This document provides an overview of issues management challenges faced by McDonald's regarding concerns over the health impacts of its food. McDonald's has faced criticism from health organizations, activists, and media reports since the 1990s linking its high-fat, high-calorie fast food to obesity and related health problems. Key events forcing McDonald's to respond include a lawsuit over allegedly libelous statements in 1994, a lawsuit by obese teenagers in 2002, and the books and films Fast Food Nation in 2001 and Super Size Me in 2004. McDonald's public responses have largely been confrontational rather than collaborative, through marketing campaigns promoting balanced lifestyles but denying health concerns and not always following through on promised actions. The timeline shows McDonald's could have benefited
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An Arthur Page Society Case Study in Issues Management
This document provides an overview of issues management challenges faced by McDonald's regarding concerns over the health impacts of its food. McDonald's has faced criticism from health organizations, activists, and media reports since the 1990s linking its high-fat, high-calorie fast food to obesity and related health problems. Key events forcing McDonald's to respond include a lawsuit over allegedly libelous statements in 1994, a lawsuit by obese teenagers in 2002, and the books and films Fast Food Nation in 2001 and Super Size Me in 2004. McDonald's public responses have largely been confrontational rather than collaborative, through marketing campaigns promoting balanced lifestyles but denying health concerns and not always following through on promised actions. The timeline shows McDonald's could have benefited
This document provides an overview of issues management challenges faced by McDonald's regarding concerns over the health impacts of its food. McDonald's has faced criticism from health organizations, activists, and media reports since the 1990s linking its high-fat, high-calorie fast food to obesity and related health problems. Key events forcing McDonald's to respond include a lawsuit over allegedly libelous statements in 1994, a lawsuit by obese teenagers in 2002, and the books and films Fast Food Nation in 2001 and Super Size Me in 2004. McDonald's public responses have largely been confrontational rather than collaborative, through marketing campaigns promoting balanced lifestyles but denying health concerns and not always following through on promised actions. The timeline shows McDonald's could have benefited
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An Arthur Page Society Case Study in Issues Management
This document provides an overview of issues management challenges faced by McDonald's regarding concerns over the health impacts of its food. McDonald's has faced criticism from health organizations, activists, and media reports since the 1990s linking its high-fat, high-calorie fast food to obesity and related health problems. Key events forcing McDonald's to respond include a lawsuit over allegedly libelous statements in 1994, a lawsuit by obese teenagers in 2002, and the books and films Fast Food Nation in 2001 and Super Size Me in 2004. McDonald's public responses have largely been confrontational rather than collaborative, through marketing campaigns promoting balanced lifestyles but denying health concerns and not always following through on promised actions. The timeline shows McDonald's could have benefited
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An Arthur Page Society case study in
issues management
= a esity is a pervasive pro em in America, and as peope increasingy ecome overweight, their heath suffers = 64% of a Americans overweight and 30% are o ese; the percentage of chidren age 6 to 19 that are overweight has dou ed in the ast two decades = Heath risks: heart disease, Type II dia etes, high choestero, high ood pressure
| = The nutritiona content of fast food--high in fat, sugar, and caories--is inked to weight gain and consequent heath pro ems. McDonad¶s ears the runt of criticism ecause: = McDonad¶s is a powerfu mutinationa corporation and the fast food industry eader = McD¶s has more than 31,000 restaurants in 119 countries = McD¶s feeds more than 46 miion customers per day = McD¶s empoys more than 1.5 miion peope
= There are organizations, associations, government agencies, consumer groups, activists, oggers, etc. critica of McDonad¶s on the issue of heath and nutrition = This case study focuses on major attacks occurring from 1994 to 2006 | = McDonad¶s sued two protestors for aegedy i eous statements made in a pamphet, ³What¶s Wrong with McDonad¶s´ = PR disaster that made McDonad¶s ook ike a uy = Buit the media agenda on issues unfavora e to McDonad¶s = Appeate court rued that the defendants were justified in caiming that reguar customers of McDonad¶s did face a heightened risk of heart trou e = Pamphet ater reproduced on the Internet to massive internationa audience = Court case cost McDonad¶s over a miion doars = Court case provided the materia for a fu ength documentary reeased in 2005, | |
!""!!""# = A group of o ese teenagers who ate at McDonad¶s 3-5 times per week sued McDonad¶s for causing their weight pro ems. They aeged that: = McDonad¶s advertising and promotiona representations create a fase impression that its food products are part of a heathy ifestye = McDonad¶s said it woud have nutritiona information avaia e to customers ut it wasn¶t
= The court rued in favor of McDonad¶s ut the resuting press
coverage put the issue once again in the forefront. This case was what gave Spurock the idea for ë ë|.
