Determinants of Bank Selection in Delhi: A Factor Analysis by Sajeevan Rao R.K. Sharma
Determinants of Bank Selection in Delhi: A Factor Analysis by Sajeevan Rao R.K. Sharma
Determinants of Bank Selection in Delhi: A Factor Analysis by Sajeevan Rao R.K. Sharma
Sajeevan Rao
R.K. Sharma
Presentation by:
Abhishek Prasoon: 04/2009
Nima Wangmu Megeji: 32/2009
Ruchi Sood: 56/2009
History of Bank:
Growth was very slow
Periodic failure between 1938-40
Nearly 1100 banks(mostly small)
Streamline the functioning and activities of commercial banks,
Government of India came up with
Banking Companies Act(1949)
Banking Regulation Act(as per Act No.23 of 1965)
Reserve Bank of India vested powers as Central Banking
Trust factor: Less in Banking sector as compared to Postal
Deposit mobilization slow
After Independence
Imperial Bank of India nationalized
1960 SBI was nationalized
1969 Nationalization of 14 major commercial
1980: Second Nationalisation of 7 more Banks
1991: Liberalization of Banking practices
Flooded with foreign banks and ATM’s
To identify various factors that affect at he choice of
customer in choosing a bank
S. No. Attributes / Variables S. No. Attributes / Variables
1 Loan Facility 14 Bank Charges
Courtesy and Friendliness of the
2 Employees 15 Security Arrangements in the Bank
3 Debit Card Facility 16 Location of the Bank
4 ATM Facility 17 Brand of the Bank
5 Parking Facility 18 Centralisation of Accounts
6 Speed in Services 19 Over-Draft Facility
7 Internet Facility 20 Locker Facility
8 Rate of Interest 21 Demat Account
9 Bank Timings 22 Loyalty Programmes
10 Convenient Display of Counters 23 Referral from Friends and Family
11 Free Delivery of Over-Draft 24 Continous flow of Information
12 Minimum Account Balance 25 Simple Application for all Accounts
13 Phone Banking
Literature Review
Erdener Kaynak & Talha D.Harcar(2005) revealed
that banks were evaluated positively by customers in
areas like Extra services offered by bank, image of bank
and convenience of bank.
James F Devlin & Philip Gerrord(2004) presented
trend analysis in respect to retail bank selection,
incentives offered, the increase in influence of
recommendations, other factors like wide product range
Importance of Economic factors like interest rate paid
and fees and charges levied increased.
Locational factors such as nearness to home or
workplace have decreased significantly.
Factors like Bank’s image and reputation and
expectations about level of service remained constant.
Ron Shevlin & Catherine Graeber(2001)
Explored factors and pointed out ATM being
the primary reason
Also Branch visit and referral from friends
and relatives were prevalent sources in
Mohammed Almossawi(2001) studied that
college students bank selection was Bank’s
reputation, availability of parking space,
friendliness of bank personnel, availability
and location of ATM’s.
HU Phuong Ta, Kar Yir Har(2000) indicated that for undergraduates
pricing and product dimensions of bank services were
Burc Ulengin’s(1998) concluded that loyalty
programmes,Continous information flow from bank, offsite
ATM’s,maximum five minutes of waiting time and simple
applications for all accounts that bank offers were preferred.
Carolyn Kennington,Jeanne Hill, and Anna Rakowska(1996)
pointed out reputation price and service being the most
important variables.
Josee Bloemer,Kode Ruyter and Pascel Peter (1998) studied
image ,perceived service quality and satisfaction to be important
for loyalty in retail banking.
Laroche,Rosenblatt and Manning (1986) studied demographic
factors like location convinience,speed of service, competence
and friendliness of bank employees.
Meidan(1976) revealed that 90% of respondents found convenience
in terms of location to be an important factor.
Primary Data collection from 2 nationalized and 2
private bank using questionnaire.
100 Respondents from 2Nationalized banks (State
Bank of India, Punjab National Bank) and 2 private
Banks(ICICI and Standard Chartered Bank)
Non Probabilistic Convenience Sampling
1. Respondents happen to be in the right place at
the right time
2. Used in exploratory studies for generating ideas
QuantitativeData Analyzed by using Factorial
Analysis with SPSS Software 10.1 version
Data was for the period February to April
Demographic characteristics of respondents:
◦ 51% Student
◦ 36% Service class
◦ 13% Remaining
- 52% Male
- 48% Female
Major Concepts: Factor Analysis
Data Reduction Statistical technique
FA is a collection of methods used to examine how
underlying constructs influence the responses on a
number of measured variables.
