The document discusses the history and capabilities of Honda's humanoid robot ASIMO. It describes how ASIMO was created by Honda Motor Company in 1986 and has undergone significant improvements, reducing in size from over six feet tall to four feet. ASIMO can now walk steadily, climb inclines, and perform tasks like using a computer or turning doorknobs. The document outlines ASIMO's current abilities like facial recognition, environmental awareness, and natural human-like motion achieved through its degrees of freedom in joints. Finally, it addresses both the benefits and concerns of humanoid robots.
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The document discusses the history and capabilities of Honda's humanoid robot ASIMO. It describes how ASIMO was created by Honda Motor Company in 1986 and has undergone significant improvements, reducing in size from over six feet tall to four feet. ASIMO can now walk steadily, climb inclines, and perform tasks like using a computer or turning doorknobs. The document outlines ASIMO's current abilities like facial recognition, environmental awareness, and natural human-like motion achieved through its degrees of freedom in joints. Finally, it addresses both the benefits and concerns of humanoid robots.
The document discusses the history and capabilities of Honda's humanoid robot ASIMO. It describes how ASIMO was created by Honda Motor Company in 1986 and has undergone significant improvements, reducing in size from over six feet tall to four feet. ASIMO can now walk steadily, climb inclines, and perform tasks like using a computer or turning doorknobs. The document outlines ASIMO's current abilities like facial recognition, environmental awareness, and natural human-like motion achieved through its degrees of freedom in joints. Finally, it addresses both the benefits and concerns of humanoid robots.
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The document discusses the history and capabilities of Honda's humanoid robot ASIMO. It describes how ASIMO was created by Honda Motor Company in 1986 and has undergone significant improvements, reducing in size from over six feet tall to four feet. ASIMO can now walk steadily, climb inclines, and perform tasks like using a computer or turning doorknobs. The document outlines ASIMO's current abilities like facial recognition, environmental awareness, and natural human-like motion achieved through its degrees of freedom in joints. Finally, it addresses both the benefits and concerns of humanoid robots.
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Seminar on Honda ASIMO
Brief History of the Robot
Created by Honda Motor Company in 1986 ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) Started off at over six feet tall and often feel down The company was getting frustrated with the project and almost gave up hope History continued 1991 the ASIMO robot was now able to steadily walk It also developed the ability to walk on an incline By 1997 the robot was reduced in size to 4 feet This feature enabled the robot to do activities that humans could do such as sit at a computer, turn on a light switch, and turn doorknobs ASIMO today In 2000 the robot was introduced to the world
2005 Honda embedded a
IC communication card that enabled the robot to communicate with people ASIMO capabilities Recognition of moving objects Recognition of posture and gesture Environmental recognition Distinguishing sounds Facial Recognition ASIMO’s motion-walk like human Robots have joints that researchers refer to as "degrees of freedom." There are three degrees of freedom in ASIMO's neck, seven on each arm and six on each leg. ASIMO capabilities in detail The robot can follow and greet a person Can recognize when a handshake is offered and wave in back to someone Can distinguish objects and terrain in its environment Distinguish between voices and other sounds Identify 10 different faces and once they are registered they can respond to them by name Humanoid features Self maintenance (self recharging) Autonomous learning Avoiding harmful situations to society and people. Safe interactions with the environment and human beings. ASIMO Website Pros Cons It can do tedious chores that People fear that robot will take up a lot of time take over their job Help the elderly and disabled Less personal communication Can perform certain tasks that are dangerous to humans Fear that robots will take over human activity Productivity can increase Future Inspiring young scientist
Complete the ASIMO so it can
be an extra set of hands, ears, eyes for humans
Make it more affordable than
its one million price currently Conclusion In my opinion the ASIMO robot is an amazing technological advancement This will allow people allocate their time in a more productive manner The ASIMO robot will provide a number of positive contributions to human beings Thank you Reference Page "ASIMO." Wilipedia, the free encyclopedia. 13 Nov. 2008 <>.
"Honda- The Power of Dreams." 2008. American Honda Motor Company. 15
Obringer, Lee A., and Jonathan Strickland. "How ASIMO works." How Stuff Works. 30 Oct. 2008. 12 Nov. 2008 <http:/>.