= 2002 first time McDonad¶s posted a quarter oss in its history.
!""$ !""% = A ook highy critica of the fast food industry = !
est seer = Aersion directed to chidren 11-15 years od,
pu ished in 2006 = ! reeased as a movie in Novem er, 2006 = Movie tag ine: The Truth is Hard to Swaow ë ë $ !"" = ³ane man¶s journey into the word of weight gain, heath pro ems, and fast food.´ = Morgan Spurock¶s documentary account of his persona experience over a 30-day period of eating nothing ut McDonad¶s food. He gained 25 pounds and suffered physica aiments. = Spurock caed for eiminating super size option and providing nutritiona information. = Educationa versions for midde and high schoo students now avaia e. & '
= Corporations must work to sove pro ems when confronted y peope and organizations that may e against what the corporation says, offers, or does = Corporations must strive to repair reationships with externa pu ics and enhance its corporate reputation McDonad¶s must adopt strategic communication responses to those who disapprove of what they see as McDonad¶s roe in promoting o esity and heath pro ems. '
= Acquiescence = Stop doing what is othering critics = Negotiation (Two-way) = Work coa orativey for consensus and compromise = Confrontation (ane-way) = Discredit the opposition = Argue your side = Take ega action | ' * + = ane-way, asymmetrica communication = McD¶s has avoided diaogica, or two-way, communication with critics. = McD¶s decined invitation to appear with Schosser on NBC¶s Today Show and instead sent a statement of facts and tod them to visit the we site. = Denia of any concern or compromise with critics = McD¶s insists it did nothing in response to the fim ë ë | and has stated it had no need to pan proactivey for the reease of the fim ! . = Main message is one-way: ³More aggressive in teing our side of the story´ = Denia of investigative reports Ë
,-) = ³We don¶t se nutrition and peope don¶t come to McDonad¶s for nutrition. Rather than fight a defensive war of attrition y responding to constant nutrition attacks, et¶s not even dea with it.´ (1986, PR executive handing McD account) = ³We have media days and fact sheets that are avaia e through our we site, as we as patforms that wi afford us any opportunity to tak a out what¶s important to McDonad¶s. We cannot e overy concerned a out anyone ese.´ (2006, Wat Riker, McDonad¶s AP of Corporate Communication and Media Reations, regarding the reease of the movie Fast Food Nation)
. '/ &)
= McDonad¶s promised in 2002 to change its trans fat cooking oi to a heathier aternative. = Customers¶ compaints ed McDonad¶s to cance that action = Legisation has een proposed in 2006 to an trans fat cooking ois in restaurants = ather fast food chains have vountariy instituted the change (Questions for discussion next side) Ë
= How can the impact of changing the taste of their French fries e weighed against the heath harms of trans fat cooking oi = How is credi iity affected y promising actions ut not deivering on them = Are there occasions when a company may take a hit on an immediate action in order to uid etter reationships for the future | ' * 0 = Corporate socia responsi iity og = Contains section ³Engaging in the Go a a esity Diaogue´ = Aows feed ack and discussion = The aanced, active ifestyes initiative = Adding more menu choice = Providing nutrition education = Supporting physica activity = Theme: ³It¶s what I eat and what I do«I¶m ovin¶ it´ |1
