Semnale Caracteristice Sistemelor de Injectie de Benzina de Tip Motronic

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Semnale caracteristice

sistemelor de injectie
de benzina de tip
Regulatorul de presiune
Regulator de presiune mecanic
Regulator de presiune mecanic automat

S = suprafata

Injectoare de benzina
Constructia injectorului de benzina

 The fuel injectors are solenoid

operated valves, controlled by
the ECU

 The opening of the injector is

determined by the magnetic
field developed by the current
flow in solenoid, which
attracts and lifts the injector’s

 The gasoline flows through the

fuel injector (cooling the coil)
and is sprayed into the intake 7

The Gasoline Fuel Injector Connections

 The fuel injector is

permanently connected
at (+)
 The injector command is
achieved by closing the
circuit to the ground
using a transistor.

Semnalul de tensiune al injectorului de benzina

 Due to the permanent connection of the

injector to the ignition plus, a connection to
the (+) terminal of the injector will provide a
constant voltage of 14 V, with no information
about injector working.

 Therefore in this case the oscilloscope will be

connected between the minus connection of
the injector and ground.

 Thus, a voltage fall from 14V to 0V results in

the moment of circuit closing and it returns to
the initial value of 14 V when the circuit is

 The period of time in which the voltage

remains null (5 ms in picture) 9represents the
power supply time of the fuel injector
(command time).
 For a better view of the fuel injector
voltage signal (the start injection point
fixed, instead of the final point), a manual
setting of the trigger is necessary.

 The trigger has to be set at a level

between 0 V and 14 V, descending (6.47 V
in this example).

 The intersection between signal and

trigger level will determine the “zero”
time point.

 The voltage spike which appears at the

end of injection is due to the presence of
the injector coil.

 When the transistor is turned off, the

magnetic field of the coil collapses
causing a back “voltage spike” that can
damage the ECU.

 To prevent this fact, a Zener diode limits

the voltage at 70 V.
 At the time scale corresponding to a single injection
view, the spike is very sharp and it doesn’t appear to be
“cut”, but the maximum voltage is constant.

• For a better observing of the voltage limiting,

the oscilloscope time scale has to be changed to
a smaller one.
• In order to keep the spike in the same position
on the screen, the trigger has to be changed to
the positive slope.

Vizualizarea aceluiasi semnal de tensiune
pentru diverse scale ale timpului

 It can be observed that an increasing

of time scale alters the signal
 At the first step, not all the spikes will
have the same level.

• At a further increasing of the time

scale it can be observed that the
spikes almost disappear and the
square part of signal gets a spike

Voltage Signal on Different Time Scales
 For the time bases less than 1 s, the image is
displayed by screen refreshing.
 For synchronising reason, the next image is not
displayed until the trigger condition is true.
 That means that the last image can remain on the
screen for seconds if the trigger condition is not
 This is the case of engine overrunning when ECU cut
the injection.
 So, it is possible for the injector "signal" to remain on
the screen even when this signal doesn't exist

• This is not the case for the time scales larger

than 1 s, when the signal displaying is cursive
and every modification can be easily view.

• For example the injection cutting is visualised

like a continuous line, without injection pulses.

Modul de variatie al curentului printr-o bobina
 From electrical point of view, the injector
is a coil.
 A coil reacts when current changes, in the
sense that it is going to resist to the
change of its magnetic field and generates
an electro-motive force which opposes to
the field variation.
 Consequently when a coil is connected to
power, it will take some time until it
reaches the maximum current I = U / R.
 This delay depends on the time constant of
the coil T = L / R, in other words it
depends on the character of coil: less
inductive or less resistive.
 As the current through the coil grows, it
accumulates magnetic energy. When
opening the electric circuit all the energy
is released, generating self-induced
voltage that has been seen previously.
Variatia curentului prin bobina injectorului
 Due to the coil characteristic, a period
of time is needed until the current
through the coil reaches the minimum
value necessary for injector opening.

