9.1 Simple Linear Regression Analysis

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1 Simple Linear Regression Analysis

Regression is concerned with bringing out the nature
of relationship and using it to know the best
approximate value of one variable corresponding to a
known value of other variable.
Simple linear regression deals with method of fitting a
straight line (regression line) on a sample of data of
two variables in terms of equation so that if the value
of one variable is given we can predict the value of the
other variable.
In other words if we have two variables under study
one may represent the cause and the other may
represent the effect. The variable representing the
cause is known as independent (predictor or
repressor) variable and it is usually denoted by X. The
variable representing the effect is known as
dependent (predicted) variable and is usually denoted
by Y.
The simple linear regression of Y on X in the
population is given by:
  Y =  + X + ε
Where,  = y-intercept
 = slope of the line or regression coefficient
ε=is the error term
The y-intercept  and the regression coefficient  are
the population parameters. We obtain the estimates
of  and  from the sample. The estimators of  and 
are denoted by a and b, respectively. The fitted
regression line is thus,
  Ye = a + b X
 The difference between the observed and the expected
values Y-Ye, is known as error or residual, and is denoted
by e.
 A best fitting line is one for which the sum of squares of
the residuals,∑e2 , is minimum. For this purpose the
principle called the method of least squares is used.
 According to the principle of least squares, one would
select a and b such that
∑e2 = (Y- Ye) ² is minimum
 To minimize this function, first we take the partial
derivatives of ∑e2 with respect to a and b.
 Regression analysis is useful in predicting the value of one
variable from the given values of another variable.
The measure of the degree of relationship between
two continuous variables is known as correlation

The population correlation coefficient is represented

by  and its estimator by r.

r is given as the ratio of the covariance of the variables

x and y to the product of the standard deviations of x
and y. Symbolically,
The correlation coefficient is always between –1 and +1,
i.e. -1<=r<=1
r = +1 indicates a perfect positive linear relationship
between X and Y.
r = -1 indicates a perfect negative linear relationship
between X and Y.
r = 0 implies there is no linear relationship between
the two variables X and Y.
as r approaches -1 indicates strong relationship
(positive or negative ) between the two variables
as r approaches 0 indicates weak relationship
(positive or negative) b/n the two variables
Trace metals in drinking water affect the flavor of the
water, and unusually high concentration can pose a
health hazard. The following table shows trace-metal
concentrations (zinc, in mg/L) for both surface water
and bottom water at six different river locations. Our
aim is to see if surface water concentration (x) is
predictive of bottom water concentration (y).

Location 1 2 3 4 5 6

Bottom 0.43 0.27 0.58 0.53 0.71 0.72

Surface 0.42 0.24 0.39 0.41 0.61 0.61

a) Estimate the regression parameters, fit the
regression line and interpret the coefficients.

b) Estimate the bottom water concentration for

location with a surface water concentration of
0.5 mg/L.
c) Calculate the correlation coefficient and
coefficient of determination and provide your

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