using a laboratory bomb calorimeter
• By calculation if the elemental composition is known.
Energy values as discarded basis may be converted to a dry basis by using:
Example: Estimate the energy content of a solid waste sample with the composition
given below:
Set up a computation table to determine the total as discarded energy content of the
solid waste sample using the data in the previous table:
Determine the energy content on a dry basis
a) Moisture content is 21.0 percent (as calculated)
b) The energy content on dry basis is :
If energy values are not available, approximate energy values for the individual waste material
can be determined by using the equation known as “modified Dulong formula’ & the data on
data on ultimate analysis of the combustible components in municipal solid waste Percent by
weight (dry basis)
Solid Waste Generation and Collection Rate
Disposal is the process of collecting and removing waste and
relocating it to a place where it will sit or be recycled.
Methods of Waste Disposal
• Landfills
• Incineration
• Source reduction
• Composting
• Recycling
Sanitary Landfills
Waste Disposal Methods
1. Disposal by sanitary Landfill
Landfill Gas Production
It is estimated that the biological decomposition of 1 ton of MSW produces 442 m3
of landfill gas containing 55% CH4 having a heat value of 19,730 kJ/m3, but the
actual average methane yield is closer to 100 m3 due to the presence of inaccessible
waste and non-biodegradable fractions.
The Landfill Gas Emission Model (LandGEM) developed by USEPA describes gas
production in an equation:
… Disposal by sanitary Landfill
• Groundwater contamination by landfill leachate is likely to be inevitable
• Formation of leachate
– When water percolates through waste, it promotes and assists the process of
decomposition by bacteria and fungi.
– In actively decomposing waste, the temperature rises and the pH falls rapidly
with the result that many metal ions that are relatively insoluble at neutral pH
become dissolved in the developing leachate.
– The decomposition processes themselves release more water, which adds to the
volume of leachate. Leachate also reacts with materials that are not prone to
decomposition themselves, such as fire ash, cement-based building materials
and gypsum-based materials changing the chemical composition.
… Quantity of leachate generated from a landfill site
Lo = I - E - aW
• Lo = Free Leachate retained at site (equivalent to leachate
production or leachate leaving the site)
• I = Total liquid input
• E = Evapotranspiration losses
• a = Absorptive capacity of the waste
• W = Weight of waste deposited
… Quantity of leachate generated from a landfill site
Leachate (lixiviats):Generation and Control:
• Leachate is the liquid generated by the action of water (rainwater or
infiltrating groundwater) and liquids present within the initial waste
percolating through the stored waste within a landfill cell.
• It is formed as the preventive mechanism fails. The volume of leachate
generated is obtained from the mass balance for all the water receiving and
removing from the site.
• The liquid enters the landfill from external sources such as rainfall, surface
drainage, groundwater, and the liquid in and produced from the
decomposition of the waste
Quantity of leachate generated from a landfill site
ΔS Ρ Ε R G F ∆S = change in storage,
P= Precipitation,
E = Evaporation,
G = infiltration from groundwater,
R = surface water runoff,
F = percolation from landfill as
Hypothetical water balance equation:
𝑅𝑜𝑛=𝑟𝑢𝑛−𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟,
𝑅𝑜𝑓𝑓=𝑟𝑢𝑛−𝑜𝑓𝑓 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝑈=𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑙
If the landfill is designed and operated properly, surface water will be diverted
from waste, 𝑅𝑜𝑛=0;
If landfill is constructed above water table with an impermeable liner, 𝑈=0
Here is the simplified equation for a landfill constructed above the water table
and possessing an impermeable liner:
𝐿 = 𝑃 − 𝐸 − 𝑅𝑜𝑓𝑓
A leachate collection and removal (LCR) system is situated above the composite liner to
collect, divert, and remove liquids during landfill operation and well after closure. The LCR
must be designed to limit the depth (hydraulic head) of the leachate above the liner to less than
30 cm. The leachate thus collected can be treated by biological (aerobic, anaerobic),
physicochemical, land application, recycling though the landfill and treatment with municipal
… Quantity of leachate generated from a landfill site
… Quantity of leachate generated from a landfill site
Surface conditions which may affect Les conditions de surface qui peuvent
leachate generation include: affecter la production de lixiviats
vegetation, comprennent:
cover material (density, permeability, la végétation,
moisture content etc),
matériau de couverture (densité,
surface topography and
perméabilité, teneur en humidité),
local meteorological conditions.