 Thus results a delay between the

moment of circuit closing (command of
the injector) and effectively opening of
the injector.

 At the moment of injector opening the

inductance of the coil is modified, due
to the change of the needle position.

 The consequence is that the time

constant (T=L/R) of the coil changes as
well as its characteristic.

 Thus opening the injector can be

highlighted by the appearance of a
point of inflection on current
Importance of the Inflection Point for Diagnosis

 The opening time (t0) represents the time elapsed from

the injector command until its opening.

 It depends only on the injector constructive

characteristics (coil inductance, spring elasticity, needle
mass, etc.) and it is invariable with the engine
functioning parameters (speed, load etc.)

 Consequently, identical injectors must have identical

opening time.

 If the opening time changes, for the same command time

(tECU), the effective injection time (tinj) will be altered.

 An increasing of the opening time denotes a partial grip

of the injector needle, causing the cylinder to run lean.
 A shorter time of opening can reflect an altering of spring
elasticity, and determine a mixture enrichment for

 The absence of the inflexion point indicates that the

injector does not open (is blocked), despite
16 of voltage
Informativity* of the Injector Signals

• When the injector needle is blocked it doesn't

move and the coil inductance is unchanged. The
increasing of electric current through the coil has
no inflection point.

• If the current pulse is rectangular instead of

curved, the injector is shorted.

• No current means the injector coil is probably


• The inductive spike represents the general health

of the injector coil windings.

• A spike voltage less than Zener diode limit

indicates a partial short-circuit of the coil
windings, which determines a reduction of the
coil inductance and energy, that conducts to a
lower self-induced voltage.

• If the spike is too high, the ECU protection circuit

has failed. 17

* Informativity= the capacity of a diagnostic parameter to offer informations about the real state of a
Modificarea timpului de injectie
 The ECU adjusts the pulse width to
control the engine power.

 This can be easily tested by observing

the widening of the injector pulse
when blipping the throttle or
increasing the idle speed.

Traductorul de oxigen (sonda lambda)
Functionarea sondei lambda

 Amestec bogat  λ < 1  Oxigen foarte putin  U >>

 Amestec sarac  λ >1  Oxigen tot mai mult  U <<
Semnalul sondei lambda
Semnalul generat de sonda lambda in
functie de dozaj
Influenta dozajului asupra eficientei catalizatorului
si controlul in bucla inchisa al amestecului
Semnalul celor doua sonde lambda,
pentru catalizator OK si NotOK (KO)
Semnalul celor doua sonde lambda,
montate inainte si dupa catalizator
Incalzirea motorului si a sondei lambda

sonda lambda

Curent prin
de incalzire
Traductorul inductiv de turatie si pozitie
Montarea traductorului de turatie
Generarea semnalului

e = - dФ/dt
Semnalul traductorului de turatie si pozitie
1 rot …………….. 90 ms
n rot …………….. 60.000 ms

n = 60.000/ 90 = 666.66 rot/min

T = 90 ms
1 min. = 60 s = 60.000 ms

a. La pornire e = - dФ/dt b. La mers incet in gol

Semnal atenuat / defect
Semnal de la traductorul de turatie si pozitie
de tip Hall
Efectul Hall
Aplicatii ale efectului Hall
Traductor Hall pentru reglarea aprinderii
Comparatie intre semnale
Comparatie intre semnale
Traductorul de pozitie
al arborelui cu came
(senzor de faza)
Semnal diferential traductor Hall
Comparatie intre semnalele traductoarelor de
pozitie de tip Hall si de tip inductiv
Identificarea cilindrilor motorului cu ajutorul
senzorului de faza de tip Hall

identificare 2 1 3 4

Cilindrii cu numar mic (1 si 2) – semnal ingust

Ordinea de aprindere: 1 – 3 – 4 – 2
Cilindrii cu numar mare (3 si 4) - semnal lat
Controlul aprinderii
Controlul aprinderii
Traductorul de detonatie piezoelectric
Amplasare senzor de detonatie
Semnalul traductorului de detonatie

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