Coverage Optimization: 秘密 Proprietary Confidential▲
Coverage Optimization: 秘密 Proprietary Confidential▲
Coverage Optimization: 秘密 Proprietary Confidential▲
Coverage Optimization
秘密 Proprietary Confidential▲
RF optimization process
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RF optimization target
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The data here is used for initial network optimization. The value i
s for receiver test if no special statement
here is the reference index, for different projects, specific targets
and indicators of value trade-offs depend on the contract
秘密 Proprietary Confidential▲
Weak coverage
Such problems are usually the following response:
1. can enhance the pilot power, adjust the antenna orientation and the lower angl
e, increasing the antenna hung high, the replacement of higher-gain antennas
and other methods to optimize coverage.
2. For the adjacent part of the base station within the coverage area does not ove
rlap or not overlap the user some more large, should be the new base station,
or to increase the coverage of the surrounding base stations, so that increasin
g the depth of the two overlapping base station coverage, guaranteed The size
of the soft handovering region, while the coverage increases and then pay atte
ntion to the potential interference with adjacent channel.
3. For the canyons, hillsides, etc., causing the back of a weak base station cover
age area can be added or RRU, the extension of coverage; for the elevator sh
aft, tunnel, underground garage or basement, tall buildings can take advantage
of the internal signals blind RRU, indoor distribution System, leakage cable, dir
ectional antennas and other programs to solve.
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Trans-Regional Coverage
the trans-regional coverage usually refers to the coverage of so
me base stations exceeds the planned scope. Such problems ar
e usually the following solution:
1. reduce the power of cross-district coverage area;
2. reduce the antenna down tilt;
3. adjusting the antenna angle;
4. reduce the antenna height;
5. Replace the antenna. Use small-gain antenna. Mechanical dow
ntilt antenna replaced by electronic downtilt antenna. Lobe widt
h is narrower beam antenna replacement antenna lobe;
6. If the site is too high causing more area coverage, is invalid in t
he case of other means, you can consider adjusting the networ
k topology, the relocation site is too high.
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No dominant cell
Such an area is no dominant or leading cell, replace cell too ofte
n. This will result in frequent handover, which reduces system eff
iciency, increasing the likelihood of dropped calls.
Area for lead-free areas should be under the antenna by adjusti
ng the angle of inclination and direction of the other methods, an
d enhance a strong signal area (or close-quarters) of coverage,
weaken the other weak signal area (or remote area) coverage.
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Interference Analysis
1. Downlink interference analysis
Scanner DT test by analyzing the received SINR to target.
If RSRP good coverage SINR falls below a certain threshold, but
there may be downward interference. Deterioration of regional id
entity out of the SINR, check the deterioration of the region dow
nstream RSRP coverage. If the difference is down RSRP covera
ge also identified as coverage issues, coverage issues in the an
alysis to be addressed. SINR for the RSRP good and bad situati
on recognized as the downlink interference problems because o
f interference and to resolve them.
2. Uplink interference
Uplink interference problem judges by checking noise floor of sit
e. If the noise floor of a cell is too high, and there is no equivalen
t high-traffic is present, confirm the presence of uplink interferen
ce problems, analysis interference and resolve.
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Analysis of handover
Neighbor list optimization focus on neighbor list missing. Neighb
or list missing will lead to dropped calls. Through the drive test d
ata analysis software and statistical analysis, for each district to
provide neighbor list added, deleted, reservations recommended
By adjusting azimuth and downtilt of the antenna, we change po
sition of handover area and signal distribution. If the handover ar
ea is too small, can solved by reducing downtilt or adjust the azi
muth. If you handover zone signal changes too frequently, appro
priate azimuth and downtilt adjustments could be considered to
ensure a smooth change of a single cell.
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0 1 5/4
1 4/5 1
2 3/5 3/4
3 2/5 1/2
秘密 Proprietary Confidential▲
Within the OFDM in the presence of RS, and does not contain withi
n the OFDM symbol, respectively, the following equation holds.
PA and P is,
( dBm )
(dB) Type B
Type A