. topographie de surface et
les conditions météorologiques
Typical major flows
Rain MSW
Landfill Gas
Mainly methane and carbon dioxide, but
also non-methane volatile organic
LANDFILL compounds, hydrogen sulfide and
Leachate Leachate
Percolating rainfall leaches a variety of
organic and inorganic materials.
BOD5 9-55,000
COD 0-90,000
Total solids 6-45,000
TDS 0-42,000
TSS 6-2,700
Chloride 34-2,800
TKN 0-1,400
Sulfate 1-1,800
Phosphate 0-154
Lead 0-5
Copper 0-10
pH 171
Adapted from: McBean, E. A., F. A. Rovers, and G. J. Farquhar. Solid Waste Landfill Engineering and
Design. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall PTR, 1995. 172
Site investigation criteria
• Sub Soil Investigation: type of soil, depth of GWT and bedrock,
permeability of various strata, strength parameters, extent of
availability of liner materials
a) Trench Method
The Area Method of Landfill
…Area method
c) The Canyon Method
• The canyon method is similar to the trench method except
natural depressions or canyons are used rather than digging
trenches. This can include filling old quarry sites .
• The final cover for the landfill will be about 1m of soil or a
combination of soil and synthetic materials;
Class exercise 1
Question 1
Determine the area required for a new landfill site with a projected life of
30 years for a population of 250,000 generating 2.02 Kg.(capita)-1day-1. The
density of the compacted waste is 470 Kg/m3. The height of the landfill
cannot exceed 15m.
Question 2
Question 3
Given: A recycling operation of commingled wastes. The Chief of Public Works of
HYSACAM wants to know how many sorters, jobs, will be needed on the sorting conveyor
line. You know the population is 120,000. Generation rate is 3.82Kg./capita.day
Weekly tonnage
Persons required (NB: Assume 2.5 ton/person.hour, a work week of 40 hours)
Question 4
• A landfill with a gas collection system is in • Une décharge avec un système de collecte de
gaz est en fonctionnement et dessert une
operation and serves a population of population de 200.000 habitants. DSM est
200,000. MSW is generated at a rate of généré à un taux de 1,95 kg. (Habitant)-
1.95Kg.(capita)-1.day-1. Gas is produced at 1.djpou-1. Le gaz est produit à un taux
an annual rate of 6,2L/Kg of MSW annuel de 6,2 L / kg de déchets solides
delivered to the landfill. The gas contains urbains livrés à la décharge. Le gaz contient
55% methane. Gas recovery is 15% of that du méthane à 55%. la récupération du gaz est
generated‟ The heat content of the landfill de 15% de celle générée. Le contenu de
gas is approximately 17000Kj/m3 (a value chaleur des gaz d'enfouissement est d'environ
17000Kj/m3 (une valeur inférieure à la
lower than the theoretical value because valeur théorique, car la dilution du méthane
dilution of the methane with air during avec de l'air lors de la récupération). La
recovery). The landfill company and a société d'enfouissement et un développeur
developer have proposed to build a ont proposé de construire un lotissement à
subdivision in the vicinity of the landfill proximité de la décharge et les tuyaux du
and pipe the methane generated to the méthane généré à la maison pour être utilisé
homes to be used for heating. The homes pour le chauffage. Les maisons sont estimés à
are estimated to use an average of utiliser une moyenne de 110x106Kj de
l'énergie calorifique de chaque année.
110x106Kj of heat energy each year. Peak Utilisation maximale durant l'hiver est de 1,5
usage during winter is 1.5 times the fois la consommation moyenne. Combien de
average usage. How many homes can be foyers peuvent être construits dans le
built in the subdivision? lotissement?
Landfill design
• To estimate the volume required for a landfill, it is necessary
to know the amount of refuse being produced and density of
the in-place, compacted refuse.
• Salvato recommends a formula of the following form for
estimating the annual volume required:
Where, Dc
LF volume of landfill C= average mass of
Solid waste collected
P = population; Per capita per year
sw c
E = ratio of cover (soil) to compacted fill
Dc = Density of compacted fill sw =Volume of solid waste
c =Volume of cover 184
…Landfill design, see landfill construction
Composite Liner System: The composite liner system consists of an upper synthetic geo-
membrane liner (also known as a flexible membrane liner, FML) and a lower layer of
compacted soil at least 0.61 m (2 ft) thick with a hydraulic conductivity of not greater than
1x10-7 cm/s. The clay used is naturally available clay – durable, with low hydraulic
conductivity. Geo-membrane liners are liable to chemical reactions, as well as loading and
settlement stresses. 185
Types of liners:
High density poly-ethylene (HDPE)
Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE)
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Flexible polypropylene (FPP)
Chloro-sulphonated polyethylene (CSPE)
The surface of the compacted soil liner must be smooth and sufficiently strong to
provide continuous support to the geo-membrane liner. At the time of installation,
the geo-membrane liners are rolled out or spread out over the soil liner with each
sheet overlapping the adjacent sheets and seamed together to create the effect of a
single impermeable layer. [Thickness: 0.75mm to 3 mm (1.5mm for HDPE liner)]
What types of waste are accepted at landfills for disposal?
