Male Reproductive
Male Reproductive
Male Reproductive
Functions :-
Spermatogenesis:- Production of sperm
Secretion of hormones i.e Testosterone
• The epididymis is a tube that connects a testicle to a vas deferens in the
male reproductive system. It is present in all male reptiles, birds, and
mammals. This is the comma shaped structure. It is a single, narrow,
tightly-coiled tube (in adult humans, six to seven feet in length
connecting the efferent ducts from the rear of each testicle to its vas
• The convoluted tubule is lined with pseudo-stratified columnar
epithelium. The epithelium cells have long cellular processes on their
surface through which cellular secretion enter the lumen of the duct.
• The secretion contains hormones, enzymes and nutrition, which is
important for maturation of spermatozoa. The duct is surrounded by a
circular layer of smooth muscle fibers which contract to aid the
passage of spermatozoa along the duct.
• The head :-The head of the epididymis
receives spermatozoa via the efferent ducts of
the mediastinium of the testis. It is
characterized histologically by a thin
myoepithelium. The concentration of the
sperm here is dilute.
• The body
• The tail :-This has a thicker myoepithelium
than the head region, as it is involved in
absorbing fluid to make the sperm more
• Role in storage of sperm and ejaculant :-
Transport and store (To some extent) the
sperm , where due to aging they become
mature , motile and fertile.
• The duration of stay of the sperm in
epididymis varies from 18 hours to 10 days.
E) Vas deferens
• The vas deferens also called ductus deferens is
part of the male reproductive system of many
vertebrates; these vas transport sperm from the
epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts in anticipation
of ejaculation. And it is passes backward to the
base of bladder .
• There are two ducts, connecting the left and right
epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts in order to
move sperm.
• Each tube is about 30- 45 centimeters (1 ft) long
(in humans), 3 to 5 mm in diameter and 1mm
• Vas deference is cord like structure and it is
composed of:-
• Outer fibro muscular (surrounded by smooth
• Middle muscle layers :- Outer longitudinal
and inner circular
• Sub mucosal layer and
• Mucous membrane lined with columnar non
ciliated secretory epithelium
• Blood supply
The vas deferens is supplied by an
accompanying artery (artery of vas deferens).
This artery normally arises from the superior
(sometimes inferior) vesical artery, a branch of
the internal iliac artery.
During ejaculation, the smooth muscle in the
walls of the vas deferens contracts reflexively,
thus propelling the sperm forward. This is also
known as peristalsis. The sperm is transferred
from the vas deferens into the urethra,
collecting secretions from the male accessory
sex glands such as the seminal vesicles,
prostate gland and the bulbourethral glands,
which form the bulk of semen.
The vas deference transport mature sperm to the
F) Spermatic cords
• The spermatic cord is the cord-like structure in males
formed by the vas deferens (ductus deferens) and
surrounding tissue that runs from the deep inguinal ring
down to each testicle.
• There are two spermatic cords ,one from each testis.
• Each spermatic cord is composed of the following
1. Arteries: Testicular artery(It is a branch of the
abdominal aorta and arises from it just below the renal
arteries), deferential artery, cremasteric artery
2. The testicular vein passes upward through the pelvic
3. Lymphatic vessels
4. Vas deferens (ductus deferens), passes upwards from the
testes through the inguinal canal and ascends medially
towards the posterior wall of the bladder where it is
joined by the duct from the seminal vesicle to form the
ejaculatory duct.
5. Nerves:- nerve to cremaster (genital branch of the
genitofemoral nerve), testicular nerves (sympathetic
nerves) and the ilio-inguinal nerve- Ilio-inguinal nerve
not inside spermatic cord, but runs along the outside.
The spermatic cord suspends the testes in the scrotum. It
is composed of a thin sheet of fibrous tissue which
covers an inner layer of muscles tissue , Fine connective
tissue surrounded the blood vessels nerves and ductus