= Menu choice: premium saads, otted water, ow fat/skim mik, white meat chicken = Go Active! Happy Meas for aduts = Waking program and free pedometers = Get Moving with Ronad McDonad and McMunchright = Cee rity rand am assadors = Nutritiona a eing on products (in most restaurants within one year period) = Coa oration with Scripps Research Institute for fighting chidhood o esity and Type 2 dia etes = U iquitous advertising campaign emphasizing physica activity ) = By 1986 Aware of Issue = 1994 McLi e ± McDonad¶s food can e harmfu to heath = 2001 ! = 2002-2003 McLawsuit± Need for nutritiona information; food harmfu to heath = McD¶s posts first quarter oss in corporate history = Per share stock price pumments = McD¶s promises to repace trans fat oi = McD¶s introduces heathy options in 2003 = 2004 ë ë| ± Shoud cance super size option, need for nutritiona information = McD¶s cances super size option = McD¶s introduces Baanced, Active Lifestyes initiative = 2006 FDA introduces proposa an trans fat oi in restaurants = 2006 ! , the movie and
, chidren¶s ook = McD¶s starts putting nutritiona information on packaging = McD¶s sti hasn¶t repaced trans fat ois (
. |)
= Listen for threats through issue/environmenta scanning = Determine whether the issue wi affect the organization/corporation = If yes, give the issue priority in proactive, timey strategizing &
* ) = Effective issues management cas for monitoring and identifying emerging issues eary in order to pan proactivey. McDonad¶s knew of the issue for years, yet deayed taking actions unti it was defensive rather than proactive.
(Questions for discussion next side)
= With advance knowedge of the rewing issue, what proactive steps coud McDonad¶s have taken = Why is it advantageous to take action proactivey rather than defensivey & & /
= Denied ë ë| had anything to do with canceation of the super size option even though McDonad¶s withdrew the option just six weeks after ë ë| premiered = Denied any concern or need to pan proactivey for the premiere of ! = Denied investigative reports regarding an interna memo sent to franchisees to discredit Eric Schosser = Caimed to have nutritiona information avaia e for 30 years & & /
) = McDonad¶s has experienced moderate and continuous growth in saes and per share stock price 2003-2005 = However, fast food companies such as Chipote, Buffao Wid Wings, Panera Breat, Panda Express, Quiznos, Star ucks, and Jason¶s Dei are the ones reaching highest growth in the fast food industry & & / |
) = Positive: McDonad¶s has instituted severa marketing programs addressing the need for aanced, active ifestyes = Positive: McDonad¶s has expanded heathy menu choices = Negative: McDonad¶s has refused to engage in the de ate over nutrition and heath with its critics & & /
= Emphasis is paced on marketing, rather than pu ic reations = McDonad¶s needs to focus on pu ic reations reputation uiding through increased transparency and diaog & & / )3
- 3
= Top management acknowedges a one-way message strategy of emphasizing their need to ³do a etter jo of teing their story´ = Top managements¶ statements tend to project a position of power rather than a more concerned and open viewpoint & & / ') )$
$ ) = McDonad¶s has done an exceent jo of remaining cam and patient = However, McDonad¶s has not shown a sense of humor in the face of targeted criticisms = Question for discussion: What woud e the est way for McDonad¶s to maintain a sense of humor in regard to the issue of heath and nutrition
/ |
= The main question facing McDonad¶s is whether they can continue their word dominance in the fast food industry y promoting active, heathy ifestyes when their mainstay products continue to e inked to o esity and reated heath pro ems. McDonad¶s has done a auda e jo in marketing the concept of consumer choice and in esta ishing a generous corporate socia responsi iity program. However, in the U.S. at east, McDonad¶s has not reduced advertising to chidren, reformuated its trans fat cooking oi, or owered fat, sat, and/or caorie counts on its core products. Rather than diminishing, the issue of heath and nutrition continues to escaate and McDonad¶s remains a key target in 2006.
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