Household refuse.
Tree and yard trimmings.
Concrete and asphalt.
Construction, demolition, and renovation waste including wood,
metal, roofing, etc. ...
Preapproved liquid waste (Badlands, Lamb Canyon and Blythe
landfills only)
Landfills Are a Good Thing… ... In many cases, the waste people
create and send to a landfill can generate enough energy to power an
entire community and often, revenues generated from a successfully
operating landfill can be used to improve schools, roads, and the
quality of life for all who live near the site.
Landfill closure
• The major function of the final cover is to prevent moisture from
entering the finished landfill.
• If no moisture enters, then at some time the leachate production will
reach minimal proportions and the chance of groundwater
contamination will be minimized.
Site selection for landfill
• How much landfill space does Douala city require for 20 years
of operation. You may assume that 142000 people are being
served by this landfill and that each person generates 2.0Kg
per day of waste. The density of the uncompacted waste is
106Kg/m3 and a compaction ratio of 4.2 can be used. The ratio
of cover to compacted fill is 1.9.
Advantages and disadvantages of landfills
Probably the biggest advantage of sanitary landfills, when
compared to open dumps, is the protection of public health
and the environment.
A properly designed and operated landfill will offer
advantages in the following areas:
(1) aesthetics, especially litter;
(2) decomposition gases and leachate;
(3) birds;
(4) fires and odours
(5) pests;
(6) rats; and
(7) injury from scavenging.
Aesthetics: They include an attractive entrance with good roads and easy-to-read
Gas and leachate: landfills control gas generated by the decomposition of solid
wastes; and leachate formed as water migrates through the solid wastes, picking
up a variety of biological and chemical contaminants.
Birds: These can be a nuisance or even cause problems with planes if the landfill is
near an airport.
Fires and Odours: Odours are best controlled by daily cover, as well as by adequate
compaction. Daily cover also forms cells which are thought to reduce the ability
of fires to spread throughout the landfill.
Pests: Flies and mosquitoes are best controlled by daily cover of the solid wastes
along with the elimination of any open standing water.
Rats: These can be a problem at open dumps, but the use of cover, insuring that all
food wastes are buried, eliminates rat problems at a sanitary landfill.
Sources, pathways, emissions and potential effects
Sources, pathways, emissions and potential effects
2. Incineration
• Prior to 1940, incineration was
common in North America and
western Europe.
Many incinerators were eliminated
because of foul odours and gritty
Currently, about 5% or more of
Cameroon municipal solid waste is
Incineration is a waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances
contained in waste materials. Incineration and other high temperature waste treatment systems
are described as “thermal treatment” .
Incineration of waste materials converts the waste into ash, flue gas, and heat. The ash is
mostly formed by the inorganic constituents of the waste, and may take the form of solid
lumps or particulates carried by the flue gas.
The flue gases must be cleaned of gaseous and particulate pollutants before they are dispersed
into the atmosphere..
… incinération
S‟effectue dans des installations classées soumises à autorisation : ICPE
Normes de rejets atmosphériques draconiennes
Surveillance obligatoire
Process : Thermolyse, Combustion en lit fluidisé, Fours classiques
900 - 1100°C: destroys hydrocarbon waste,
1100 to 1300°C: chlorinated solvents and other wastes which are difficult to incinerate,
>1200°C: needed for bond breakup,
below 900°C: hazardous by products can be formed. These include dioxins and
<800°C incomplete combustion is likely to occur and soot formation will result.
• Residence time (θ). It is necessary to hold the waste at high temperatures
for sufficient time to ensure destruction. The longer the material is held at
high temperature the more likely it is to be destroyed. The residence time
for gaseous substances is a minimum of 2 seconds. For solids the residence
time could be minutes or even hours.
• The resilience times for solid wastes are based on rotational speed of the
kiln and its angle.
