The Scientific Research: Abdulla Salem Bin Ghouth
The Scientific Research: Abdulla Salem Bin Ghouth
The Scientific Research: Abdulla Salem Bin Ghouth
1. Relevance:
The topic you choose should be a priority problem. Questions to be asked include: How large or widespread is the problem? Who is affected? How severe is the problem?
2. Avoidance of duplication:
If the topic has been researched, the results should be reviewed to explore whether major questions that deserve further investigation remain unanswered. If not, another topic should be chosen.
B. Literature review
Why is it important to review already available information when preparing for a research?
1. It prevents you from duplicating work that has been done before.
2. It helps you to find out what others have learned and reported on the problem you want to study. This may assist you in refining your statement of the problem.
3. It helps you to become more familiar with the various research methods that might be used in your study.
4. It should provide you with convincing arguments for why your particular research project is needed.
C. Development of a research proposal
I. Title of the research
II. Introduction: Background information and
Statement of the research problem
(Scientific justification for the study)
III. Research objectives
IV. Research hypothesis
V. Methodology
VI.Work plan
VII. Plan for utilization and dissemination of
research results
VIII. References
C. Development of a research proposal Contents
I. Title of the research
A good title should be adequately describe the contents of the
research in the fewest possible words.
The ability to develop a good research topic is an important skill.
When deciding on a topic, there are a few things that you will need
to do:
- Brainstorm for ideas
- Choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the
- Ensure that the topic is manageable and that material is available
- Make a list of key words
- Be flexible
- Define your topic as a focused research question
- Research and read more about your topic
- Formulate a thesis statement
C. Development of a research proposal
II. Introduction: Background information and
Statement of the research problem (Scientific
justification for the study)
Introduction as an inverted triangle: moving from very general
to very specific:
Previous research
Key references
?What is the function of the Introduction section
1- what is the level of knowledge toward COVID-19 among
University students?
2- what is the attitudes toward COVID-19 among University
1- To assess the level of knowledge toward COVID-19 among
University students
2- to recognize the attitudes toward COVID-19 among University
Research objectives
Research objectives outline the specific steps that you will
take to achieve your research aim. Objectives define the
what, why, who, when and how questions.
a. Cross-sectional
a. Case study or case a. Randomized
comparative studies
serial controlled (clinical) trial
b. Case –control study b. Field trials
b. Cross-sectional study
c. Community trials
c. Ecological studies c. Cohort study