2 Types: 1. Exploratory FA
2. Confirmatory FA
S.No. Attributes / Variables Extractio
Initial n
1 Loan Facility 1.00 0.669
2 Courtesy and Friendliness of the Employees 1.00 0.771
3 Debit Card Facility 1.00 0.757
4 ATM Facility 1.00 0.747
5 Parking Facility 1.00 0.476
6 Speed in Services 1.00 0.719
7 Internet Facility 1.00 0.698
8 Rate of Interest 1.00 0.746
9 Bank Timings 1.00 0.636
10 Convenient Display of Counters 1.00 0.689
11 Free Delivery of Over-Draft 1.00 0.781
12 Minimum Account Balance 1.00 0.697
13 Phone Banking 1.00 0.851
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
. Attributes / Variables
Initial Extraction
14 Bank Charges 1.00 0.726
15 Security Arrangements in the Bank 1.00 0.607
16 Location of the Bank 1.00 0.709
17 Brand of the Bank 1.00 0.674
18 Centralisation of Accounts 1.00 0.682
19 Over-Draft Facility 1.00 0.556
20 Locker Facility 1.00 0.683
21 Demat Account 1.00 0.725
22 Loyalty Programmes 1.00 0.568
23 Referral from Friends and Family 1.00 0.537
24 Continous flow of Information 1.00 0.692
25 Simple Application for all Accounts 1.00 0.809
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
Total Varience Explained
Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Sqaured
Initial Eigen values Loadings Loadings
Compo Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative
nent Total % Variance % Total % Variance % Total % Variance %
1 5.289 21.157 21.157 5.289 21.157 21.157 3.130 12.522 12.522
2 2.683 10.733 31.890 2.683 10.733 31.890 2.386 9.545 22.066
3 2.231 8.923 40.812 2.231 8.923 40.812 2.382 9.529 31.595
4 1.757 7.027 47.839 1.757 7.027 47.839 2.324 9.296 40.891
5 1.518 6.070 53.909 1.518 6.070 53.909 1.904 7.615 48.506
6 1.345 5.379 59.289 1.345 5.379 59.289 1.858 7.434 55.939
7 1.242 4.968 64.256 1.242 4.698 64.256 1.728 6.911 62.85
8 1.142 4.568 68.824 1.142 4.568 68.824 1.494 5.974 68.824
9 0.970 3.880 72.705
10 0.866 3.463 76.168
11 0.840 3.362 79.530
12 0.732 2.927 82.457
13 0.656 2.623 85.080
14 0.598 2.393 87.472
15 0.529 2.115 89.587
16 0.511 2.042 91.629
17 0.466 1.864 93.493
18 0.349 1.397 94.891
19 0.303 1.211 96.102
20 0.235 0.939 97.042
21 0.233 0.933 97.975
22 0.163 0.651 98.626
23 0.142 0.570 99.196
24 0.114 0.455 99.652
25 8.71E-02 0.348 100.000
Rotated Component Matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Loan Facility 0.145 5.02E-02 0.284 0.175 0.153 7.09E-02 -0.117 0.702
Courtesy and Friendliness
of the Employees 0.787 8.55E-02 0.214 0.236 9.62E-02 -0.104 -0.142 4.904E-02
Debit Card Facility 4.55E-02 7.47E-02 9.53E-02 0.818 7.27E-03 0.264 -2.85E-02 8.93E-03
ATM facility 0.131 1.49E-02 -0.0111 0.796 0.158 -8.19E-02 0.209 9.44E-02
Parking Facility 8.62E+01 0.314 0.211 0.468 -3.31E-03 -0.278 -3.59E-02 -0.169
Speed in Services 0.712 0.338 6.16E-02 -0.171 8.07E-02 8.16E-02 0.206 9.37E-02
Internet Facility 0.175 0.654 0.306 -1.52E-02 8.59E-02 0.31 5.17E-02 0.2
Rate of Interest 0.694 0.263 0.183 -0.232 6.12E-02 0.284 1.33E-02 -0.153
Bank Timings 0.559 2.99E-02 0.153 0.212 0.428 7.42E-02 -0.121 0.227
Convenient Display of
Counters 0.716 0.164 5.99E-02 -2.54E-03 0.259 -1.77E-02 7.43E-02 -0.271
Free Delivery of Over-Draft 0.207 0.819 1.32E-02 -7.13E-02 0.177 7.88E-02 4.02E-02 -0.152
Phone Banking 0.253 0.804 0.308 0.132 6.70E-02 9.29E-02 -5.53E-02 0.109
Rotated Component Matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Minimum Account Balance 1.91E-01 0.175 0.426 0.116 5.19E-04 0.415 0.508 -7.08E-02
Bank Charges 0.108 9.62E-02 0.122 1.39E-02 8.97E-02 0.816 0.121 3.40E-02
Over-Draft Facility 8.05E-02 0.183 0.155 0.29 0.525 0.31 -0.108 -0.156
Location of the Bank 0.377 0.297 0.447 0.327 0.169 0.223 0.296 7.90E-02
Brand of the Bank 8.34E-02 0.121 -3.06E-02 8.48E-02 4.81E-02 0.235 0.761 -9.12E-02
Centralisation of Accounts -0.13 0.127 0.103 7.90E-02 -3.60E-02 -0.265 0.703 0.257
Security Arrangements in the
Bank -0.161 7.43E-02 -3.41E-02 -0.116 0.126 -3.40E-02 0.158 0.72
Locker Facility -5.52E-02 6.15E-02 0.809 -3.20E-02 5.50E-02 -1.03E-02 -2.96E-02 0.128
Demat Account -2.39E-02 5.75E-02 0.75 0.29 0.156 0.199 0.106 1.20E-02
Referral from Friends and Family 0.163 2.90E-02 0.262 0.476 0.215 0.393 0.211 5.48E-03
Loyalty Programmes -6.90E-02 0.184 0.408 7.28E-02 0.462 0.3 -0.143 5.12E-02
Continous flow of Information 3.87E-01 0.269 0.189 0.129 0.537 0.214 7.42E-02 0.28
Simple Application for all
Accounts 0.287 6.18E-02 0.126 -5.89E-03 0.797 0.209 0.159 -4.44E-02
Factor 1: Customization (21.15%)
Speed of Services : 0.712
Convenient Display of Counters: 0.716
Continuous Flow of Information :0.787
Rate of Interest: 0.0694
More of student and service class respondents
as compared to business class respondents.
So if more of business class respondents are
there then the results might differ.
Thank You!