• The retention time of the solids in the incinerator can be estimated from the
0.19L θ = retention time (minutes)
θ L = kiln length (m);
N = kiln rotational speed (rev./min)
D = kiln diameter (m),
S = kiln slope (m. m-1)
Pc Pm
21 Y
Pc = corrected concentration of particulate (mg.dscm-1),
Pm = measured concentration of particulate (mg.dscm-1), and
Y = percent oxygen in the dry flue gas
• A test burn waste mixture consisting of three designated Principal
organic hazardous constituents (POHC): chlorobenzene, toluene,
and xylene is incinerated at 10000C. The waste feed rate and the
stack discharge are shown in the following table. The stack gas
flow rate is 375.24 dscm/minute (dry standard cubic meters per
minute). Is the unit in compliance?
Compound Inlet (Kg/hour) Outlet (Kg/hour) Compound Inlet (Kg/hour) Outlet (Kg/hour)
Outlet concentration were measured in the stack after Air Pollution Control (APC)
equipment. (NB: The DRE for each designated POHC must be atleast 99.99%.)210
Applicability of incinerator systems to waste type
Waste Type CementKiln Rotary Kiln Multi Multi Hearth Fluidised Liquid Injection
Chamber Bed
granular homogeneous X X X X
irregular bulky (pallets) X X
low melting points (tars) X X X X X
organics with fusible ash X X
organic vapour laden X X X
aqueous contaminatied X X X X
with organics
Waste with halogens X X X X X
aqueous/organic sludges X X X X X X
Energy from Waste
Heat Value
• Heating value is defined as the amount of energy released when a fuel is
burned completely in a steady-flow process and the products are returned to
the state of the reactants.
• Estimates of heat values of solid wastes are often obtained from heat value
of major components contain in the every source of wastes collected. This
estimation is done by referring past researches and journals:
**The value of 3412 Btu/hour is being used to obtain value in electrical energy produced
that is kWh.
Example of calculation:
To calculate potential energy of solid waste from residential area in a certain year:
Total average of solid waste generation per hour = 8.2836 lb/hours
Heat value (residential) = 4,300 Btu/lb
Thermal Efficiency = 0.7
Therefore; NB:
Energy, P = 8.2836 lb/hours * 4,300Btu/lb * 0.7 1 pound = 0.454 kilograms
3412 (lb)
Btu = British thermal unit ≈1055 joules
= 7.3076 kWh
Advantages and disadvantages of energy recovery from
• produces no methane, unlike landfill
• a renewable source of energy
• reduces the volume of waste for final disposal by about 90%
• yields five times greater useful energy per tonne of waste than energy
recovery from landfill
• converts organic wastes to biologically less active forms
• can increase energy efficiency by about 30% through waste fired
community heating schemes - not as relevant in some parts of Australia
• materials recovery is possible from the solid wastes produced in the
incineration process
• suitable for many highly flammable, volatile, toxic and infectious waste
streams which should not be landfilled.
• Costs are generally higher than landfill
• reliance on incineration could restrict the choice of future
disposal options because the high fixed costs of waste to
energy plants require long-term contracts
• for some materials, such as paper, inclusion in collection for
incineration may make it harder to establish materials recovery
• some emissions contain pollutants
• some incinerators generate a liquid effluent which may need to
be treated before being discharged to sewers
• incineration significantly reduces, but does not eliminate, the
volume of material to be disposed
Recycling Benefits
• Resource Conservation
• Pollution Reduction
– Crushed glass reduces energy required to
manufacture new glass by 50%.
… Advantages of Recycling
• Energy savings are possible through the recycling of many
materials from many sources. Indeed, the savings in energy
during reprocessing help to determine whether the recycling of
many products is commercially worthwhile.
Benefits of Recycling
Disadvantages of Recycling
Sources, pathways, emissions and potential effects
• “Composting is the biological decomposition of the biodegradable organic
fraction of MSW under controlled conditions to a state sufficiently stable for
nuisance-free storage and handling and for safe use in land applications
(Golueke et al., 1955; Golueke, 1972; Diaz et al., 1993).”
If the ratio is lower than 25, composting will be inhibited due to low-energy supply
and nitrogen will be lost both by leaching and volatilization as ammonia.
𝑟 = 0.5[𝑏−𝑛𝑥−3(𝑑−𝑛𝑧)] and 𝑠=𝑎−𝑛𝑤.
Flow diagram of University of New Hampshire heat recovery
Heat generation during composting
Sources, pathways, emissions and potential effects
5. Source reduction
Risques liés à l’usage des différentes méthodes.